Papers by Aleksandar Shopov
Museum of Exhalation (17th Istanbul Biennial) , 2022
Crafting History: Essays on the Ottoman World and Beyond in Honor of Cemal Kafadar, eds. Rachel Goshgarian, Ilham Khuri-Makdisi and Ali Yayıcıoğlu , 2023

In the seventeenth century, new varieties of flowers were created in Istanbul's many agricultural... more In the seventeenth century, new varieties of flowers were created in Istanbul's many agricultural spaces. At the same time, new literary genres related to flower breeding appeared: technical "how-to" manuals, which derived from an earlier tradition of agricultural treatises; encyclopedias of the flower varieties created in Istanbul; and biographical dictionaries of Istanbul's flower breeders. Such texts, which typically bear the designation Ş ükufe-name (Books on Flowers), attempt to prescribe note-taking habits, agricultural timelines, and observational techniques. Varieties of flowers with various shapes, sizes, and colors are attributed to the work of individual local breeders. This essay explores the role of seeds in this rich textual production in Istanbul. As things that are mobile yet can take root, seeds became objects of study during what was an era of heightened exchange and mobility in seventeenth-century Ottoman Istanbul. In contrast to the view holding that the history of flower seeds unfolded primarily in Ottoman exchanges with Western Europe, the case of Şükufe-name works shows that seeds were technological objects with local histories.
A Companion to Early Modern Istanbul, edited by Shirine Hamadeh and Çiğdem Kafescioğlu., 2021
In the introduction to his history of Istanbul, written in Armenian in the mid-17th century, Erem... more In the introduction to his history of Istanbul, written in Armenian in the mid-17th century, Eremya Çelebi envisions a traveler in a boat sailing along the Marmara coast and approaching his native city by sea. One of the first sights Eremya describes from this riparian viewpoint is a complex of produce gardens in Langa, the Istanbul neighborhood from which the author hailed: The third gate is that of Davut Paşa. This is the location of the Small Vlanga garden, which is enclosed by two walls all the way until the New Gate (Yeni Kapı). The Vlanga Garden that is called the Big Garden has cucumbers that are very large.1
History and Society during the Mamluk Period (1250–1517) Studies of the Annemarie Schimmel Institute for Advanced Study III Mamluk Studies, Vol. 24, 2021
in Living with Nature and Things: Contributions to a New Social History of the Middle Islamic Periods, ed. by Bethany J. Walker and Abdelkader Al Ghouz (Bonn: V&R UniPress), 2020
Levant The Journal of the Council for British Research in the Levant, 2020
Treasures of Knowledge: An Inventory of the Ottoman Palace Library (1502/3-1503/4), Muqarnas, Supplements, Volume: 14, Editors: Gülru Necipoğlu, Cemal Kafadar and Cornell H. F, 2019

Global Environment, "Deserts in Environmental History." Special Issue, Andrew C. Isenberg, Katherine G. Morrissey, and Louis S. Warren, eds. , 2019
Between 1906 and 1908, the Ottoman anarchist Pavel Shatev was imprisoned along with hundreds of o... more Between 1906 and 1908, the Ottoman anarchist Pavel Shatev was imprisoned along with hundreds of other political prisoners (Armenians, Young Turks, etc.) in the Ottoman province of Fezzan, present-day Libya. As a member of a group of anarchists from Ottoman Macedonia, he had participated in a series of bombings of Ottoman state institutions and western European financial and commercial interests in Salonica in 1903. Shatev wrote a memoir of his imprisonment, published in 1910, during a peak of efforts by states around the world to persecute anarchists and halt the spread of their ideas. This paper examines the meaning of the Saharan desert environment in Shatev's prison memoir as a mirror of global political struggles. In Shatev's writing, desert plants, rocks and sand become images that invoke political oppression and imperialism, while the desert animals become part of his radical arguments for animal rights. This paper challenges an understanding of Ottoman anarchists solely as recipients of anarchist and socialist writings from western Europe, even as it also departs from a scholarship that seeks to frame them within nationalist historiographical frameworks by studying them only as parts of emerging national liberation movements. By contrast, Shatev's prison memoir both engaged with global theoretical currents and contained new insights and ideas that arose from the particular environment in which he was imprisoned. This paper thus also contributes to the field of Ottoman environmental history by exploring the formation and function of ideas about the environment and ecology in the emerging radical social thought.
Ако за Дејвид Харви урбанизацијата која зависи од финансиските институции е
централна за опстoју... more Ако за Дејвид Харви урбанизацијата која зависи од финансиските институции е
централна за опстoјување на капитализмот, токму тука тој ја гледа идејата за правото
на град како најсилно орудие во политичкиот и класниот судир што се случува денес.
Урбанизацијата има oдлучувачка улога во апсорпцијата на вишокот капитал, што е
случај и со Скопје и поголемите градови во Македонија. Правото на град и учеството во
градење на урбаното искуство може да изврши контрола врз распределбата на
капиталот. Овој текст за Харви е местото каде секој оној што размислува за
организирање на отпорот може да ги види причините, а и начинот како да се
спротивставиме на новите форми на експлоатација.
Cultural Anthropology, 2013
The soil does not have history"-uttered the leader of the APK council members at a meeting in the... more The soil does not have history"-uttered the leader of the APK council members at a meeting in the City Hall of Fatih municipality. The meeting with the local leaders of Turkey's ruling party was convened at the request of four of us-a writer, a doctoral student in Ottoman history and two professors teaching Ottoman history in Istanbul-trying to persuade the municipality officials that the destruction of the Yedikule vegetable gardens should stop.
Papers by Aleksandar Shopov
централна за опстoјување на капитализмот, токму тука тој ја гледа идејата за правото
на град како најсилно орудие во политичкиот и класниот судир што се случува денес.
Урбанизацијата има oдлучувачка улога во апсорпцијата на вишокот капитал, што е
случај и со Скопје и поголемите градови во Македонија. Правото на град и учеството во
градење на урбаното искуство може да изврши контрола врз распределбата на
капиталот. Овој текст за Харви е местото каде секој оној што размислува за
организирање на отпорот може да ги види причините, а и начинот како да се
спротивставиме на новите форми на експлоатација.
централна за опстoјување на капитализмот, токму тука тој ја гледа идејата за правото
на град како најсилно орудие во политичкиот и класниот судир што се случува денес.
Урбанизацијата има oдлучувачка улога во апсорпцијата на вишокот капитал, што е
случај и со Скопје и поголемите градови во Македонија. Правото на град и учеството во
градење на урбаното искуство може да изврши контрола врз распределбата на
капиталот. Овој текст за Харви е местото каде секој оној што размислува за
организирање на отпорот може да ги види причините, а и начинот како да се
спротивставиме на новите форми на експлоатација.