Papers by Mangalagowri Rao
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, Oct 31, 2023
Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research, Aug 1, 2021
International journal of Research in Ayurveda & Pharmacy, 2013

Journal of Ayush Ayurveda Yoga Unani Siddha and Homeopathy, Oct 13, 2012
One of the ancient diseases Pratishyaya can be correlated with allergic rhinitis based on clinica... more One of the ancient diseases Pratishyaya can be correlated with allergic rhinitis based on clinical features. Allergic rhinitis is the most common chronic condition, with an estimated prevalence of 5%–22%, in the United States. It increases from infancy, peaks in childhood and adolescence, and decreases in the elderly. The incidence is increasing due to the increased environmental pollution which is an unavoidable factor. The best way to tackle it is by enhancing the internal healing power by means of a healthy diet and change in life style. Yoga is one of the ideal ways to prevent and cure pratishyaya and it also has a positive side effect, i. e., stress relieving effect, by which one can also prevent many dreaded diseases like hypertension, diabetes mellitus, etc. Allergic rhinitis is caused by allergens which are usually harmless but cause allergic reactions in people who are allergic. The removal of these allergens by means of nadishuddhi and enhancing of immunity or strengthening the body by means of constant practice of asana, pranayama, and dhyana help in prevention and cure of Pratishyaya.
AYU (An International Quarterly Journal of Research in Ayurveda), 2013
among children of age group 11-17 years was 2.1%, anxiety disorders was 6.9%, and depression was ... more among children of age group 11-17 years was 2.1%, anxiety disorders was 6.9%, and depression was 2.1% in the US in 2007. [1] Also, the prevalence of overall mental illnesses is 12.5% in 0-16 year age group, prevalence of anxiety disorders in developed countries is on an average 8% (2-24%) and in India, it is 4.1% among 4-16 year olds. [2] The prevalence of attention-deficit hyperactivity syndrome is 1.7-17.8% in India. Hence, it very essential to manage these mental faculties affecting the short-term memory of children by advocating Medhya Rasayanas and Yogic practices as mentioned in our ancient classics. Daily use of Medhya Rasayana is not only good for memory but also good for promotion of mental health. Yogic practices

Journal of Ayurveda, 2021
Introduction: As per Ayurveda, suppression or forceful creation of natural urges always results i... more Introduction: As per Ayurveda, suppression or forceful creation of natural urges always results in diseases, including anorectal disorders such as piles, fistula, fissure, and other diseases. Bowel and bladder habits come under the umbrella of “Vegadharana,” i.e., suppression of natural urges. In the present scenario, maximum people suppress natural urges and indulge in erroneous lifestyle and suffer from a variety of disorders. Hence, a case–control survey study was conducted in healthy and patients suffering from anorectal disorders. Aim: The aim is to study the effect of bowel and bladder habits in anorectal disorders. Methodology: The study comprised 110 subjects suffering from anorectal disorders (study group) and 110 healthy subjects (control group). Detailed history was obtained using a specially designed questionnaire. The data collected was computed in MicroSoft Excel Sheet and analyzed using Chi-square test and interpreted accordingly with the help of the percentage. Results: Subjects in the study group suppressed defecation urge (Purisha Vegadharana) comparatively more (P < 0.0001). Maximum subjects in both groups (98.1% and 99.1%, respectively) had the evacuation of bowel within 1 hr of waking up. Further, maximum subjects had the habit of bowel evacuation after drinking water/tea/after breakfast, i.e., 64.5% and 60% in the study and control groups, respectively. A statistically significant number of subjects (45.5%) in the study group evacuated bowels 2–4 times in a day and 5.5% evacuated once in 2 days; it showed that subjects were constipated (P < 0.005). Maximum subjects in the study group had late waking-up and sleeping habits. The difference was statistically significant, with P = 0.04. Conclusion: Subjects with anorectal disorders (piles, fistula, and fissure) had the habit of suppression of defecation urge and also showed strong association between bowel and bladder habits and anorectal disorders. The waking-up and sleeping habits also showed statistically significant effect in causation of anorectal disorders.

Journal of Advanced Research in Ayurveda Yoga Unani Siddha and Homeopathy, Dec 15, 2014
The lifestyle disorders are increasing exponentially throughout the world with India as the capit... more The lifestyle disorders are increasing exponentially throughout the world with India as the capital city. Lifestyle modification is the only answer for the prevention and management of this epidemic. Diet or food is the most important component of life. It is responsible for the sustenance of Prana . Conducive food taken in proper amount at proper time helps in maintenance of Agni and enhancement of Ojas , consequently resulting in better health and longevity. Yogic practices undoubtedly help in reduction of stress, along with bringing about harmony of internal and external environment thus helping in physical, mental as well as spiritual wellbeing of an individual. Thus a holistic approach would result in efficient management and prevention of a variety of lifestyle disorders in a cost effective manner without any side effects.

There are roughly 75 million juveniles in the United States as of 2013, that means, one in four A... more There are roughly 75 million juveniles in the United States as of 2013, that means, one in four Americans have the potential of being labeled as juvenile delinquents. Even in India, over 33,000 juveniles have been arrested for crimes like rape and murder across the country in 2011. Delinquent children belong to that category of exceptional children who exhibit considerable deviation in terms of their social adjustment. Ayurveda emphasizes on various factors like Prakriti, certain mental disorders, desire, hatred, consumption of alcohol, intellectual errors, intake of Rajasika and Tamasika food etc. as a causative factor for anger and violent behavior which will further result in juvenile delinquency. The answer to manage this juvenile delinquency is establishment of self-control by means of modification in the diet, behaviors, intake of Medhya Rasayana as mentioned in Ayurveda and disciplined lifestyle in the form of Yoga.

Immunology is a branch of biomedical science that covers the study of all aspects of the immune s... more Immunology is a branch of biomedical science that covers the study of all aspects of the immune system in all organisms. The study of the molecular and cellular components that comprise the immune system, including their function and interaction, is the central science of immunology. The mere presence of causative agent in the environment or its entry into the body does not always result in the disease. The concept of immunity is also mentioned in the ancient Indian science of living i.e. Ayurveda under the concept of Vyadhikshamatva. Ayurvedic concept of Vyadhikshamatva appears to be similar to the concept of immunity. Ayurveda treats the patient as a whole, the approach for the prevention of disease in Ayurveda is also not disease specific, rather it focuses on the whole body i.e. on making all the systems strong enough to fight with any type of disease by both treating at physical and mental levels through different ways which are explained in present article.

Introduction: Hemiplegia is a disease characterised by affected movements to varying extent on on... more Introduction: Hemiplegia is a disease characterised by affected movements to varying extent on one side of the body. In India 1.2 % of total deaths is due to stroke. The description of features of Pakshaghata or Pa mentioned in the chapter of Vatavyadhi is exactly similar to Hemiplegia or stroke. The recovery with conve tional therapy is slow and rehabilitation is needed. Yogic practices help to control the vayu through gaining co trol over body through Asanas and control over the breath through Pranayama and entire nervous system through meditative practices like Dhyana. Aims and stroke Hemiplegia) patients. Methodology: were registered and randomly allocated into Control (With conventional therapy), and study Group intervention with selected Yogic practices for a duration of 4 months. Assessment was done at initial level after at the end of trial i.e. 4 months. Various subjective and objective parameters showed significant effect on the Pa shaghata in intervention Group after 4 mo...

In lifestyle diseases like hyperlipidemia wholesome diet and modification of lifestyle are key fa... more In lifestyle diseases like hyperlipidemia wholesome diet and modification of lifestyle are key factors in the management. The wholesome regimen which does not impair the body system and which is pleasing to the mind is called Pathya. That which is not pleasing is the unwholesome regimen or Apathya. Ahara Vidhi Visesayatanas like Prakriti, Karana, Samyoga, Rashi, Desha, Kala, Upayogasamstha, Upabhokta should be given importance while advising Pathya Ahara. The adoption of Pathya and refrainment of Apathya Ahara and Vihara is the apt answer for management of Hyperlipidemia. The diet with Laghu, Ruksha, Kaphamedohara and Srotoshodhana property should be ingested while avoiding Guru, Snigdha, Kaphamedokara and Abhishyandhi foods. Using healthy diet rich in complex carbohydrates, vegetables, and fruits seasoned with adequate quantity of spices with minimum amount of oils and fats are ideal for management and prevention of Hyperlipidemia or Medoroga. The regimen like exercises, Yogic prac...

Ahara is one of the three pillars or Trayopstambha, on which human body works within physiologica... more Ahara is one of the three pillars or Trayopstambha, on which human body works within physiological limits. Other two pillar are Nidra and Brahamcharya. Ahara considered as nectar in Vedas. According to Ayurveda Matravat Ahara nourishes both body and mind. Matravat Ahara maintains physiological state of Agni, and replenishes the bodily Dhatus also prevents Dhatu Vaishamya. Matravat Ahara in Modern Science emphasizes on balanced diet, which comprises of variety of food groups in such quantities and proportions that the need for energy, proteins, vitamins, minerals, fats, carbohydrates and other nutrients is adequately met for maintaining health, vitality and general wellbeing. Hence the study comprising of 100 volunteers was conducted to assess the effect of Matravat Ahara (restricted diet) on status of Agni through Ruchi, Abhyavaharana and Jarana Shakti. The volunteers were advocated to take food to their satisfaction for 14 days followed by intake of food up to 3/4 th of one‟s capac...

Introduction: Hyperlipidemia is increased levels of lipids (fats) in the blood, including cholest... more Introduction: Hyperlipidemia is increased levels of lipids (fats) in the blood, including cholesterol and triglycerides, and lead to complications like CAD, stroke, ischemia, infarction etc. About 17.3 million people died from CVDs in 2008, i. e 30% of all global deaths. This is going to progress exponentially in coming years. Rasona (Allium sativum Linn.) is a commonly used dietary item having Rasayana property and a Pathya in Medovikara. Yoga being a mindbody therapy has considerable potential in the prevention and management of hyperlipidemia. Hence to establish the effect Rasona Rasayana and Yogic practices, study entitled ‘‘Role of Rasona Rasayana and Yogic Practices in management of Hyperlipidaemia” was conducted. Materials and Methods: About 90 patients of Hyperlipidaemia were selected based on the fulfillment of diagnostic criteria and randomly allocated into 3 groups (30 patients in each group) after getting their written informed consent. Group A (Control with Standard dru...

Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, 2021
Most of the people experience digestive problems like constipation, diarrhoea, acid eructations, ... more Most of the people experience digestive problems like constipation, diarrhoea, acid eructations, loss of appetite etc. at some stage of life. These are the acute conditions that appear due to Agnimandya (reduced power of digestion, assimilation and metabolism). Conditions that may cause Agnimandya includes changes in diet and lifestyle and chronic diseased conditions. When the Agnimandya or the conditions that may cause Agnimandya persist for longer duration it turns into a life threatening disease. When Doshas (body humours) get aggravated, they affect the Agni (Power of digestion, assimilation and metabolism) and thus the food taken is not digested properly forming the Ama (morbid material). Ama when formed is accumulated in the body over the period of time, forming roots of many diseases. In the present case study the patient has Agnimandya, because of the chronic metabolic conditions. The Agnimandya and consequent nutritional deficiencies are addressed, while preparing the treat...

Background: The Self-Recorded Swasthya Assessment Scale (SRSAS) is intended to develop a comprehe... more Background: The Self-Recorded Swasthya Assessment Scale (SRSAS) is intended to develop a comprehensive questionnaire to assess the health status of an individual. SRSAS has three sections, namely physical, mental, and social health. Materials and Methods: The questionnaire has been prepared based on physical, mental, and social health parameters. In section 1, the questions of the physical fitness component are derived from International Fitness Scale and the questions of physical ill-health component are prepared on the basis of Swastha criteria described in literature from Charaka Samhita, Sushruta Samhita, and Kashyapa Samhita. In section 2, the mental toughness questions are prepared based on Ayurveda parameters and MTQ-48 and mental ill-health questions are prepared from Ayurveda parameters and guidelines of the American Psychiatric Association (2013), Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th Edition. The health status will be assessed based on the self-recorde...

Sanskaras are the methods by which food can be processed or changing their consistency and form o... more Sanskaras are the methods by which food can be processed or changing their consistency and form or transformation of food in different forms to make them good enough for consumption. Rice is a staple food and known as grain of life for more than half of the world’s population, and the major single food source of carbohydrate and energy in Asian countries. It is not only food, several medicinal properties and usage of rice preparations by doing different Samskaras are mentioned in diseases like fever, diarrhoea, vomiting, haemorrhage, burns. Even today different varieties of processing are used in various states like Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh, Western Ghats, Himachal Pradesh. The sanskaras in the form of washing, roasting, cooking make rice light and the adjuvants like spices ginger, pepper, asafoetida enhance digestion and absorption and seasoning with cumin, asafoetida, ghee alleviate vata. Thus Judicious use of rice along with processing help individuals whe...

Traditional medical systems like Ayurveda always give importance for preservation and restoration... more Traditional medical systems like Ayurveda always give importance for preservation and restoration of health. Gandoosha and Kavala are two therapeutic and preventive measures described in Ayurveda for oral health. In the classical texts, the exact volume of kavala dravya and time duration for kavala procedure is not mentioned, where the measurements are made according to the capacity of the individual. The objective of this study is to standardize the amount of kavala dravya and time taken for kavala in healthy volunteers. In this study, kavala dravya was prepared and was given to 30 voluntary participants, in the dose of half of their maximum oral capacity, and the time for attaining samyak lakshana was noted. By statistical techniques, the mean amount of kavala dravya and mean time taken for samyak lakshana were found out and were respectively 50 ± 3.3 ml and 120 ±10 seconds. Along with this, the majority of the participants had showed positive effects of Kavala like the feeling o...

Current Traditional Medicine
Background:: The Dark circles under the eyes, is very common and frustrating cosmetic grievance i... more Background:: The Dark circles under the eyes, is very common and frustrating cosmetic grievance in both male and female especially among the stress prone population. Due to various reasons, skin becomes very thin and dry leading to the visible appearance of veins. This makes skin appear very dark. Possible causes include excessive pigmenta-tion, thin and luminous lower eyelid, lack of sleep, excessive fatigue, heredity, allergic disorders and aging. Dark circles comes under the broad umbrella of features of aggravation of Vata like blackish discoloration (Karshnya), Dark coloration (Shyavata) which can also be categorized under disease predominant in Vata (Vata Nanatmaja Vikara). In spite of its prevalence and cosmetic importance, there are very few reported works regarding dark circles. Objectives:: This study was an attempt to find the most probable and commonest factor that influences dark circles so that modifications can be made in lifestyle as mentioned in Ayurveda in the form...

Current Traditional Medicine
: Among the health challenges, management of diabetes is very important. This is on account of th... more : Among the health challenges, management of diabetes is very important. This is on account of the decrease in the age of incidence, high prevalence and systemic complications that reduce the quality of life of patients. The age-standardised DALY rate was highest among major non-communicable diseases for diabetes, which is increased in India by 39·6% from 1990 to 2016. Furthermore, conservative management through modern medicine has produced many adverse effects along with invariable systemic complications. Personalised Prakriti-based medicine is an essential part of Ayurveda as compared to modern medicine, which advocates disease specific management irrespective of personal factors. This personalised Prakriti specific management offered by Ayurveda will play a vital role in changing global health. It offers a holistic package of modalities encompassing diet, lifestyle, and medication. Prakriti-based herbs are likely to offer remedies for health issues like adverse drug reactions, drug withdrawals, and economic disparities. Hence, a review study on personalised Prakriti specific herbal tea for Diabetes mellitus (Madhumeha) throws light on the various herbs along with their mode of action, which can be a very effective remedy.
Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine
Papers by Mangalagowri Rao