Teaching Documents by Niyati A Pathak

According to Dimock Indian Poetics may be appropriated for Indian Literature. He believes ‘Sanskr... more According to Dimock Indian Poetics may be appropriated for Indian Literature. He believes ‘Sanskrit critics have taxonomic approach to the psychology of emotions’. The ‘taxonomic’ involves to more from the ‘personal’ to ‘transpersonal’. There is a highly particular level. It is the level of interpersonal aesthetic delight.
“An exhibition and enjoyment that is more like spiritual realization is very much present in Indian Literature”
- K. R. Shrinivas Iyanger
Rasa is Sanskrit and has many translations in English, the main ones being: essence, juice, nectar, taste, or sap. Rasa is in everything, or I should say… everything has Rasa. Though some things have a higher vibrational essence, others lower, some even dead. Rasa is the invisible substance that gives life meaning.
Rasa ( relish , passion ) but it is also described as the state of ecstasy in the union with divine .
In Tantra these 9 Rasas are the essence of all of our emotions ;----
1. Love/Sringara… It is the ultimate Rasa. The king or queen emotion that heals
anything. It frees the ego and connects us to devotion. When you appreciate beauty it connects you to the source of love. It is the creative play between Shiva and Shakti, sun and moon, yin and yang. The purpose of the universe it to experience this divine love. This love exists in everything. It is within each one of us and radiates out to the cosmos.
2. Joy/Hasya… This Rasa connects you to your humor, laughter, happiness and contentment. It is the extension of what you feel within love.
3.Wonder/Adhuta… Curiosity, Mystery, Awe. When you become fascinated with the idea of life. It is your playfulness and innocence. You enter into complete appreciation and become an explorer or adventurer. It is magic!
4. Courage/Vira… Bravery, Confidence, Pride. When you call upon your the Warrior that lives inside you. It is strong and vibrant.
5. Peace/Shanta… Deep calmness and relaxation. When you become still and quiet. In peace you become so full that you are empty. You will not find peace anywhere but within.
6. Sadness/Karuna… When you can experience sadness and connect it back to the cosmos, you then experience compassion. Compassion is what connects us all. Through compassion we can relate deeply to each other. When ones sadness is truly experienced around a situation it can give a sense of completion. Grieving is a key aspect in healing.
7. Anger/Raudra… In anger we go into the fire. One moment of anger can destroy lifetimes of good merit. Respect anger. When anger isn’t honored it can bring up irritation, violence, hatred. Feel the anger. Let it move through you. Breath into the fire.
8. Fear/Bhayanaka… Doubt, Worry, Insecurity. When we live our lives in fear, we shut down completely.
9. Disgust/Vibhasta… self pity, Loathing, self hatred. Only through a loving emotion can you heal and appease disgust
Plato and Aristotle's contribution in literature in a few words 😃
Papers by Niyati A Pathak

Niyati Pathak, 2023
પ્રસ્તાવના :
આપણે ત્યાં વ્યવહારૂ જીવનમાં ઘણી વખત વ્યક્તિત્વ શબ્દનો પ્રયોગ કરતાં હોઈએ છીએ.... more પ્રસ્તાવના :
આપણે ત્યાં વ્યવહારૂ જીવનમાં ઘણી વખત વ્યક્તિત્વ શબ્દનો પ્રયોગ કરતાં હોઈએ છીએ. વ્યક્તિત્વ શબ્દ પ્રથમ દૃષ્ટિએ શારીરિક દેખાવ સાથે સંકળાયેલો હોય તેમ લાગે છે. ઘણી વખત આપણે લોકોને એવું કહેતા સાંભળીએ છીએ કે માનસીનું વ્યક્તિત્વ પ્રભાવશાળી, આકર્ષક અને સામેની વ્યક્તિ પર સારી છાપ પાડે તેવું એટલે કે અન્યના માનસ પર છવાયેલું માલૂમ પડે છે. તેથી પ્રથમ દૃષ્ટિએ વ્યક્તિત્વ શબ્દ સાંભળતાં જ વ્યક્તિની શારીરિક પ્રતિભા આપણી સમક્ષ ઉપસી આવે છે. વ્યક્તિત્વ શબ્દ શારીરિક દેખાવ સાથે સંકળાયેલો હોય એમ લાગે છે. સાથોસાથ તે વ્યક્તિના ગુણો સાથે પણ સંબંધિત હોય એમ ભાસે છે.
“પ્રભાવશાળી વ્યક્તિત્વ' શબ્દ એવા બાહ્ય લક્ષણોનું સૂચન થાય છે કે તે વ્યક્તિના ગુણો, સ્વભાવ, જ્ઞાન અને રસ સાથે સંકળાયેલો શ્રેષ્ઠતાનો સંબંધ સૂચવે છે. જયારે કેટલાક લોકો વ્યક્તિત્વમાં અમુક ગુણોનો સમાવેશ કરે છે. જયારે કેટલાક લોકો અનેક અસ્પષ્ટ ગુણોનો સંગ્રહ માને છે. સામાન્ય વ્યવહારના અર્થમાં શારીરિક બાંધા જેવી ભૌતિક બાબતો અને અન્ય વ્યક્તિઓ સાથેના વર્તન અને વ્યવહાર જેવી ક્રિયાત્મક બાબતનો સમાવેશ થાય છે. પોતાની વાક્છટા દ્વારા પોતાનું ધાર્યું કામ કઢાવી લેનાર અને અન્યને પોતાની સાથે સહમત કરી શકનાર તેમજ સામેની વ્યક્તિના માનસ પર પોતાનો પ્રભાવ ઉભો કરી, પોતાની વિશિષ્ટ છાપ ઉભી કરનાર વ્યક્તિને આપણે પ્રભાવશાળી કે શ્રેષ્ઠ વ્યક્તિત્વ ધરાવનાર વ્યક્તિ તરીકે ઓળખીએ છીએ.
આથી પ્રભાવ કે છાપ ન પાડી શકનાર, અન્ય સાથે કોઈ વિશેષ પ્રકારનો વ્યવહાર ન કરી શકનારને વ્યક્તિત્વહીન વ્યક્તિ તરીકે ઓળખીએ છીએ. પરંતુ વ્યક્તિત્વના ઉપરોક્ત અર્થને મનોવિજ્ઞાન સમર્થન આપતું નથી. તેથી વ્યક્તિત્વનાં સાચા અર્થને મનોવૈજ્ઞાનિક આધાર સહ સમજીએ.
<em>Abstract: There are different methods of teaching English. When teaching a foreign lang... more <em>Abstract: There are different methods of teaching English. When teaching a foreign language, it is necessary to pay attention to new ways of stimulating students' speech. However, numerous classical schools still try to teach with the old methods and old books. There will always be problems and you will never become good at speaking English. Using new methods, you can easily learn to speak English and improve at it. You will be able to speak like a native speaker. </em> <em>Keywords: methodology, English, learning.</em>

Superhydrophilic and superhydrophobic substrates are widely known to inhibit the attachment of a ... more Superhydrophilic and superhydrophobic substrates are widely known to inhibit the attachment of a variety of motile and/or nonmotile bacteria. However, the thermodynamics of attachment are complex. Surface energy measurements alone do not address the complexities of colloidal (i.e., bacterial) dispersions but do affirm that polar (acid-base) interactions (ΔGAB) are often more significant than nonpolar (Lifshitz-van der Waals) interactions (ΔGLW). Classical DLVO theory alone also fails to address all colloidal interactions present in bacterial dispersions such as ΔGAB and Born repulsion (ΔGBorn) yet accounts for the significant electrostatic double layer repulsion (ΔGEL). We purpose to model both motile (e.g., P. aeruginosa and E. coli) and nonmotile (e.g., S. aureus and S. epidermidis) bacterial attachment to both superhydrophilic and superhydrophobic substrates via surface energies and extended DLVO theory corrected for bacterial geometries. We used extended DLVO theory and surface ...
This presentation is a paper of my 2nd Research paper Which I have presented In the Webinar organ... more This presentation is a paper of my 2nd Research paper Which I have presented In the Webinar organised By DKV ARTS AND SCIENCE COLLAGE ,JAMNAGAR .
In the mid-1980s the term postcolonial first appeared in the scholarly journals as subtexts in As... more In the mid-1980s the term postcolonial first appeared in the scholarly journals as subtexts in Ashcroft, Griffiths and Tiffin's writings. By the mid-1990s, the term established itself in academic and popular discourse. Its subjects include universality,

Research Paper , 2019
In the mid-1980s the term postcolonial first appeared in the scholarly journals as subtexts in As... more In the mid-1980s the term postcolonial first appeared in the scholarly journals as subtexts in Ashcroft, Griffiths and Tiffin's writings. By the mid-1990s, the term established itself in academic and popular discourse. Its subjects include universality, differences, nationalism, postmodernism, representation and resistance, ethnicity, feminism, language, education, history, place, and production (Ashcroft, Griffiths & Tiffin, 2004.Key Concepts in Postcolonial Studies, p.2). It was born out of people's "frustrations, their direct, personal and cultural clashes with conquering culture, and their fears, hope, and dreams about the future and their own identities"(www.nku.edu). It is the literature that has been created as a voice to the powerless and the poorest members of the global community. "Postcolonial theory deals with the reading and writing of literature written in previously or currently colonized countries; a literature written in colonizing countries which deals with colonization or colonized peoples. It focuses particularly on: the way in which literature by the colonizing culture distorts the experience and realities, and inscribes the inferiority, of the colonized people and on literature by colonized peoples which attempts to articulate their identity and reclaim their past in the face of inevitable Otherness". Index Terms-Post-colonialism, the self, the others, binary opposition, consciousness, savage, empire, the oppressed and the oppressor. "When the work was done, I realized there was not much Shakespeare left."-Aimé Césaire
English has a status of associate language, but in fact it is the most important language of Indi... more English has a status of associate language, but in fact it is the most important language of India. After Hindi it is the most commonly spoken language in India and probably the most read and written language in India. English in India is used not only for communicating with the outside world, but also for inter-state and intrastate communication. Because of the great ethnic and linguistic diversity found within our nation, English acts as an indispensable ‘link’ language. Indians who know English often mingle it with Indian languages in their conversation. It is also usual among Indians to abruptly move to speak fluent English in the middle of their conversations. English also serves as the communicator among Indians who speak different languages. English is very important in some systems – legal, financial, educational and business in India. (Narayana, Nair and Mishra)
The meaning of the "American Dream" has changed over the course of history, and includes both per... more The meaning of the "American Dream" has changed over the course of history, and includes both personal components (such as home ownership and upward mobility) and a global vision. Historically the Dream originated in the mystique regarding frontier life. As the Governor of Virginia noted in 1774, the Americans "for ever imagine the Lands further off are still better than those upon which they are already settled". He added that, "if they attained Paradise, they would move on if they heard of a better place farther west".
In both King Lear and The Tempest our sense of justice is grossly violated: Not only is Cordelia’... more In both King Lear and The Tempest our sense of justice is grossly violated: Not only is Cordelia’s death in King Lear devoid of any ulterior meaning, but the fact that her father is still alive to see it renders his fate all the more terrible. Edgar’s previous assertion that “the gods are just” (5.2.171) is emphatically contradicted. In The Tempest, by contrast, some of the characters clearly do not deserve the happy ending they are provided with: The Italian villains who ousted Prospero from his dukedom are allowed to go home scot-free; and Antonio, the chief of them, does not even express any regret as to what he has done.
George Eliot is widely recognized as one of the most important writers of the nineteenth century;... more George Eliot is widely recognized as one of the most important writers of the nineteenth century; yet her two volumes of poetry are often ignored in modern critical assessments. Like so many of her contemporaries, Eliot tried to make significant literary contributions in more than one genre; her poems—both narrative and lyric—deal, however, with some of the same themes which
Thesis Chapters by Niyati A Pathak

The present study aims at discussing the questioning attitude of Samuel Beckett towards Christian... more The present study aims at discussing the questioning attitude of Samuel Beckett towards Christianity, in his play Waiting for Godot. The work belongs to the Theatre of the Absurd movement of the 1950s which propagates the existentialist philosophy of Albert Camus and Jean Sartre. It is suggested through textual analysis that the play questions the basic claims, tenets, andideology of Christianity. It raises questions about the position of man in the cosmos, the Christian concept of damnation and salvation, and the authenticity of the Christian history.
Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Beckett may be considered one of the most famous plays intwentieth century, at the same time it may also be among the most controversial plays. Moreover, being attributed to the absurd theatre, adds ambiguity to its content. In this type of drama, there is not a real plot, so it is very difficult to the viewer to understand what is exactly meant by the writer of the text. The main question that has been discussed by many critics is;who is Godot? "Any interpretation that strives to know who Godot is (or is not), whether he is realistic character, whether he will ever come, whether he has ever come, or even whether he may have come without being recognized (or possibly in disguise) is, if not absolutely wrong, at least not absolutely right" Htchings. Critics are of different views about the character of Godot in this play. Samuel Beckett himself didn’t give answer to this question when he was asked.
He said that if he knew he would reveal but he claimed that he himself didn’t know. Classica
l works always have the possibility for being understood in different way. This might has been a good reason for Beckett not to reveal the real personality of Godot to make readers and critics think seriously about his characters.
Keywords: Christianity, God, Man, Absurd, Hindu psychology
Teaching Documents by Niyati A Pathak
“An exhibition and enjoyment that is more like spiritual realization is very much present in Indian Literature”
- K. R. Shrinivas Iyanger
Rasa is Sanskrit and has many translations in English, the main ones being: essence, juice, nectar, taste, or sap. Rasa is in everything, or I should say… everything has Rasa. Though some things have a higher vibrational essence, others lower, some even dead. Rasa is the invisible substance that gives life meaning.
Rasa ( relish , passion ) but it is also described as the state of ecstasy in the union with divine .
In Tantra these 9 Rasas are the essence of all of our emotions ;----
1. Love/Sringara… It is the ultimate Rasa. The king or queen emotion that heals
anything. It frees the ego and connects us to devotion. When you appreciate beauty it connects you to the source of love. It is the creative play between Shiva and Shakti, sun and moon, yin and yang. The purpose of the universe it to experience this divine love. This love exists in everything. It is within each one of us and radiates out to the cosmos.
2. Joy/Hasya… This Rasa connects you to your humor, laughter, happiness and contentment. It is the extension of what you feel within love.
3.Wonder/Adhuta… Curiosity, Mystery, Awe. When you become fascinated with the idea of life. It is your playfulness and innocence. You enter into complete appreciation and become an explorer or adventurer. It is magic!
4. Courage/Vira… Bravery, Confidence, Pride. When you call upon your the Warrior that lives inside you. It is strong and vibrant.
5. Peace/Shanta… Deep calmness and relaxation. When you become still and quiet. In peace you become so full that you are empty. You will not find peace anywhere but within.
6. Sadness/Karuna… When you can experience sadness and connect it back to the cosmos, you then experience compassion. Compassion is what connects us all. Through compassion we can relate deeply to each other. When ones sadness is truly experienced around a situation it can give a sense of completion. Grieving is a key aspect in healing.
7. Anger/Raudra… In anger we go into the fire. One moment of anger can destroy lifetimes of good merit. Respect anger. When anger isn’t honored it can bring up irritation, violence, hatred. Feel the anger. Let it move through you. Breath into the fire.
8. Fear/Bhayanaka… Doubt, Worry, Insecurity. When we live our lives in fear, we shut down completely.
9. Disgust/Vibhasta… self pity, Loathing, self hatred. Only through a loving emotion can you heal and appease disgust
Papers by Niyati A Pathak
આપણે ત્યાં વ્યવહારૂ જીવનમાં ઘણી વખત વ્યક્તિત્વ શબ્દનો પ્રયોગ કરતાં હોઈએ છીએ. વ્યક્તિત્વ શબ્દ પ્રથમ દૃષ્ટિએ શારીરિક દેખાવ સાથે સંકળાયેલો હોય તેમ લાગે છે. ઘણી વખત આપણે લોકોને એવું કહેતા સાંભળીએ છીએ કે માનસીનું વ્યક્તિત્વ પ્રભાવશાળી, આકર્ષક અને સામેની વ્યક્તિ પર સારી છાપ પાડે તેવું એટલે કે અન્યના માનસ પર છવાયેલું માલૂમ પડે છે. તેથી પ્રથમ દૃષ્ટિએ વ્યક્તિત્વ શબ્દ સાંભળતાં જ વ્યક્તિની શારીરિક પ્રતિભા આપણી સમક્ષ ઉપસી આવે છે. વ્યક્તિત્વ શબ્દ શારીરિક દેખાવ સાથે સંકળાયેલો હોય એમ લાગે છે. સાથોસાથ તે વ્યક્તિના ગુણો સાથે પણ સંબંધિત હોય એમ ભાસે છે.
“પ્રભાવશાળી વ્યક્તિત્વ' શબ્દ એવા બાહ્ય લક્ષણોનું સૂચન થાય છે કે તે વ્યક્તિના ગુણો, સ્વભાવ, જ્ઞાન અને રસ સાથે સંકળાયેલો શ્રેષ્ઠતાનો સંબંધ સૂચવે છે. જયારે કેટલાક લોકો વ્યક્તિત્વમાં અમુક ગુણોનો સમાવેશ કરે છે. જયારે કેટલાક લોકો અનેક અસ્પષ્ટ ગુણોનો સંગ્રહ માને છે. સામાન્ય વ્યવહારના અર્થમાં શારીરિક બાંધા જેવી ભૌતિક બાબતો અને અન્ય વ્યક્તિઓ સાથેના વર્તન અને વ્યવહાર જેવી ક્રિયાત્મક બાબતનો સમાવેશ થાય છે. પોતાની વાક્છટા દ્વારા પોતાનું ધાર્યું કામ કઢાવી લેનાર અને અન્યને પોતાની સાથે સહમત કરી શકનાર તેમજ સામેની વ્યક્તિના માનસ પર પોતાનો પ્રભાવ ઉભો કરી, પોતાની વિશિષ્ટ છાપ ઉભી કરનાર વ્યક્તિને આપણે પ્રભાવશાળી કે શ્રેષ્ઠ વ્યક્તિત્વ ધરાવનાર વ્યક્તિ તરીકે ઓળખીએ છીએ.
આથી પ્રભાવ કે છાપ ન પાડી શકનાર, અન્ય સાથે કોઈ વિશેષ પ્રકારનો વ્યવહાર ન કરી શકનારને વ્યક્તિત્વહીન વ્યક્તિ તરીકે ઓળખીએ છીએ. પરંતુ વ્યક્તિત્વના ઉપરોક્ત અર્થને મનોવિજ્ઞાન સમર્થન આપતું નથી. તેથી વ્યક્તિત્વનાં સાચા અર્થને મનોવૈજ્ઞાનિક આધાર સહ સમજીએ.
Thesis Chapters by Niyati A Pathak
Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Beckett may be considered one of the most famous plays intwentieth century, at the same time it may also be among the most controversial plays. Moreover, being attributed to the absurd theatre, adds ambiguity to its content. In this type of drama, there is not a real plot, so it is very difficult to the viewer to understand what is exactly meant by the writer of the text. The main question that has been discussed by many critics is;who is Godot? "Any interpretation that strives to know who Godot is (or is not), whether he is realistic character, whether he will ever come, whether he has ever come, or even whether he may have come without being recognized (or possibly in disguise) is, if not absolutely wrong, at least not absolutely right" Htchings. Critics are of different views about the character of Godot in this play. Samuel Beckett himself didn’t give answer to this question when he was asked.
He said that if he knew he would reveal but he claimed that he himself didn’t know. Classica
l works always have the possibility for being understood in different way. This might has been a good reason for Beckett not to reveal the real personality of Godot to make readers and critics think seriously about his characters.
Keywords: Christianity, God, Man, Absurd, Hindu psychology
“An exhibition and enjoyment that is more like spiritual realization is very much present in Indian Literature”
- K. R. Shrinivas Iyanger
Rasa is Sanskrit and has many translations in English, the main ones being: essence, juice, nectar, taste, or sap. Rasa is in everything, or I should say… everything has Rasa. Though some things have a higher vibrational essence, others lower, some even dead. Rasa is the invisible substance that gives life meaning.
Rasa ( relish , passion ) but it is also described as the state of ecstasy in the union with divine .
In Tantra these 9 Rasas are the essence of all of our emotions ;----
1. Love/Sringara… It is the ultimate Rasa. The king or queen emotion that heals
anything. It frees the ego and connects us to devotion. When you appreciate beauty it connects you to the source of love. It is the creative play between Shiva and Shakti, sun and moon, yin and yang. The purpose of the universe it to experience this divine love. This love exists in everything. It is within each one of us and radiates out to the cosmos.
2. Joy/Hasya… This Rasa connects you to your humor, laughter, happiness and contentment. It is the extension of what you feel within love.
3.Wonder/Adhuta… Curiosity, Mystery, Awe. When you become fascinated with the idea of life. It is your playfulness and innocence. You enter into complete appreciation and become an explorer or adventurer. It is magic!
4. Courage/Vira… Bravery, Confidence, Pride. When you call upon your the Warrior that lives inside you. It is strong and vibrant.
5. Peace/Shanta… Deep calmness and relaxation. When you become still and quiet. In peace you become so full that you are empty. You will not find peace anywhere but within.
6. Sadness/Karuna… When you can experience sadness and connect it back to the cosmos, you then experience compassion. Compassion is what connects us all. Through compassion we can relate deeply to each other. When ones sadness is truly experienced around a situation it can give a sense of completion. Grieving is a key aspect in healing.
7. Anger/Raudra… In anger we go into the fire. One moment of anger can destroy lifetimes of good merit. Respect anger. When anger isn’t honored it can bring up irritation, violence, hatred. Feel the anger. Let it move through you. Breath into the fire.
8. Fear/Bhayanaka… Doubt, Worry, Insecurity. When we live our lives in fear, we shut down completely.
9. Disgust/Vibhasta… self pity, Loathing, self hatred. Only through a loving emotion can you heal and appease disgust
આપણે ત્યાં વ્યવહારૂ જીવનમાં ઘણી વખત વ્યક્તિત્વ શબ્દનો પ્રયોગ કરતાં હોઈએ છીએ. વ્યક્તિત્વ શબ્દ પ્રથમ દૃષ્ટિએ શારીરિક દેખાવ સાથે સંકળાયેલો હોય તેમ લાગે છે. ઘણી વખત આપણે લોકોને એવું કહેતા સાંભળીએ છીએ કે માનસીનું વ્યક્તિત્વ પ્રભાવશાળી, આકર્ષક અને સામેની વ્યક્તિ પર સારી છાપ પાડે તેવું એટલે કે અન્યના માનસ પર છવાયેલું માલૂમ પડે છે. તેથી પ્રથમ દૃષ્ટિએ વ્યક્તિત્વ શબ્દ સાંભળતાં જ વ્યક્તિની શારીરિક પ્રતિભા આપણી સમક્ષ ઉપસી આવે છે. વ્યક્તિત્વ શબ્દ શારીરિક દેખાવ સાથે સંકળાયેલો હોય એમ લાગે છે. સાથોસાથ તે વ્યક્તિના ગુણો સાથે પણ સંબંધિત હોય એમ ભાસે છે.
“પ્રભાવશાળી વ્યક્તિત્વ' શબ્દ એવા બાહ્ય લક્ષણોનું સૂચન થાય છે કે તે વ્યક્તિના ગુણો, સ્વભાવ, જ્ઞાન અને રસ સાથે સંકળાયેલો શ્રેષ્ઠતાનો સંબંધ સૂચવે છે. જયારે કેટલાક લોકો વ્યક્તિત્વમાં અમુક ગુણોનો સમાવેશ કરે છે. જયારે કેટલાક લોકો અનેક અસ્પષ્ટ ગુણોનો સંગ્રહ માને છે. સામાન્ય વ્યવહારના અર્થમાં શારીરિક બાંધા જેવી ભૌતિક બાબતો અને અન્ય વ્યક્તિઓ સાથેના વર્તન અને વ્યવહાર જેવી ક્રિયાત્મક બાબતનો સમાવેશ થાય છે. પોતાની વાક્છટા દ્વારા પોતાનું ધાર્યું કામ કઢાવી લેનાર અને અન્યને પોતાની સાથે સહમત કરી શકનાર તેમજ સામેની વ્યક્તિના માનસ પર પોતાનો પ્રભાવ ઉભો કરી, પોતાની વિશિષ્ટ છાપ ઉભી કરનાર વ્યક્તિને આપણે પ્રભાવશાળી કે શ્રેષ્ઠ વ્યક્તિત્વ ધરાવનાર વ્યક્તિ તરીકે ઓળખીએ છીએ.
આથી પ્રભાવ કે છાપ ન પાડી શકનાર, અન્ય સાથે કોઈ વિશેષ પ્રકારનો વ્યવહાર ન કરી શકનારને વ્યક્તિત્વહીન વ્યક્તિ તરીકે ઓળખીએ છીએ. પરંતુ વ્યક્તિત્વના ઉપરોક્ત અર્થને મનોવિજ્ઞાન સમર્થન આપતું નથી. તેથી વ્યક્તિત્વનાં સાચા અર્થને મનોવૈજ્ઞાનિક આધાર સહ સમજીએ.
Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Beckett may be considered one of the most famous plays intwentieth century, at the same time it may also be among the most controversial plays. Moreover, being attributed to the absurd theatre, adds ambiguity to its content. In this type of drama, there is not a real plot, so it is very difficult to the viewer to understand what is exactly meant by the writer of the text. The main question that has been discussed by many critics is;who is Godot? "Any interpretation that strives to know who Godot is (or is not), whether he is realistic character, whether he will ever come, whether he has ever come, or even whether he may have come without being recognized (or possibly in disguise) is, if not absolutely wrong, at least not absolutely right" Htchings. Critics are of different views about the character of Godot in this play. Samuel Beckett himself didn’t give answer to this question when he was asked.
He said that if he knew he would reveal but he claimed that he himself didn’t know. Classica
l works always have the possibility for being understood in different way. This might has been a good reason for Beckett not to reveal the real personality of Godot to make readers and critics think seriously about his characters.
Keywords: Christianity, God, Man, Absurd, Hindu psychology