To meet communication and accommodation needs, various facilities and organizations were created in the past times. One of them is range organizations and range areas. This organization played an important role in such matters as...
moreTo meet communication and accommodation needs, various facilities and organizations were created in the past times. One of them is range organizations and range areas. This organization played an important role in such matters as communication, transportation, lodging, recreation and pet supplies. During the Ottoman Period, especially the vizier of Sultan Süleyman the Magnificent, Lutfi Pasha, developed the organization and ascribed it to certain principles. Towards the end of 17th century, the structure of the same organization, administration and operation were harmonized with conditions of the day. Accordingly, besides the existing range areas of Anatolia and Rumelia side, new range areas were periodically opened. Among the centers concerned, those united the intersection of the main roads and centrally located at the intersections and close to the big cities gained importance. In this regard, Gebze Range Area had been the most important institution of its kind in Anatolia. Due to its central location, it served as a messenger, pilgrimage and excursion range. But its feature of being a range area of messenger came to the fore. It is also featured to be a place used by civilians. In this capacity, besides serving as a range service, its foundation is supposedly estimated to be at the end of the 17 th century. Taking into consideration the need of the new system and period of Tanzimat Reforms of Administration, it began to be administered in the form of post office given in trust or lease from this period of time. However, it partly maintained its old system and the government shape. From its establishment till its closure, it welcomed a large group of charge and visitors. Plenty of registration documents and files about it were reached so far. Because of the importance of messenger, pilgrimage and excursion, they were worth being checked out. It was abolished on 27 October 1862 and was transferred to the treasury income by inventory stock sale.