Това разширение не е обновявано повече от 2 години. Може вече да не се поддържа и да има проблеми със съвместимостта при използването му на по-нови версии на WordPress.

SEOBrrr Programmatic SEO


Creating new content is often the best way to increase your website’s traffic, but the problem is that creating content is time consuming and challenging. It’s difficult to come up with new topics, express them in a blog post, and finding the time to do so consistently.

Programmatic SEO is a tactic to create new content for your website in a programmed way – helping you to create hundreds or even thousands of webpages in the time it takes to create only a couple of blog posts. Read our recent blog post to learn more about programmatic SEO.

The SEOBrrr WordPress plugin lets you connect the blog posts and campaigns created at SEOBrrr.com to your WordPress site.

Снимки на разширението

  • Homepage of user interface
  • Data and campaign creation


How do I create new content?

At SEOBrrr.com, we have an easy to use editor that you can use to create or upload data and place it in a blog post template using variables.


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Сътрудници и разработчици

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Имате интерес към разработване?

Преглеждане на кода, разглеждане на SVN хранилище, или абонамент към програмната история (log) чрез RSS.

Списък с промени


  • Original


  • Added screenshots, icons and description to plugin page


  • Added meta description
  • Created landing pages for campaigns