Head Trimmer


The Head Trimmer plugin for WordPress is a customizable plugin to remove automatically generated information from the HEAD element across a site. These extras add bloat to a website and expose WordPress version information as well as other potential security signatures in the generated source code.

Removal options include:

  • WordPress Version
  • WordPress Version from URLs for Scripts and Styles
  • Shortlink
  • Shortlink from HTTP response headers
  • Canonical
  • Relational Links for Posts Adjacent to Current Post
  • RSS Feeds
  • Really Simple Discovery Link for xmlrpc (rsd_link)
  • Windows Live Writer Manifest File Link (wlwmanifest_link)
  • oEmbed Discovery Links
  • REST API Link
  • REST API Link Header
  • Emoji Support
  • Global Styles and SVG Filters (duotone filters)
  • Gutenberg Block CSS Styles (or set ‘should_load_separate_core_block_assets’)
  • Classic Theme Styles (classic-theme-styles)
  • DNS Prefetch for //s.w.org
  • DNS Prefetch for Google Fonts //fonts.googleapis.com
  • jQuery

Снимки на разширението

  • Head Trimmer admin settings screen.


  1. Install Head Trimmer through the WordPress.org plugin repository or by uploading the .zip file using the Admin -> Plugins -> Add New function.
  2. Activate Head Trimmer on the Admin -> Plugins screen.
  3. Customize settings on the Admin -> Settings -> Head Trimmer screen.

1. Deactivate the plugin on the Admin -> Plugins screen. All plugin files and settings will be retained.
2. Delete the plugin on the Admin -> Plugins screen. This deletes both the plugin files and all plugin settings stored in the database.


The setting to remove a particular element is checked. Why do I still find the element in the source?

Please verify settings for other installed plugins which may re-add an element. As an example, various SEO plugins may include an option to add the canonical or relational links.

I set the option to remove the WordPress version number from scripts and styles. Why do I still find version numbers in script and style URLs?

Head Trimmer removes the installed WordPress version number from script and style URLs. It does not remove version numbers generated by other plugins such as caching and optimization plugins.


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Сътрудници и разработчици

“Head Trimmer” е софтуер с отворен код. Към разширението са допринесли следните хора:


Превеждане на “Head Trimmer” на вашия език.

Имате интерес към разработване?

Преглеждане на кода, разглеждане на SVN хранилище, или абонамент към програмната история (log) чрез RSS.

Списък с промени


  • Adds option to remove classic themes CSS styles


  • Adds option to set ‘should_load_separate_core_block_assets’ instead of removing Gutenberg Block CSS Styles entirely


  • Minor changes to improve code readability and internationalization


  • Minor changes to improve code readability and internationalization


  • Initial Release