MAKALE/KİTABA KONU by Nurhan Yentürk

Estimating how much Turkey spends on its military requires a detailed study to determine which go... more Estimating how much Turkey spends on its military requires a detailed study to determine which government spending is for military-related activities and to trace its source. While details of some of Turkey's military expenditure is available online-such as the budgets of the Ministry of National Defence-access to information about other elements is limited or, in some cases, impossible. For example, estimating the cost of servicing foreign loans taken out for military projects requires calculation of interest based on incomplete information. In the case of military pensions and transfers from the Turkish Armed Forces Foundation, no public information is available. Calculating or estimating all the elements of Turkish military expenditure leads to the conclusion that the military burden in Turkey is approximately 2.4 per cent of gross domestic product. Although military spending has fallen from the peak reached in the late 1990s, Turkey continues to have a relatively high military burden-in 2012, it had the world's 15th highest military expenditure. There is scope for reductions in military spending, in particular in spending on personnel in parallel with a reduction in the size of the army. There is an equal need to improve democratic oversight of the military and to increase transparency in military data.

METU Studies in Development, 2013
TUIK henuz Avrupa Butunlestirilmis Sosyal Koruma Istatistikleri (ESSPROS) yontemini kullanarak so... more TUIK henuz Avrupa Butunlestirilmis Sosyal Koruma Istatistikleri (ESSPROS) yontemini kullanarak sosyal koruma harcamalari uretememektedir. TUIK’in uzerinde calismakta oldugu bu verileri uretmesi durumunda bile, ESSPROS yontemine dâhil olmayan ve Turkiye’de hic hesaplanmamis olan stratejik bir bilgi daha vardir. Bu da yoksullara yonelik harcamalarin payini belirledikten sonra, bunun icinden duzenli gelir destegi sayilabilecek harcamalarla diger sosyal yardim ve hizmetlere yonelik harcamalarin ayristirilmasidir. Bu calismanin amaci, sosyal koruma harcamalarinin icinden yoksullara yonelik harcamalarin sunulmasindan sonra, yoksullara yonelik harcamalari kendi icinde ayristirmak ve duzenli gelir destegi kapsaminda kabul edilebilecek harcamalari 2006-2012 yillari icin hesaplamaktir. Bu calisma ile duzenli gelir desteginin bilesenlerinin ayrintili olarak gorulmesine, ileriki yillarda izlemenin surdurulebilmesi icin yontem sunulmasina ve sosyal politika tartismalarinin dayanacagi uzun doneml...

Emerging Market Finance and Trade, 2005
Ahmet Çimenoğlu and Nurhan Yentürk. The main objective of this study is to investigate the effect... more Ahmet Çimenoğlu and Nurhan Yentürk. The main objective of this study is to investigate the effects of international capital inflows on the Turkish economy. Capital inflows, it is argued, can trigger both private consumption and investment expenditures. Increased consumption demand results in an increase in the relative prices of nontradable sectors with respect to tradable sectors. This eventually leads to a change in the composition of investments in favor of nontradable at the expense of tradable sectors. Increased investment in nontradable sectors does not contribute to the foreign exchange earning capacity of a country, and, given such, a country eventually becomes more vulnerable to currency shock. This can trigger major problems, such as significant capital outflows, large current account deficits, currency crisis, and economic contraction.

This paper provides a brief overview of youth organizations in Turkey, focusing in particular on ... more This paper provides a brief overview of youth organizations in Turkey, focusing in particular on the perception of youth organizations and the concepts of “youth” and “youth participation and exclusion” as well as the impact of youth organizations on policy making and society. The first section performs a literature review on the historical development of youth organizations in Turkey and employs existing databases to analyse present circumstances affecting these movements. The backbone of the study, which is presented in the second section, is made up of field research conducted via three focus groups and 30 semi-structured in-depth interviews with members of youth organizations and movements in Turkey. The aim is to understand how these organizations and movements perceive and frame the challenge of youth exclusion in Turkey as well as their potential to have a transformative impact on these challenges.

This paper provides a brief overview of youth organizations in Turkey, focusing in particular on ... more This paper provides a brief overview of youth organizations in Turkey, focusing in particular on the perception of youth organizations and the concepts of “youth” and “youth participation and exclusion” as well as the impact of youth organizations on policy making and society. The first section performs a literature review on the historical development of youth organizations in Turkey and employs existing databases to analyse present circumstances affecting these movements. The backbone of the study, which is presented in the second section, is made up of field research conducted via three focus groups and 30 semi-structured in-depth interviews with members of youth organizations and movements in Turkey. The aim is to understand how these organizations and movements perceive and frame the challenge of youth exclusion in Turkey as well as their potential to have a transformative impact on these challenges.
For a young person, unemployment is one of the most important obstacles to enjoying life. However... more For a young person, unemployment is one of the most important obstacles to enjoying life. However, recent research has shown that even willingness to work, which forms a key element in unemployment calculations, is not uniformly distributed across society. Those who are not in employment, education or training (NEET) comprise a significant portion of society, in Turkey reaching 32 percent of young people aged 15–24, and a high 46 percent of young women. In this paper, we examine the determinants of being a NEET in Turkey, and its consequences in terms of trust, political participation and political efficacy.
Ekonomik Yaklasim, 1997
This study aims to analyze the effects of financial liberalisation on macroeconomic equilibrium, ... more This study aims to analyze the effects of financial liberalisation on macroeconomic equilibrium, by evaluating the recent papers in economic literature. The comparison between Turkish and Mexican economies will be made in order to discuss the amprical results of those links; namely the impacts of financial liberalisation on macroeconomic equilibrium.
Canadian Journal of Development Studies/Revue canadienne d'études du développement, 1998
Contrary to the predictions of structural adjustment policies, the opening up of Turkey to the ex... more Contrary to the predictions of structural adjustment policies, the opening up of Turkey to the external market has increased profits in the tradeable sector more rapidly than in the non-tradeable one. This article examines the various factors that affect the investments of private companies in the tradeable and non-tradeable sectors. The analysis of the relationship between the redistribution of incomes
İktisat İşletme ve Finans, 2002

Applied Economics, 2009
N Yenturk, B Ulengin, A Cimenoglu - Applied Economics, 2009
Turkey has been implementing tigh... more N Yenturk, B Ulengin, A Cimenoglu - Applied Economics, 2009
Turkey has been implementing tight fiscal and monetary policies for years. These policies rely on the basic understanding that savings trigger growth and investments. However there are alternative theoretical discussions and empirical findings related to the interaction among these variables. In this study, while one of the purposes is to analyse the interaction among these variables for the Turkish case, the other is to try to bring an insight for other developing countries for the issues such as data production, econometric analysis, and as well as making policy suggestions in line with the evidence from the Turkish case. The findings of this study show that, it is the growth that induces both savings and investments. Hence, it is necessary to question policies that assume it is the savings triggering growth and investments.

International Review of Applied Economics, 2001
This study analyses the relative impact of profitability and demand on accumulation in Turkish pr... more This study analyses the relative impact of profitability and demand on accumulation in Turkish private manufacturing industry on the basis of the theoretical framework outlined by Marglin & Bhaduri (1990). The main motivation behind this analysis is to shed light on the demand aspects of the slowdown in accumulation in the manufacturing industry despite the increase in profitability during the structural adjustment episode. For this purpose, the ratio of investment to value-added is estimated as a function of the profit share and an accelerator term, namely the growth rate of value-added, using panel data for the 26 industries of the private manufacturing sector. The results show that investment is not responsive to the profit share, whereas growth has a consistent positive impact. This result is significant in explaining the inability of pro-capital income policies to stimulate manufacturing investments throughout the export-promotion era. The export boom maintained by the use of the existing capacity rather than by new investments shows the limits of export demand to compensate for the fall in domestic consumption out of wages. The results make a strong case against the argument that profitability enhances accumulation. Evidence shows that it is not possible to enhance accumulation and long-term potential for growth simply based on promoting profitability, without paying attention to the demand aspects.
Applied Economics, 2001
This paper discusses the impact of foreign savings on aggregate spending categories in Turkey. Us... more This paper discusses the impact of foreign savings on aggregate spending categories in Turkey. Using the vector autoregressive (VAR) models the major finding is that foreign savings has an increasing effect on consumption. The increase of investment arises from the accelerator effect of consumption, which results in an upward trend in investment in non-tradable sectors. Concluding that the policy of relying on foreign savings, to obtain long-term increases in tradable sector investment and competitiveness is ill-judged.
Developing Economies, 1999

B u bölümde bulaca¤›n›z politika önerileri, kitab›n üçüncü bölümünde yer alan makalelerin üzerine... more B u bölümde bulaca¤›n›z politika önerileri, kitab›n üçüncü bölümünde yer alan makalelerin üzerine kurulmufltur. Bu bölümde sosyal d›fllanma, iflsizlik, e¤itim, siyasi ve toplumsal hayata kat›l›m gibi konularda gençlik politikalar› önerilmesi amaçlanmaktad›r. Bu ko-nular›n ele al›nmas›nda ve bu konularla ilgili politikalar›n üretilmesinde iki önemli yaklafl›m izledik. Bu yaklafl›mlar›m›zdan birincisi, politika önerilerinde bulunurken, girifl makalesinde önerilen yönteme daya-l› olarak, gençlerin toplumda "genç" olarak varolabilmelerine yönelik bak›fl aç›s›n›n korunmas›d›r. Örne¤in, istihdam konusunda öne at›lan politikalar, gençlerin toplumsal kat›l›m ve yoksulluktan kurtulmalar›-n›n çözümünde yegâne çözüm olarak ele al›nmamaktad›r. ‹kinci yak-lafl›m›m›z, ele ald›¤›m›z konular›n "reform ve yeniden yap›lanma" giriflimlerinin yayg›n olarak merkeze almad›¤› konular üzerinde yo¤un-laflmas›d›r. Örne¤in e¤itim konusu, e¤itimin süresi ya da müfredat aç›-s›ndan de¤il, e¤itimin gençlerin sosyal d›fllanmas›na ya da hoflgörüsüz-lü¤üne etkisi aç›s›ndan ele al›nmaktad›r. 3 Gençlerin Yaflamlar›n› Çevreleyen Alanlarda Gençlik Politikalar› Önerileri Nurhan Yentürk 47 GENÇ ‹fiS‹ZL‹⁄‹ Türkiye'de genç nüfus sadece istihdam olana¤› elde etmekle afl›lamayacak kadar önemli sorunlarla karfl› karfl›yad›r. Genç iflsizli¤inin azalt›l-mas›n›n sorunlar›n çözümünde yegâne kritik eflik oldu¤unu önermemekle birlikte, genç iflsizli¤inin boyutunun sorunlar›n a¤›rlaflmas›nda önemli bir faktör olarak karfl›m›za ç›kt›¤›n› söylemek mümkündür. Türkiye'nin Birleflmifl Milletler (BM), Dünya Bankas› (DB) ve Uluslara-ras› Çal›flma Örgütü (ILO)'nun ortakl›¤›yla kurulan "Gençlik ‹stihdam A¤›"n›n gençlere istihdam yaratmaya yönelik çal›flmalar›na kat›laca¤›-n› ve gençlerin istihdam›na yönelik ulusal bir strateji oluflturaca¤›n› 2006 y›l›nda taahhüt etmifl olmas›na ra¤men (ILO, 2006a) henüz oluflmufl ve paydafllarla tart›fl›lm›fl bir gençlik istihdam› stratejisi yoktur.
Emerging Market Finance and Trade, 2005
The main objective of this study is to investigate the effects of international capital inflows o... more The main objective of this study is to investigate the effects of international capital inflows on the Turkish economy. Capital inflows, it is argued, can trigger both private consumption and investment expenditures. Increased consumption demand results in an increase in the relative prices of nontradable sectors with respect to tradable sectors. This eventually leads to a change in the composition of investments in favor of nontradable at the expense of tradable sectors. Increased investment in nontradable sectors does not contribute to the foreign exchange earning capacity of a country, and, given such, a country eventually becomes more vulnerable to currency shock. This can trigger major problems, such as significant capital outflows, large current account deficits, currency crisis, and economic contraction.
KİTAPLAR by Nurhan Yentürk
MAKALE/KİTABA KONU by Nurhan Yentürk
Turkey has been implementing tight fiscal and monetary policies for years. These policies rely on the basic understanding that savings trigger growth and investments. However there are alternative theoretical discussions and empirical findings related to the interaction among these variables. In this study, while one of the purposes is to analyse the interaction among these variables for the Turkish case, the other is to try to bring an insight for other developing countries for the issues such as data production, econometric analysis, and as well as making policy suggestions in line with the evidence from the Turkish case. The findings of this study show that, it is the growth that induces both savings and investments. Hence, it is necessary to question policies that assume it is the savings triggering growth and investments.
KİTAPLAR by Nurhan Yentürk
Turkey has been implementing tight fiscal and monetary policies for years. These policies rely on the basic understanding that savings trigger growth and investments. However there are alternative theoretical discussions and empirical findings related to the interaction among these variables. In this study, while one of the purposes is to analyse the interaction among these variables for the Turkish case, the other is to try to bring an insight for other developing countries for the issues such as data production, econometric analysis, and as well as making policy suggestions in line with the evidence from the Turkish case. The findings of this study show that, it is the growth that induces both savings and investments. Hence, it is necessary to question policies that assume it is the savings triggering growth and investments.
Kitapta, kamu mali sisteminde harcamaların sınıflandırılmasında yer alan “çevre koruma” harcamalarına, iklim değişikliği ile mücadele için yapılan azaltım ve uyum harcamaları da katılarak, kapsamlı bir Çevre Koruma ve lklim Değişikliği Harcama tanımı yapılmış ve ilgili kamu kurumlarının harcamaları içinden bu harcamalar ayrıştırılmış ve ileriki yıllarda isteyen kişi veya sivil toplum kuruluşlarınca izlenebilmeleri için göstergeler oluşturulmuştur.
Harcamaları incelenen kurumlar arasında, Çevre ve Şehircilik Bakanlığı, Tarım ve Orman Bakanlığı, Devlet Su İşleri Genel Müdürlüğü, Meteoroloji Genel Müdürlüğü, Orman Genel Müdürlüğü, Enerji ve Tabii Kaynaklar Bakanlığı, Ulaştırma ve Altyapı Bakanlığı, Sanayi ve Teknoloji Bakanlığı, Afet ve Acil Durum Yönetimi Başkanlığı,Ticaret Bakanlığı ve İstanbul Büyükşehir Belediyesi dahil olmak üzere 14 Büyükşehir Belediyesi yer almaktadır.