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ABSTRACT The spectral power distribution (SPD) of the light reflected from a matte surface patch in a three-dimensional complex scene depends not only on the surface reflectance of the patch but also on the SPD of the light incident on... more
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When this" pacman" oscillates with a small amplitude about the axis perpendicular to its center, the physical changes in the image are limited to the right visual field. Yet, human observers perceive the entire object as oscillating,... more
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Abstract Researchers studying surface color perception have typically used stimuli that consist of a small number of matte patches (real or simulated) embedded in a plane perpendicular to the line of sight (a “Mondrian,” Land & McCann,... more
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PURPOSE We aimed to investigate white matter diffusivity abnormalities in hereditary spastic paraplegia with thin corpus callosum (HSP-TCC) patients in relation with electrophysiological findings. MATERIALS AND METHODS Brain magnetic... more
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Motion perception of first-and second-order stimuli has been proposed to be mediated by separate mechanisms. Whereas luminance-based stimuli are analyze by energy-based motion detectors, uncertainty remains as to the mechanisms involved... more
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Abstract. Rigidity and reflectance are key object properties, important in their own rights, and they are key properties that stratify motion reconstruction algorithms. However, the inference of rigidity and reflectance are both difficult... more
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Abstract. We propose a method for rapidly classifying surface reflectance directly from the output of spatio-temporal filters applied to an image sequence of rotating objects. Using image data from only a single frame, we compute... more
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Abstract Previous research on surface color perception has typically used Mondrian stimuli consisting of a small number of matte surface patches in a plane perpendicular to the line of sight. In such scenes, reliable estimation of the... more
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In complex scenes, the light absorbed and re-emitted by one surface can serve as a source of illumination for a second. We examine whether observers systematically discount this secondary illumination when estimating surface color. We... more
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      Color PerceptionVisionColorCues
We examined the effect of perceived orientation on the perceived color of matte surfaces in rendered three-dimensional scenes illuminated by a blue diffuse light and a yellow punctate light. On each trial, observers first adjusted the... more
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      MathematicsBinocular visionColor PerceptionVision
In the present study we used a hue scaling technique to examine human color constancy performance in simulated three-dimensional scenes. These scenes contained objects of various shape and materials and a matte test patch at the center of... more
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      Color PerceptionColor ConstancyVisionComputer Simulation
Many critical perceptual judgments, from telling whether fruit is ripe, to determining whether the ground is slippery, involve estimating the material properties of surfaces. Very little is known about how the brain recognizes materials,... more
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      AlgorithmsMotion perceptionBiological SciencesOptical Flow
Since its conception in 1937, Istanbul Museum of Painting and Sculpture has reflected the political, art historical, and economic structures of its time. Following years of preservation hazards, decades-long closures, and management... more
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      Art HistoryMiddle East StudiesModernityHistory of Modern Turkey
Content of the Newsletter: Heritage in Storage: Cunieform Collections and Cuneiform Studies in Turkey, N. İlgi Gerçek Kocaman and Kayadibi: Epipaleolithic and Mesolithic Findspots from Karaburun (Izmir), Çiler Çilingiroğlu Why Trajan?,... more
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      Heritage ConservationMesolithic/Epipalaeolithic ArchaeologyByzantine StudiesHittite
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      PsychologyPositive PsychologyHappiness and Well BeingTime Perspective
The occipital lobe contains a substantial part of the neural machinery involved in visual perception. Mutations in the LAMC3 gene have recently been shown to cause complex bilateral occipital cortical gyration abnormalities. However, to... more
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      Visuospatial AttentionVoxel Based MorphometryCortical organizationStructural covariance analysis
Expectations and prior knowledge strongly affect and even shape our visual perception. Specifically, valid expectations speed up perceptual decisions, and determine what we see in a noisy stimulus. Bayesian models have been remarkably... more
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      Visual perceptionBayesian ModelsExpectationsPerceptual Inference
The occipital lobe contains a substantial part of the neural machinery involved in visual perception. Mutations in the LAMC3 gene have recently been shown to cause complex bilateral occipital cortical gyration abnormalities. However, to... more
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      Computer ScienceBiologyMedicineVisuospatial Attention
Expectations and prior knowledge strongly affect and even shape our visual perception. Specifically, valid expectations speed up perceptual decisions, and determine what we see in a noisy stimulus. Bayesian models have been remarkably... more
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      Computer ScienceVisual perceptionBiologyBayesian Models
The effect of prior knowledge and expectations on perceptual and decision-making processes have been extensively studied. Yet, the computational mechanisms underlying those effects have been a controversial issue. Recently, using a... more
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    • Biology