[03 Nov 2006|08:07pm] |
no one ever posts to this.
[14 Apr 2005|05:08pm] |
With the destruction of the notion of a block schedule next year, out went the idea for continuing the creative writing class taught by Karen McMahon! This class is ESSENTIAL for not only aspiring young writers but for the well-being of the school. I, personally, have learned how to write much more expressively and intuitively since taking that class.
Students of BHHS, please help us bring back this class by spreading the word of interest in it's teachings!
Thank You, Cheers.
it lives |
[30 Dec 2004|07:50pm] |
the bruin hunter lives!!!!!!!!!!
anyways, get more people to join i know theres a ton of BHHS people on livejournal.
crap |
[20 Aug 2004|03:17pm] |
registration is gonna be crazy this year,we dont get our class list until then. aaarg. i dont wanna go back! but hopefully when school starts this community will be more active.
Jones leaving? |
[07 Jul 2004|09:23pm] |
according to my friend, Mr. Jones is retiring in 2 years (2006). He said that he put in his 30 years and hes done.
speaking of teachers, who are your favorites? who do you hate with a passion?
Art Teacher! |
[06 Jul 2004|10:11am] |
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Hey as soon as more people start posting to this community can someone answer my question...WHO IS GOING TO BE THE NEW ART TEACHER?!?!?! I miss fenner way lots...so i'm very curious about next years art teacher....*sigh*
hi all |
[11 Apr 2004|12:06am] |
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blah |
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so this isnt exactly ready but hey what the hell. we need to get people to join! I know theres tons of people who have gone/are going to BHHS! JOIN PEOPLE! So we can talk about how much some of the teachers suck or how about some just totally rock our socks. so yeah get people to join :)