Papers by vincentius siregar

Detail and accurate information on reef geomorphology structure feature as one significant factor... more Detail and accurate information on reef geomorphology structure feature as one significant factor for ecosystem based management of coastal and small islands resources. Most applications of remote sensing and GIS in coral reef studies were directed to map reef substratum and coverage of benthic habitats. The objective of this study was to analyze bathymetric dataset in order to classify reef geomorphology structure in Harapan-Kelapa Island, Kepulauan Seribu. Bathymetric data-set applied were, collated from WorldView-2 satellite and single-beam acoustic remote sensing using Mapsounder 585, examined using ArcGIS ® , Benthic Terrain Modeler (BTM) to classify seabed environment into several geomorphology classes. Stepwise calculations of broad and fine Bathymetric Position Index (BPI) were applied into each grid, surficial characteristics of the seabed were analyzed according to several sets of scale-factor, and finally structures of the seabed were classified into 13 geomorphic classes.

Pengembangan algoritma self organising map dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengelompokkan ha... more Pengembangan algoritma self organising map dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengelompokkan habitat perairan dangkal berbasis data satelit Quickbird. Data primer dikumpulkan melalui data penginderaan jauh dan survey lapang, sedangkan data sekunder dikumpulkan dari penelitian yang relevan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa klasifikasi algoritma self organising map dapat mengklaster/mengklasifikasi citra Quickbird dari berbagai kombinasi kanal. Dari berbagai kombinasi input data setelah direduksi kolom air dengan algoritma Lyzenga, Self organising map menunjukkan hasil klaster yang relatif baik. Algoritma Lyzenga dapat mengelompokkan habitat perairan dangkal 6 (enam) kelas habitat, yaitu karang mati (merah), karang hidup (hijau), lamun (orange), pasir (kuning), dan habitat campuran (hijau muda), daratan (hitam) dan perairan (biru). Setelah menggunakan self organising map secara visual terlihat 6 kelas habitat yang berbeda dari Lyzenga, yaitu karang mati (kuning), karang hidup (cya...
Procedia Environmental Sciences, 2016
Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan Dan Kelautan, Aug 15, 2014

Biotropia the Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Biology, 2013
Jakarta Bay receives direct impact from the rapid development of infrastructure and landbased ind... more Jakarta Bay receives direct impact from the rapid development of infrastructure and landbased industries which contributed to the increase in pollution and nutrient, and at the same time facing climate change. This condition influenced growth of chlorophyll-and primary production. To investigate changes of primary production in Jakarta Bay due to anthropogenic and climate change impacts, a field measurement, laboratory experiment and collection of several data sets have been conducted. The study showed that impact of anthropogenic, particularly sediment load from the land to primary production is important. The intensification of primary production occurs in the middle region of Jakarta Bay, while the chlorophyllconcentration is high in the river mouth area. The anthropogenic impact is indicated by the land use change that has increased to 73% during the last ten years. The laboratory experiments by injecting CO in the waters, as a global warming simulation, have shown a decrease in chlorophyll-and primary production. Therefore, the combination of anthropogenic and climate change may have a double impact on the Jakarta Bay ecosystem.
Procedia Environmental Sciences, 2016
Procedia Environmental Sciences, 2016
Procedia Environmental Sciences, 2016

know the coastal response to the change, and determine the important variables which have contrib... more know the coastal response to the change, and determine the important variables which have contribution to the coastal change. This paper presents a method for integrating Coastal Vulnerability Index (CVI), Multi Criteria Analysis (MCA) method and Geographic Information-System (GIS) technology to map the coastal vulnerability. The index is calculated based-on six variabels: coastal erosion, geomorphology, slope, significant wave height, sea level change and tidal range. Emphasize has been made to the methodological aspect, essentially which is linked to: (i) the use of GIS tehcnique for constructing, interpolation, filtering and resampling the data for shoreline grid, (ii) the standardization each rank of variables ( 0 – 1 ) and the use of several percentile (20%, 40%, 60%, and 80%) for each rank score, and (iii) the use of variable’s rank to map the relative (local) and standart (global) vulnerability of the coastline. The result show that for local, the index consist of four categories: very high (19.61%), high (68.63%), moderate (1,96%), and low (9.80%). Meanwhile, for global level, the index is constantly in low category.
The objective of this study was to explore the capability of high resolution satellite data of Qu... more The objective of this study was to explore the capability of high resolution satellite data of QuicBird to map the characteristics of the bottom shallow water (habitat) using the transformation method of two bands (blue and green) by implementing "depth invariant index" algorithm i.e., Y = ln Band 1 -(ki/kj) ln Band 2. The result provide more detail information on the characteristic of the bottom shallow water comparing to the used of original band (RGB). The classification of the transformed image showed 6 classes of bottom substrats i.e., Live coral, Death, Coral, Sand mix coral, Sand mix algae, and Macro algae with Sand. The accuracy test of the map derived from the classification was about 79%.
Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan Dan Kelautan, Aug 15, 2014
Jurnal Teknologi Perikanan Dan Kelautan, Nov 6, 2014
International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences, Nov 4, 2014

Ilmu Kelautan Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences, Sep 15, 2012
Salah satu kelemahan metode koreksi kolom air adalah dapat memunculkan bias dalam estimasi rasio ... more Salah satu kelemahan metode koreksi kolom air adalah dapat memunculkan bias dalam estimasi rasio koefisien attenuasi. Bias ini berkontribusi pada nilai akurasi tematik peta substrat dasar. Studi ini menggunakan pendekatan zonasi geomorfologi untuk meningkatkan akurasi tematik peta substrat yang dihasilkan dari metode koreksi kolom air. Nilai piksel citra Quickbird dikonversi ke radiansi dan dilanjutkan dengan koreksi kolom air untuk menghasilkan peta substrat dasar dengan tiga tema ekosistem, yaitu ekosistem pantai berpasir dengan substrat dominan pasir, ekosistem lamun dan terumbu karang. Data lapangan dikelompokkan menggunakan metode Bray curtis dan menjadi dasar bagi reklasifikasi. Profil geomorfologi pada citra satelit disadap dari gabungan kanal hijau dan merah, mengacu pada hasil survei batimetri. Pendekatan kombinasi ini terbukti dapat meningkatkan akurasi tematik peta substrat dasar hingga lebih dari 20%.
A digital bathymetric model may be produced after sounding point interpolated by using specific m... more A digital bathymetric model may be produced after sounding point interpolated by using specific methods. There are three common interpolation methods used recently: inverse distance to power, kringing and minimum curvature. This study apply two scenarios of ...
Pencitraan satelit pada daerah pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil, seringkali menyajikan gambaran vari... more Pencitraan satelit pada daerah pesisir dan pulau-pulau kecil, seringkali menyajikan gambaran variasi kondisi dasar perairan. Tulisan ini bertujuan mengaplikasikan citra quickbird untuk pemetaan batimetri perairan gobah Pulau Panggang, di Kepulauan ...
Papers by vincentius siregar