Bingol University
Plant and Animal Production Department
Scarabaeoidea species collected by pitfall traps at five areas in Balıkesir (Madra Mountain, Çağıs campus and Değirmen Boğazı), Çanakkale (Karabiga) and Denizli provinces, western Turkey, throughout the years of 2007-2012 have been... more
A b s t r a c t : This study is based upon material of subfamily Alleculinae collected from different localities of Turkey between 1965 and 2012. A total of 15 species and subspecies belonging to four genera (Cteniopus, Megischia,... more
Investigations on the brief biology, host plants and parasitoids of Archips rosana (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in Erzurum In this study conducted at Atatürk University Campus, Erzurum in the years of 2004 and 2005, brief... more
Oxythyrea albopicta (Motschulsky, 1845) is a scattered, uncommon species widespread from Eastern Europe to the Tibetan Plateau. Authors provide a significant number of new records, mostly from eastern Turkey, including the first ones from... more
This study is based upon material from subfamilies Aphodiinae and Scarabaeinae of the family Scarabaeidae collected from different localities of Turkey between 1966 and 2013. The study resulted in recording for Turkish fauna of 20 species... more
This study is based upon material from Glaphyridae and Cetoniinae (Scarabaeidae) of the superfamily Scarabaeoidea collected from different localities of Turkey between 1966 and 2016. The study resulted in recording for Turkish fauna of... more
This study is based upon material from Glaphyridae and Cetoniinae (Scarabaeidae) of the superfamily Scarabaeoidea collected from different localities of Turkey between 1966 and 2016. The study resulted in recording for Turkish fauna of 23... more
Scarabaeoidea species collected by pitfall traps at five areas in Balıkesir (Madra Mountain, Çağıs campus and Değirmen Boğazı), Çanakkale (Karabiga) and Denizli provinces, western Turkey, throughout the years of 2007-2012 have been... more
Polat, Alper, Yildirim, Erol, Uliana, Marco (2017): A contribution to the knowledge of the Glaphyridae and Cetoniinae (Scarabaeidae) (Coleoptera: Scarabaeoidea) fauna of Turkey. Linzer biologische Beiträge 49 (2): 1505-1522
FIGURES 56–57. Erzurum, Campus of Ataturk University, collecting site of most of the specimens examined, with flowering Onopordum (12 July 2015).
- by Alper Polat
Yildirim, E., Polat, A., Bulak, Y., Kiliç, E., Novák, V. (2013): Contribution to the knowledge of the Alleculinae (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) fauna of Turkey. Linzer biologische Beiträge 45 (1): 1011-1016
Polat, Alper, Yildirim, Erol (2017): A contribution to the knowledge of the Histeridae (Coleoptera) fauna of Turkey. Linzer biologische Beiträge 49 (2): 1523-1527
- by Alper Polat
Investigations on the brief biology, host plants and parasitoids of Archips rosana (Linnaeus, 1758) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in Erzurum In this study conducted at Atatürk University Campus, Erzurum in the years of 2004 and 2005, brief... more