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      MicrobiologyZoologyNew recordVeterinary Sciences
The uses of toxic substances in the animal kingdom are usually explained as adaptations to reach bigger prey—venom, or to defend from the attack of predators—poison. This is a quite simplistic explanation of the reality, which offers... more
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Se dan a conocer los resultados preliminares de la intervención paleontológica realizada durante las obras de construcción de la Autovía Orbital de Barcelona B-40, tramo Olesa de Montserrat -Viladecavalls (Cataluña, España), campañas 2008... more
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La evolución de los tiranosauroideos, uno de los grupos de dinosaurios carnívoros más ubicuo del Mesozoico, se produjo a lo largo de 100 millones de años. Tuvieron una amplia distribución geográfica y algunos de sus representantes están... more
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The exceptional fossil sites of Cerro de los Batallones (Madrid Basin, Spain) contain abundant remains of Late Miocene mammals. From these fossil assemblages, we have inferred diet, resource partitioning and habitat of three sympatric... more
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      PaleontologyResource Partitioning
La fi logenia de Rhinocerotidae (Perissodactyla) ha sido tema de debate durante años. Sin embargo, algunos taxones han sido revisados recientemente. Uno de los grupos mejor conocidos es la subtribu Elasmotheriina, un grupo especializado... more
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      PaleontologyFinite Element MethodsFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)
Functional signiflcance of the anterior and posterior cingula in the rhinoceros Alicornops simorrense (Lartet, 1851) bymeans offinite eIernent analysis
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      PaleontologyFinite Element Analysis (Engineering)Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyEcologyVertebrate Paleontology
Designed for palaeontology courses in biology and geology departments, this leading text will also be of interest to enthusiasts who want to experience the flavour of how the research is done. The book is strongly phylogenetic, and this... more
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The evolution of tyrannosauroids took place through 100 millions of years. They became one of the most ubiquitous groups of carnivorous dinosaurs during the Mesozoic and some of them are among the biggest terrestrial carnivores that have... more
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Comunicación presentada en el XIII Encuentro en Jóvenes Investigadores en Paleontología (XIII EJIP) - XIII Meeting of Early-Stage Researchers in Paleontology (XIII EJIP): Cercedilla, 15 - 18 de Abril de 2015[EN] Paleontological... more
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La fi logenia de Rhinocerotidae (Perissodactyla) ha sido tema de debate durante años. Sin embargo, algunos taxones han sido revisados recientemente. Uno de los grupos mejor conocidos es la subtribu Elasmotheriina, un grupo especializado... more
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    • Geography
The Cerro de los Batallones fossil sites, Upper Miocene (MN10), are located in the south of the province of Madrid (Spain). Batallones-1 and Batallones-3 have an unusually high proportion of fossil carnivores (over 98.5% of the remains... more
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En este trabajo se incluyen fósiles no descritos de Estrepouy (Francia) depositados en la Universidad Claude Bernard (Lyon, France), que previamente habían sido identificados por Antoine et al. (2000). El registro de rinocerontes de... more
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In La Rioja the widespread ichnological record of dinosaurs ranges from the Berriasian to the Aptian age (Early Cretaceous). There, due to the high palaeodiversity, several evidences of gregarious behaviour can be observed in different... more
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      GeographyGeologyPaleontologyDinosaur Paleontology
As a consequence of the growth of the Antarctic ice-sheet during the middle Miocene, a global decrease of temperatures and an associated increase in aridity provoked several environmental changes all around the world. Such environmental... more
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      GeologyClimate ChangeEcologyBiodiversity
Información del artículo Intervención paleontológica en la Autovía Orbital de Barcelona B-40, tramo Olesa de Montserrat - Viladecavalls: resultados preliminares.
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The Ventian land mammal age includes most of the Spanish faunas assigned to the biochronologic unit MN 13. It is correlatable with the Messinian, although it may include, in its latest part, early Pliocene faunas. We propose that the... more
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    • Paleoanthropology