Anyone else have experience switching between the brand name and the generic? I know the manufacturers claim they do the exact same thing, but i'm not entirely sure i believe it.
I do know that, while remaining basically stable and comparatively well-adjusted -- i became a lot more emotionally labile around the time i switched from brand name to generic. I used to be person who made people worry when i cracked a smile ("when he's happy, he looks insane," to quote a song popular when i was in high school), who was so quiet i could silence a room simply by speaking loudly enough to be heard.
Not so much, this past year or so. For the first time in a decade, i have, all at the same time, a job that is rewarding and also pays enough to live on, a pleasant home, a healthy romantic relationship, and the ability and means to keep myself and my dog fed without resorting to Dumpsters or food pantries. And yet i teared up when Obama was elected, cried right through the inauguration. When i came home from a road trip, and saw my dog and my boyfriend for the first time in five days, the tear factory started right up. I get righteously pissed about reasonable things, tell off the person i'm pissed at, and thus work right on through it: i get to let go of the rage when it's no longer useful. And i laugh (mostly without becoming hysterical) at most of the things things that don't make me yell or cry, and many of the things that do. Because if i can't find humor in myself, than what the hell good is there in anything?
And i like it this way. I'm pretty into having intense emotions that have to do with real things, not with being bugfuck insane. It's like that moment in the _Wizard of Oz_ where Dorthy goes from Kansas to Oz and the film goes from black and white to technicolor. Now, it's entirely possible that this is because i have my life more and more together, and that this makes it safe to have, acknowledge, and outwardly express emotions. Still, i find it awfully suspicious that all this started around the time my pills started looking different.
Point being, i've finally managed to successfully apply to the
GSK charity drug program (and don't get me started on programs intended to help crazy people but are damn near impossible to navigate without professional help) i'm about to go back on brand name Lamictal. And i'm worried that the world will suddenly go back to black and white, only this time, i'll know it doesn't have to be that way.