Blackheart Clothing is a diy company from Los Angeles, California. This journal is meant to help us keep in close contact with our customers. We will list site and auction updates, contests, ask for your opinion on certain topics and of course, encourage you to post often regarding all things Blackheart Clothing. This includes (but is not limited to) posting pictures of you in our clothes, giving us updates on your street team experiences, telling us how you like/dislike the new merchandise, and gettng to know us as well as our other customers.
When you join the community, please post the following so we can learn a bit about you:
favorite bands.
how'd ya hear of bhc.
are you a street team member?.
if so, tell us about it.
picture of you in bhc.
random comments.
Thanks for joining. Be sure to check out our temporary webpage and IM us on AIM (bhc punk couture) if you have something to say, or are just bored and want to chat.