D. R. Sahu
Professor at Department of Mathematics, Banaras Hindu University.
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Papers by D. R. Sahu
et al. [J. Nonlinear Convex Anal., 8 (1) (2007), 61-79] is faster than Picard iteration process for contraction operators. Following the ideas of S-iteration process, we introduce a parallel S-iteration process for finding altering points of nonlinear operators. We apply our algorithms to solve a system of operator equations in Banach space setting. This work also includes convergence analysis of hybrid steepest-descent-like method and hybrid Newton-like method in the context of altering points.
et al. [J. Nonlinear Convex Anal., 8 (1) (2007), 61-79] is faster than Picard iteration process for contraction operators. Following the ideas of S-iteration process, we introduce a parallel S-iteration process for finding altering points of nonlinear operators. We apply our algorithms to solve a system of operator equations in Banach space setting. This work also includes convergence analysis of hybrid steepest-descent-like method and hybrid Newton-like method in the context of altering points.