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The role of serum gamma glutamyltransferase (GGT) activity as a cardiovascular risk marker was studied basically cross-sectionally. After appropriate exclusions, 754 men and 802 women were available for analysis who were followed up... more
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      KineticsCardiovascular RiskMetabolic syndromeDiabetes mellitus
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    • English Literature
Commonly discussed as a product of the emotional and spiritual pain, Woolf's To the Lighthouse has been also observed to be a representational vehicle employed to discuss the meaning of life through Woolf's distinctive and subtle skill to... more
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Reflecting the socio-cultural realities of last years of Ottoman Sultanate and the foundation of Turkish Republic in his works, Mehmet Akif Ersoy is known as "the national poet" of Turkey and is among one of the prominent figures of man... more
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Yaptıkları kaçak yolculuklar sonucu dramatik ölümleri, mültecileri sıradan haberlere indirger ve hayatta kalmayı başarabilen ve tek varlıkları anıları olan bu kaçak insanlar hakkında pek fazla şey bilinmez. Chris Cleave'in Küçük Arı adlı... more
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    • Art
Balkanlar, jeopolitik konumu ve etnik çeşitliliği nedeniyle akademik çalışmalardaki seçkin yerini korumaktadır. Bununla beraber Ivo Andrić’e 1961 yılında Nobel ödülü kazandıran romanı Drina Köprüsü’nün olay örgüsüne ev sahipliği yapması,... more
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Europe and North America can be regarded as the first colonial powers that come to mind to leave their mark across the globe in search of economic, political, and cultural dominance. Postcolonial theory and literature turned out to be the... more
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