News and Events

BHSL's Monthly Recommendations: March

BHSL's Monthly Recommendations: March

Check out Baylor Health Sciences Library’s March recommendations. Some of the featured materials include: Undaunted Trailblazers: Minority women leaders for dental health Undaunted Trailblazers tells the stories of several women who changed and improved oral health. Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls: 100 inspiring young changemakers The most recent book in the Rebel Girls series shares [...]

DITKI: New Anatomy & Physiology module

DITKI: New Anatomy & Physiology module

Draw It To Know It Ditki Medical & Biological Sciences presents science in an instructive format that flows logically, so comprehension comes naturally, and memorization comes easily. The Ditki multimodal learning tools and student-focused approach meet diverse learner needs, so students learn difficult concepts faster and retain information longer. Neuroanatomy: 267 tutorials (36 hours) 6-8 Minute Animated, [...]

New Modules Added to StatPearls!

New Modules Added to StatPearls!

New modules have been added to our StatPearls database. If you are a new user, you will need to request a registration link. New content includes: Nurse Ambulatory Care- NEW Nurse Medical Surgical- NEW Content still available: Nursing NCLEX RN/PN Pharmacy Package Physician Assistant package Certified Nurse Midwife NP Critical Care Nursing (CCRN) EMT- Basic [...]

New Resource Trial: Bentham Science Journals

New Resource Trial: Bentham Science Journals

Our hospital patrons have access to Bentham Science Journals until December 31st, 2024. Bentham Science is a science, technology, and medical publisher, providing academic researchers and industrial professionals with the latest information in diverse fields of science and technology. Our peer-reviewed scholarly journals and books (under the Bentham Books brand) have an ever-increasing readership of [...]

New Journal: NEJM AI

New Journal: NEJM AI

NEJM AI is an interdisciplinary journal facilitating dialogue among stakeholders invested in using AI to transform medicine. NEJM AI intentionally pairs “pre-clinical” and clinical articles to deliver critical context to both clinicians and non-clinician researchers. The journal bridges the fast-moving developments in AI, informatics, and technology in medicine with the application of these advancements to [...]

Embase -- New Database

Embase -- New Database

EMBASE is a biomedical and pharmacological database of published literature with records from 1947 onwards on more than 22 million articles from more than 7600 scientific journals in pharmacology and medicine, including 2700 journals not indexed in Medline/Pubmed. Embase provides support for systematic literature reviews, pharmacovigilence, and medical device compliance.

5 Minute Consult

5 Minute Consult

5MinuteConsult: is a website and app which provides continuously updated evidence-based information supported by images, videos, and patient handouts. 5MintueConsult’s easy-to-navigate, relevant, synoptic approach to over 2,000 diseases and conditions found in outpatient primary care makes this an essential resource for general physicians, helping them find all the information they need in one place. Get clinical [...]

NEW DB: AccessDermatology

NEW DB: AccessDermatology

The Baylor Health Sciences Library is proud to announce the acquisition of a new online resource, McGraw-Hill’s AccessDermatologyDxRx. AccessDermatologyDxRx is a comprehensive resource for all physicians and other healthcare providers including medical students, dermatology residents, internists, oncologists, and infectious disease specialists. With thousands of images that include all of the essential information to help you [...]

Covidence - Systematic Review Management

Covidence - Systematic Review Management

BHSL now includes institutional access to Covidence Covidence is an online tool that helps streamline the process of systematic, narrative and scoping literature reviews. With an intuitive user experience, researchers can handle independent title/abstract screening, full text screening, data extraction and quality assessment using a single platform. Covidence makes collaboration easy and saves considerable amount [...]

JBI SUMARI / PACES Systematic Review & Clinical Audit Tools

JBI SUMARI / PACES Systematic Review & Clinical Audit Tools

The Joanna Briggs Institute (JBI) now includes access to The System for the Unified Management, Assessment and Review of Information (SUMARI) is designed to assist researchers and practitioners to conduct systematic reviews. SUMARI supports 10 review types, including reviews of effectiveness, qualitative research, economic evaluations, prevalence/incidence, aetiology/risk, mixed methods, umbrella/overviews, text/opinion, diagnostic test accuracy and [...]

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