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Terms of Service & Privacy Policy Generator


Generates „Terms Of Service“ and „Privacy Policy“ texts with your own website’s/company’s information using generic versions of Automattic’s Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.

You can use the following shortcodes [wl_tos] to output the Terms Of Service text and [wl_privacypolicy] to display the Privacy Policy text anywhere on your website.

Снимки на разширението

  • Settings page
  • „Terms Of Service“ shortcode in editor
  • „Terms Of Service“ shortcode executed
  • „Privacy Policy“ shortcode in editor
  • „Privacy Policy“ shortcode executed


  1. Activate the plugin
  2. Go to Settings > „TOS Generator“ and input your own informatio
  3. Insert the following shortcodes in your posts/pages as desired :
    3.1. [wl_tos] : Displays „Terms Of Service“ text.
    3.2. [wl_privacypolicy] : Display „Privacy Policy text“ text.


Installation Instructions
  1. Activate the plugin
  2. Go to Settings > „TOS Generator“ and input your own informatio
  3. Insert the following shortcodes in your posts/pages as desired :
    3.1. [wl_tos] : Displays „Terms Of Service“ text.
    3.2. [wl_privacypolicy] : Display „Privacy Policy text“ text.
Where can i find the plugin settings ?

The plugin settings page is located at Settings > „TOS Generator“

How can i display „Terms Of Service“ and „Privacy Policy“ text ?

You can display „Terms Of Service“ and „Privacy Policy“ text using the following shortcodes :

  1. [wl_tos] : Displays „Terms Of Service“ text.
  2. [wl_privacypolicy] : Display „Privacy Policy“ text.


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Сътрудници и разработчици

“Terms of Service & Privacy Policy Generator” е софтуер с отворен код. Към разширението са допринесли следните хора:


Списък с промени


  • First release