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Win a Sasol eBIRDS App!
Unique features incl. text decriptions of over 950 bird species in Southern Africa, user friendly navigation system, audible calls for over 630 bird species & 2800 photos for 800 species.

Rockjumper Birding Tours Birding Adventures in conjunction with Struik's Nature Club are thrilled to announce the opportunity to win one of two copies of Sasol's e-BIRDS of Southern Africa App for Ipad, Iphone and IPod Touch.

To enter simply go to


Hi all birders see my new birding website setup at : ~

~ ~ by me Simon Knott

Birds and Bird webcam or birdcam ~ digital photos and information
how to build your own bird webcam ~ you tube videos of wild birds


New Birding community 
Photos, birdcams, Stories Help advice

All welcome to Join ;-)

new bird community... all welcome to join :-)