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The domain of interiors constitutes a point of tension between practicing architects and interior designers. Design of interior spaces is a significant part of architectural profession. Yet, to what extent does architectural education... more
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      ArchitectureInterior DesignContent AnalysisArchitectural Education
This article argues that interior/architectural design education favours a dominance of final presentation over the design process in the studio environment, particularly in the evaluation of a project. It suggests that the appeal of... more
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      Interior DesignArt and Design EducationArt EducationArchitectural Design
Architectural history books play a significant role in conveying the culture, norms, and values of the architectural discipline to newcomers. In recent years, numerous publications have spotlighted the importance of women and African... more
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      ArchitectureArchitectural EducationCurriculum and Pedagogy
This article argues that a design studio can be a dynamic medium to explore the creative potential of the complexity of sustainability from its technological to social ends. The study seeks to determine the impact of an interior... more
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      ArchitectureInterior DesignArt and Design EducationSustainable Design
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This study examines contemporary meanings and uses of the mosque in Turkey by arguing that productive architectural plans require understanding both the socio-historical development of the mosque and the socio-political transformations... more
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    • Architectural Planning
This article explores how women's practices transformed abstract space into lived space in the context of women's matinees in the entertainment venues of Izmir Culture Park, a historical marker of Turkish modernity. Drawing on collective... more
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      Gender StudiesSpatial AnalysisOral historyCollective Memory
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      ArchitectureUrban And Regional Planning
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This article looks through the lense of an entertainment building in Izmir, Turkey, within the larger framework of modernity and identity in order to scrutinise ways in which cross-cultural influences are mediated. The programme of the... more
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This study scrutinizes consumption of modern design as a strategy of distinction in Turkey. Conceptualizing taste as an acquired and dynamic medium through which inhabitants build and sustain social relationships, the article examines... more
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      SociologyAestheticsDesign HistoryIdentity
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This article argues that interior/architectural design education favours a dominance of final presentation over the design process in the studio environment, particularly in the evaluation of a project. It suggests that the appeal of... more
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      EngineeringDesign educationArt and Design EducationArchitectural Design
This study applies a method that evaluates the use of an architectural element in a specific place and time by referring to a discussion begun by other scholars. In accordance with the definition and classification advanced by this study,... more
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      Anatolian ArchaeologyArchitectural HistoryAncient AnatoliaHistory of architecture
This study applies a method that evaluates the use of an architectural element in a specific place and time by referring to a discussion begun by other scholars. In accordance with the definition and classification advanced by this study,... more
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      Anatolian ArchaeologyArchitectural HistoryAncient AnatoliaHistory of architecture
This study applies a method that evaluates the use of an architectural element in a specific place and time by referring to a discussion begun by other scholars. In accordance with the definition and classification advanced by this study,... more
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      Anatolian ArchaeologyArchitectural HistoryAncient AnatoliaHistory of architecture
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      ArchitectureBursaEdirneBruno Taut
This study applies a method that evaluates the use of an architectural element in a specific place and time by referring to a discussion begun by other scholars. In accordance with the definition and classification advanced by this study,... more
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      Anatolian ArchaeologyArchitectural HistoryAncient AnatoliaHistory of architecture
The beginning of restoration works on a scientific base in Turkey dates back on 1933 when a specific committee for the protection of monuments (Anıtları Koruma Komisyonu) was officially appointed by the Ministry of Education. The... more
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    • Belleten
By this point of view this side of Taut's professional activity in Turkey, until now quite ignored, turns to be essential in order to evaluate his role in the re-elaboration of monuments for the benefit of state ideology and his... more
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