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mySimpleAds WordPress Ad Manager


The mySimpleAds WordPress Ad Manager allows you to easily place your mySimpleAds Ads inside your wordpress posts, pages, or even right in your templates.

Please Note: This requires mySimpleAds from ClipperSoft.

To use …

Place [msa_aid=x] for an Ad ID or [msa_gid=x] for an Ad Group ID in your post, where ‘x’ is the Ad or Ad Group ID.
You can also optionally specify the type of ad code to use – (p) PHP Remote Read, (j) Javascript Injection, (a) Ajax Javascript, like:
[msa_gid=x,c=a] for Ajax Javascript. If you do not specify, it will use PHP Remote Read by default.

Place msa_show_ad_id($aid,$code); for an Ad ID or msa_show_group_id($gid,$code); for an Ad Group ID in your template PHP code (you may need to surround the function by PHP tags, if it’s outside an existing PHP tag section). The $aid is the Ad ID, the $gid is the Ad Group ID, and $code is type type of ad code to use – ‘p’ PHP Remote Read, ‘j’ Javascript Injection, ‘a’ Ajax Javascript. It defaults to PHP Remote Read.

Снимки на разширението

  • The settings and usage page


  1. Upload mysimpleads_wordpress_ad_manager to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Place the code in your posts/pages or templates

In the settings, put in your mySimpleAds URL, such as…


What versions of mySimpleAds will this work with?

It has been tested with version 1.93.


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Сътрудници и разработчици

“mySimpleAds WordPress Ad Manager” е софтуер с отворен код. Към разширението са допринесли следните хора:


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Имате интерес към разработване?

Преглеждане на кода, разглеждане на SVN хранилище, или абонамент към програмната история (log) чрез RSS.

Списък с промени


  • Inital Release


  • Updated Ad Code