
This game is my bachelor thesis work at UK MFF.

Github link:

Thanks to Sean for "(Unity) Better Minimal WebGL Template":

The combat might have a bit clunky feeling. I described this in my thesis. It's basically due to how Unity's Mecanim works (transitions are not states and interrupting them is tricky; transition durations cannot be changed at runtime so all weapons have the same speed, etc.).


You fight against hordes of enemies coming in waves. With each wave beaten, the enemies increase in numbers, get stronger and use better equipment. Each slain enemy drops gold, which you can use to buy better weapons and armor; or hire mercenaries to help you fight the hordes. Heavier armor provides better protection against damage at the cost of movement speed, so you might want to use lighter armor if you wish to remain quick on your feet.


The controls can be found in the "Key Bindings" section in the Main Menu. Still, here's a quick summary of the controls:

Keyboard Controls

WSAD: Moving around

Spacebar: Jump

M: Pause Menu

R: Toggle first/third person view mode

T: Toggle orbital camera

Q: Toggle friendly AI troops to hold position or charge.

Mouse Controls

Moving the mouse up/down/left/right: Choose a combat direction to attack/defend

Mouse wheel:  Adjust camera zoom

Mouse wheel (while holding Left Shift on the keyboard): Adjust camera height

Left Mouse Button:

     - Click: Prepare to attack in the chosen combat direction

     - Hold: Continue holding the attack

     - Release: Attack in the chosen combat direction

Right Mouse Button:

     - Click: Prepare to defend in the chosen combat direction

     - Hold: Continue defending

     - Release: Stop defending


In the Main Menu, you can adjust the overall difficulty of the game using the Difficulty slider in the Settings section. The difficulty setting can be categorized in the following way:

- Values less than 100% are considered easy

- 100% is considered normal

- Values above 100% are considered hard

In an easier difficulty setting, the player's team takes reduced damage from enemy attacks; and the gold dropped from enemies is increased. The player's mercenaries can carry the game without much input from the player.

As the difficulty setting approaches normal, the player has to put some effort to win the game. The gold earned should be wisely spent between buying equipment for the player; or hiring soldiers. Commanding the mercenaries (using the Q key) so that they stay together becomes a useful strategy, though it's important to not always keep them in the same line, as the mercenaries might have short weapons and may not be able to reach the enemy. While the mercenaries are holding off most enemies, the player can try to find opportunities to get behind the enemies and get a few clean hits in.

On harder difficulty levels, while the player does not take increased damage, the amount of gold is reduced. The player might have to play alone in the earlier waves. This is in order to save gold to hire soldiers in more difficult waves. Regarding combat, blocking isn't always the best choice. Strafing left and right to dodge attacks, as well as keeping distance from the enemy in general becomes more useful. For this reason, it might be necessary to use lighter armor for the entire game, as the movement speed penalty caused by heavier armor can be deadly if the player gets caught in an enemy mob.


Some boss enemies have a hidden "Poise" mechanic. Normally, enemies flinch when you hit them, which interrupts their combat animation. Enemies that have Poise can withstand a few hits before getting stunned. Keep that in mind.

PlatformsHTML5, Windows
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
(2 total ratings)
Made withUnity
Tags3D, combat, Low-poly, Medieval, melee, Unity


Build (Windows).zip 27 MB

Install instructions

Download the zipped "Build (Windows)" file and unzip it.

Find the "Just Blade" executable in the unzipped folder and double click to play.


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Decent concept so far, there are some issues (one-hit kills, no directional cursor, cursor going off-screen), but the game has a catchy loop that can be very fun! good work!


Thank you for playing.

Yes, early on, blows to the head or chest with certain weapons can get you in one-hit. You get more health in later waves, and enough gold to buy armor.

I "ported" the game for browser much later, so there might be some cursor issues. Clicking inside the game window once the game begins might help.

Good game