Open Peer Commentary calls
Open Peer Commentary calls
The purpose of the Open Peer Commentary service is to provide a concentrated constructive interaction between the author of a Target Article and commentators on a topic judged to be of broad significance to the bioethical science community. Commentaries are original text limited to 1,500 words and should provide substantive criticism, interpretation, and elaboration as well as any pertinent complementary or supplementary material, such as illustrations.

Proposals for open peer commentary are solicited about once a month for select Target Articles, which may be read and downloaded via the ScholarOne website.
To receive announcements about our OPC calls, please create an account in ScholarOne. We suggest adding ‘editor at bioethics dot net’ to your contact list so that our OPC calls don’t accidentally get filtered out as spam.
We also post information about our OPC calls on AJOB’s ScholarOne homepage and also announce them on Twitter and in our bi-weekly newsletter.
All authors interested in writing a commentary must first submit a short proposal (2-4 sentences) via the ScholarOne, uploaded as a Word file in accordance with the manuscript submission requirements. Authors of selected proposals will then have 2-3 weeks to submit their final manuscript, also uploaded as a Word file in accordance with the manuscript submission requirements. The Editors reserve the right to return proposals and approved commentaries without explanation. OPCs are reviewed internally by our editorial team.
To Submit an Open Peer Commentary Proposal
Submitting an Open Peer Commentary proposal and final commentary is done via the same system as Target Article submission. Sign in to the editorial website and select “Author Center.”
In the Author Center, under “Author Dashboard”, is the option to submit a new manuscript. In the Manuscript Central system, an Open Peer Commentary proposal is considered a manuscript. Please select ‘Open Peer Commentary’ as the manuscript type, even if you’re just submitting a proposal! Proceed to fill out the form as normal and upload your proposal as a word document.