Papers by Kaushalendra Kumar Singh

JAMA, Nov 24, 1999
Wife abuse has been associated with a variety of health concerns. Associations between abuse and ... more Wife abuse has been associated with a variety of health concerns. Associations between abuse and reproductive health in India are not well known. To examine relationships between men's reports of wife abuse and reproductive health issues in northern India. Structured face-to-face interviews were conducted as part of the male reproductive health supplement of the PERFORM System of Indicators Survey, a systematic multistage survey conducted in 1995-1996. The northern state of Uttar Pradesh, one of the least developed states in India. A total of 6632 married men aged 15 to 65 years who lived with their wives and completed all survey questions for the study variables reported here. Physically and sexually abusive behaviors toward wives, sexual activities outside marriage, sexually transmitted disease (STD) symptoms, contraception use, unplanned pregnancies, and sociodemographic characteristics. Fifty-four percent of men reported not abusing their wives, while 17% reported physically but not sexually abusing their wives, 22% reported sexual abuse without physical force, and 7% reported sexual abuse with physical force. Abuse was more common among men who had extramarital sex (for sexual abuse using force: odds ratio [OR], 6.22; 95% confidence interval [CI], 3.98-9.72). Similarly, men who had STD symptoms were more likely to abuse their wives (with current symptoms: OR, 2.43; 95% CI, 1.73-3.42). Unplanned pregnancies were significantly more common among wives of abusive men, especially sexually abusive men who used force (OR, 2.62; 95% CI, 1.91-3.60). Wife abuse appears to be fairly common in northern India. Our findings that abusive men were more likely to engage in extramarital sex and have STD symptoms suggest that these men may be acquiring STDs from their extramarital relationships, thereby placing their wives at risk for STD acquisition, sometimes via sexual abuse. These abusive sexual behaviors also may result in an elevated rate of unplanned pregnancies.
Journal of reliability and statistical studies, Jun 21, 2023
The connection between male births and fertility can be easily linked with demographic transition... more The connection between male births and fertility can be easily linked with demographic transition and in defining the population distribution. In this context, it is necessary to understand the birth patterns in Indian societies which are governed by some or the other probability distributions. Although child birth is a biological process but it is very much influenced by a number of social, economic, cultural and psychological factors. Numerous demographers have proposed mathematical models to predict the number of male and female births during a given time period taking into consideration the various factors. Traditionally, estimating current levels and future trends of mean number of births is done using various life tables, cohort-component

WORLD SCIENTIFIC eBooks, Nov 1, 2006
This paper analyzes data on approximately 30,000 women from a survey in Uttar Pradesh in 1995 tog... more This paper analyzes data on approximately 30,000 women from a survey in Uttar Pradesh in 1995 together with the data from surveys of public and private providers of healthcare and family planning services. A framework was developed for analyzing the effects of quality of services on utilization, and for understanding the gradual evolution of the healthcare infrastructure. The empirical results from logistic regressions for use of female sterilization and IUD showed significant effects of quality of services in government and private hospitals, and of socioeconomic variables such as education, caste, and an index of household possessions. Secondly, models for infant mortality of children born in the preceding 3-year period showed significant effects of socioeconomic variables, quality of healthcare services and birth spacing. Lastly, analysis of data at a more aggregated (Primary Sampling Unit) level indicated differential effects of economic development on the quality of services available in the public and private facilities.

BMC Public Health, Dec 1, 2015
Background: There exist ample of research literature investigating the various facet of contracep... more Background: There exist ample of research literature investigating the various facet of contraceptive use behaviors in India but the use of contraception by married Indian women, prior to having their first pregnancy has been neglected so far. This study attempts to identify the socio demographic determinants and differentials of contraceptive use or non use by a woman in India, before she proceeds to have her first child. The analysis was done using data from the third National Family Health Survey (2005-2006), India. Methods: This study utilized information from 54,918 women who ever have been married and whose current age at the time of NFHS-3 survey was 15-34 years. To identify the crucial socio-demographic determinants governing this pioneering behavior, logistic regression technique has been used. Hosmer Lemeshow test and ROC curve analysis was also performed in order to check the fitting of logistic regression model to the data under consideration. Results: Of all the considered explanatory variables religion, caste, education, current age, age at marriage, media exposure and zonal classifications were found to be significantly affecting the study behavior. Place of residence i.e. urban-rural locality came to be insignificant in multivariable logistic regression. Conclusions: In the light of sufficient evidences confirming the presence of early marriages and child bearing practices in India, conjunct efforts are required to address the socio demographic differentials in contraceptive use by the young married women prior to their first pregnancy. Encouraging women to opt for higher education, ensuring marriages only after legal minimum age at marriage and promoting the family planning programs via print and electronic media may address the existing socio economic barriers. Also, the family planning programs should be oriented to take care of the geographical variations in the study behavior.
PLOS ONE, Mar 10, 2021
Background Female sterilization is a permanent method of contraception practiced widely in India.... more Background Female sterilization is a permanent method of contraception practiced widely in India. Though, the important evidences of behavior of contraceptives is widespread in the literature, relatively less research has been conducted that explores particularly female sterilization method and how its behavior has remained dominant over the past two decades. The present study aims to examine how the level of women's socio-demographic and fertility related characteristics intersect to shape the behavior for the dominance of female sterilization. Methods

Increasing substance abuse and its impact on physical and psychosocial health is a worldwide publ... more Increasing substance abuse and its impact on physical and psychosocial health is a worldwide public health concern affecting the early youth and subsequently the whole life of the individuals. To plan effective interventions, it is essential to have information on the extent and type of substance abuse among school children and their attitude towards its control. This study is an attempt to assess the practice of smoking, drug use and alcohol consumption among school going boys of class IX and XI. A cross-sectional descriptive survey was conducted among students (12-19 years) studying in classes IX and XI in urban areas of Varanasi, India. A total of 446 boys studying in various government and private schools were interviewed through self-structured questionnaire in highly confidential manner. Overall 11% boys were involved in alcohol consumption, 9.6% boys in smoking and around 6% boys were taking drugs at the time of survey. We found that age of respondent, medium of school, relat...

Journal of data science, 2021
Social phenomena that are related to human beings cannot be performed under controlled conditions... more Social phenomena that are related to human beings cannot be performed under controlled conditions, making it difficult for policy planners to have an idea about the expected future conditions in the society under varying situations and forming policies. However, modelling can be really helpful to planners in these situations. The present paper attempts to find the distributions of age at last conception of women with the help of stochastic modelling for human fertility taking into consideration different parity progression behaviours among couples. This may be helpful to planners for having at least a rough idea of estimated proportion of women of different age groups who will be completing their childbearing and willing to go for sterilization after marriage under different stopping rules regarding desired family size and sex composition of children. Accordingly, these estimates will help planners to optimize the cost and service provision for sterilization programs for women.

Journal of Scientific Research, 2021
The interval between marriage and first conception leading to a live birth plays an important rol... more The interval between marriage and first conception leading to a live birth plays an important role in determination of fertility of a female. One of the proximate determinants of natural fertility is fecundability, which is defined as the probability of conception that a married female will conceive during a month of exposure under unprotected cohabitations. Thus, waiting time to first conception is used to study the fecundability, adolescent sterility and the time required to become susceptible for conception. In this study, real data sets are used to check the suitability of the model and for estimation of parameters, maximum likelihood method has been used. Also an attempt has been made to show the relation ship between adolescent sterility and time require to be ready for the conception. Inverse relationships between them have been observed. The estimate of fecundability is 0.041 for the first data set (1969-70) and 0.057 for the second data set (2014-15) however the estimate of adolescent sterility is higher for first data set than second data set.

Genus, 2019
Contraceptive policies have been derived to achieve desired reductions in the growth rate and als... more Contraceptive policies have been derived to achieve desired reductions in the growth rate and also applied to the data of Uttar Pradesh, India, for illustration. Using the Lotka integral equation for stable population, expressions for the proportion of contraceptive users at different ages have been obtained. In order to reduce the present annual growth rate from 0.036 to 0.020, it is imperative that there will be 42% contraceptive users at age 20, assuming that 40% of them will discontinue at age 25 and 30% will resume the contraceptive use at age 30. Assuming furthermore that 75% of females start using contraceptives at the age of 23 years, 50% of the remaining females start using them at the age of 28 years, and the rest of the females start using them at the age of 32 years, if we set the minimum age at marriage at 20 years, a reduction of 0.019 in the growth rate will be obtained. This study describes how the level of contraceptive use at different age groups of females has helped reduce the growth rate in the state of Uttar Pradesh. It also promotes delayed marriage in the region.
Mathematical Biosciences, 1987
Probability models describing observed distributions of births occurring to women in different se... more Probability models describing observed distributions of births occurring to women in different segments of the reproductive span are proposed. By applying the models to real data, the values and trends in fecundability and sterility of women in rural areas of northern India are studied.
Mathematical Biosciences, 1988
A probability distribution for describing the time of first live birth is developed which is more... more A probability distribution for describing the time of first live birth is developed which is more suitable for traditional societies where the age at marriage is low. The model takes account of temporary separation between husband and wife just after marriage and indirectly incorporates adolescent sterility and the restriction on sexual union imposed on younger couples. The model is applied to the data collected in the large scale sample survey entitled "Rural Development and Population Growth-A Sample Survey 1978" conducted

Scientific Reports, 2021
Modelling is a well-established concept for understanding the typical shape and pattern of age-sp... more Modelling is a well-established concept for understanding the typical shape and pattern of age-specific fertility. The distribution of India’s age-specific fertility rate (ASFR) is unimodal and positively skewed and is distinct from the ASFR of the developed countries. The existing models (P-K model, Gompertz model, Skew-normal model and G-P model considered here) that were developed, based on the experiences of the developed countries, failed to fit the single-year age-specific fertility pattern for India as a whole and for the six selected states. Our study has proposed four flexible models, to capture the diverse age pattern of fertility, observed in the Indian states. The proposed models were compared in three ways; among themselves, with the original models and with the popular Hadwiger model. The parameters of these proposed models were estimated through the Non-Linear Least Squares Method. To find the model with best fit, we used the corrected version of Akaike’s Information ...

BMC Women's Health
Objective To explore the differentials of postpartum contraceptive adoption between rural and urb... more Objective To explore the differentials of postpartum contraceptive adoption between rural and urban poor after adjusting for utilization of MCH services and other selected socioeconomic and demographic covariates. Methods The data for this study is taken from the 4th round of NFHS survey conducted in India during 2015–16. The analysis is limited to 125,340 currently married women whose menses had returned at the time of survey. Discrete time complementary log–log multilevel model was applied. Results The results clearly indicate that women from rural areas had a lower chance of early initiation of modern spacing methods after having recent birth as compare to that of Urban Poor and Urban non-poor areas. The contributions of several socioeconomic and demographic characteristics that were important for family planning practice were also highlighted in this study. Conclusion There is an urgent need of designing an intervention that will result in effective delivery of services to achi...
Health and population; perspectives and issues, 1983
THis paper presents a probability distribution of the 1st birth interval. Unlike other models whi... more THis paper presents a probability distribution of the 1st birth interval. Unlike other models which assume fecundability to be the same among females this model takes into account different levels of fecundability and the fact that some women may not be exposed to the risk of conception in the period just after marriage due to a temporary separation. This model was applied to data from Rural Development and Population Growth: A Sample Survey 1978. Analysis was restricted to the 528 women in this survey who gave birth within the 1st 7 years of marriage. Good agreement resulted between the observed and expected distribution of females according to time from marriage to 1st birth (chi square = 2.2166) suggesting the suitability of this model for further use.
Demography India, 1998
This paper presents a study which aims to increase the understanding about the important factors ... more This paper presents a study which aims to increase the understanding about the important factors affecting fertility by applying the Bongaarts proximate determinants model. It also examines the trends in the fertility inhibiting effects of the changes in fertility levels and the four principle proximate determinants namely: induced abortion lactational infecundability marriage and contraception. Some possible explanations in the case of large discrepancy between observed and the model-estimated fertility are also included.

Health and population; perspectives and issues, 1983
The discussion presents a probability distribution for describing the variation in the length of ... more The discussion presents a probability distribution for describing the variation in the length of the interval between i th and (i+1) th birth to the women with specified marriage duration also accounting for the intervening fetal wastages. The suggested probability distribution can be used for analyzing data on any order closed birth interval for the females having specified marriage duration. For illustration the model is applied to an observed set of data taken from the Demographic Survey of Varanasi (rural) 1969-70 presented in Singh et al. The data represent the distribution of the interval between 1st and 2nd birth based on the fertility performance of the 1st 7 years for females with marriage duration of 7-9 years. The distribution is also based on the consideration of having at least 2 births on or before the first 7 years of marriage. Thus it is reasonable to assume that the females who are frequently giving birth with almost the same conception rate are considered. It has b...

International Journal of Social Work and Human Services Practice, 2014
Social work profession enhances the well-being of people by intervening at the points where peopl... more Social work profession enhances the well-being of people by intervening at the points where people find difficulties. Interventions are intended to assist clients in alleviating problems impeding their well-being. Old age is the last phase of one's life where the elderly confront many challenges with regard to their physical and mental health and support systems. The quality of life of rural elderly in India is deteriorating because of inadequate facilities and weak support systems. This paper is based on the impact of social work intervention in improving the mental health condition of a group of elderly people residing in rural India. The study was conducted in the Madwana village of Lucknow district in Uttar Pradesh. The entire process of the study was facilitated by a Lucknow based NGO – ‘Aarambh Welfare Foundation'. The design of the study was quasi experimental. Various activities were conducted as a part of social work intervention: counselling, motivational, awarenes...

Children and Youth Services Review, 2021
Abstract Objective The objective of the present study was to explore whether the fertility desire... more Abstract Objective The objective of the present study was to explore whether the fertility desire and contraceptive use vary by parity of women and sex composition of surviving children. Methods The present study used National Family Health Survey (2015–2016), India, data for analysis. Married, non-pregnant, fecund women aged 15–49 years with at least one child (N = 151,316) were only included. Bivariate analysis was performed to examine association and thereafter, logistic regression analysis was performed to understand the relationship of selected characteristics with desire for another child and contraceptive use stratified by parity of the women. Results Overall, 39% women in India wanted to have another child. At each parity, the proportion of women desiring another child increased as the number of daughters increased. More than half of women at parity 3 with only daughters wanted another child compared to only 13% of women with only sons. However, of a women at parity two with a son and a daughter, only 16% wanted another child. The odds of desire for another child was higher among women with only daughters compared to others. The odds for desire of another child among daughters only family was 2.13 odds times higher at parity one, which increased to 23.5 times higher at parity four and above compared to have both son and daughter. The pattern of contraceptive use was opposite to that of desire with lower use among the daughter’s family only. Conclusion Son preferences are prevalent in society; however, many want to have a balanced sex composition of their child with at least a son and a daughter. The desire for another child was higher in the daughter’s only family and the likelihood increased with increased parity showing the strong desire for a son child.

Background: Utilizing maternal health care services can reduce a substantial proportion of matern... more Background: Utilizing maternal health care services can reduce a substantial proportion of maternal mortality. Maternal deaths among young women (15-24 years) shares 38% of total maternal mortality in India. However, there is a paucity of studies focusing on the maternity care needs of young women. This paper therefore aimed to examine the trends and determinants of full antenatal care (ANC) and skilled birth attendance (SBA) utilization among young married women in India.Methods: The study analysed data from the four rounds of National Family Health Surveys conducted in India during the years 1992–93, 1998–99, 2005–06 and 2015–16. Young married women aged 15-24 years with at least one live birth in the three years preceding the survey were considered for analysis in each survey round. We used descriptive statistics to assess the prevalence and trends in full ANC and SBA use. Pooled multivariate logistic regression was conducted to identify the demographic and socioeconomic determin...

American Journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics, 2017
Fertility governs central and positive role in the study of human population dynamics. The age-sp... more Fertility governs central and positive role in the study of human population dynamics. The age-specific fertility pattern has a distinct shape for all human population, to describe which, a number of parametric models have been proposed. The purpose of this study is to develop a mathematical model for fitting age-specific fertility rate pattern of various states of India. Skew-logistic probability density function is used for building the model. The real data, to which this model has been fitted, is obtained from National Family Health Survey-III (2005-2006). The used model is very flexible in nature and hence is useful for modeling diverse fertility patterns which are observed across different states of India. The parameters of the model have been estimated through the method of non-linear least square. By fitting the model it is observed that the proposed model fits well on the fertility pattern for almost each state of the country.
Papers by Kaushalendra Kumar Singh