1. DO NOT disrespect other members. If there is a problem that needs to be addressed you need to contact the community maintainer. I don't care if you don't like another member. This is not a community thats based on how you feel about other people. This also means the typical stuff, don't put people down for their personal beliefs, race, sexual pref or stuff like that. Let me remind you, this community is about respect and support. Bottomline. I ask that you show maturity on your behalf. And if the other person becomes a problem then I will intervene and take action with the other person. That could be talking to them and getting their side or ultimately banning and removing them from the community! But I won't tolerate degrading another member. Thats where I will definately draw the line.
2. If you speak of a triggering subject it needs to be under an LJ CUT! This particular rule will be in place from here on out. I will give you only one warning and if this continues, I will kick you out of the community and ban you.
3. From now on, to be approved you need to provide more detail of who you are and what your about. This could be an entry just about yourself and things you like to do and etc or you can post stuff about you in your user info page like I did on mine: blkmysticalrose. To many people join and I really don't know much about them because all I see is a Friends Only sign and the reasons its Friends Only. Not enough detail for me. And with a stalker I have in real life this is now a MANDATORY REQUEST. If you can't oblige then don't bother joining this community. I will not change this rule. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS! Also because this is a support community that deals with Mental Illness this is very important to some people who rely on me to keep this community as good as it has been to weed out people who might stigamatize against us who have the unfortunate luck of being a Mental Illness suffer.
4. I will no longer allow you to promo your community in mine. If you want a promo community to get yours started then go here: community_promo. This is not to be nasty or anything. But this community did not get it's start by being promo'ed everywhere. This community got big on its own.
5. All entries need to stay very close to the subject of the community. Any off topic stuff will be immediately deleted and you warned. If you do it again, I will suspend your posting abilities. And if I have to warn you once more, you are removed and banned. I am not kidding. I don't do the whole the 3rd time is a charm thing. You get one warning. Period.
6. Remember none of us are qualified health professionals. Don't take what someone says as to be a proven. If you decide to do so, then you did so at your own risk and the person who mentioned is not held responsible.
Public Disclaimer:
These rules are subject to change with or without any warning to you. So if the rules change and you get upset then that tells me you didn't pay to much attention in the first place. You should always check the rules of any community as they are subject to change at any point in time. I always check to see if the communities I belong to have changed anything. I have made that a habit and I suggest you do too.
These rules also can change because of different circumstances to which a member of our community was involved and came to me about a situation. There can also be more rules added due to the increase of members and different problems that may come up. So far this community has been great and I only had one problem in the the almost two years this community has been here. So hey thats pretty good. But I also screen each new member and if I don't like something or I think it might be a problem then I don't allow people to join due to the needs of my members. To me thats being a good maintainer and owner of this community.
A Huge Note From Your Maintainer:
Please keep in mind I am a mother of 3 and a wife. I do have a lot in my life going on at all times. I do my best to keep up with the members of my community. But sometimes thats impossible due to my own illnesses and things going on with my own life and family. I always suggest to keep up with whats going on with me that you can friend me on my personal LJ. I have no problems with that and I will friend you back. Which is helpful to me to know whats going on with you and so if I can help you in anyway then I know what it is you need help with and how I could possibly help.
Sucide Notice:
Ever feel suicidal and just don't want to be around another day? Help is available for you.
You can call:
1 800 Suicide
These are people trained to help you more then I can.
But you can also contact me. Either by e-mail or IM or a comment on my journal. My journal is friends only. But you can leave me a message anyways and I will get it.
I will do all I can to help you. Granted I am not a professional.
If you have a support network, I suggest you call someone and let them know how your feeling.
Just remember one thing, I lost my brother to suicide 2 years ago and its a pain and heartache I never got over. I take suicide threats seriously and if I have tried to help you or someone else on here and things have failed, I suggest they contact Livejournal straight away to locate you. AND IT CAN BE DONE, MY FRIEND DID IT TO ME ONCE ON HERE. SO DON'T THINK THAT WE CAN'T GET HELP TO YOU!! and have LJ contact your local police department.
If you decide to get pissy because someone cared enough to help you, thats tough. And if you decide these people aren't worth your time, then thats on you. But you best realize someone cared enough to take time to help you. And if your going to get like that on me, I won't care. I did what needed to be done to help you. And if you hate me for it, then so be it. But I look out for my friends on the net and surely even though I don't always post on here, I follow what goes on. I am busy and have a busy life with three kids, but your safety and that of others is important to me.