Eytan Kochavi
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Papers by Eytan Kochavi
In this study, experimental and numerical investigation of the phenomenon of the dynamic increase factor (DIF) of concrete in pure tension was conducted. Although many researchers have published experimental data on the DIF in concrete, only a few have addressed this phenomenon in tension using various dynamic experimental methods. Of these, even fewer used direct tension experiments. This study was conducted using direct tension tests on a TSHB system and accompanied by numerical computations. Thus, enabling full understanding of the experimental method and calibration of three material models. Our results agree very well with the modified CEB DIF curve which shows a sharp increase in the dynamic factor starting from strain rates as low as 1 1/s-1.
The numerical part of this work included modification of material models implemented in LS-DYNA, and will be explained in the paper. We demonstrated that only after these modifications do the computed tensile pulses agree well with the pulses measured on the transmitter bar. In our opinion, it is essential to combine the experimental and numerical methods herein proposed.
Keywords: Tensile Split Hopkinson Bar, Dynamic testing, Concrete material models,
LS-DYNA, Numerical modeling.