DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Feb 1, 2016
Igra kao susret: koautorski prostor u zajedniþkoj igri dece i odraslih * Apstrakt: Rad se bavi pi... more Igra kao susret: koautorski prostor u zajedniþkoj igri dece i odraslih * Apstrakt: Rad se bavi pitanjem zašto je zajedniþka igra dece i odraslih važna i za decu i za odrasle i kako oni mogu u igri da grade zajedniþka znaþenja i istražuju kulturne obrasce. Pitanje zajedniþke igre se posmatra u odnosu na kapacitet fleksibilnosti koji odrasli i deca koriste u igri, a koji þini osnov njihovog stvaralaþkog odnosa prema sebi i svetu. U radu se analizira naþin graÿenja i regulacije koautorskog prostora u zajedniþkoj igri kao i njegove funkcije u rekombinovanju kulturnih obrazaca, transformaciji odnosa odraslih i dece i ko-konstrukciji kulture. Kljuþne reþi: fleksibilnost, igra, dijalog mašte, ko-konstrukcija kulture Uvod Igra se þesto vezuje za predškolski period kao kreativni izraz deteta kroz koji ono pokušava da razume, ovlada društvenim obrascima znaþenja i predstavi ih na jedinstven naþin. Vrednost igre nestaje u transformaciji njene funkcije od kreativnog ka re-kreativnom u daljim nivoima obrazovanja. Propisani školski programi sve manje dozvoljavaju deci i odraslima da unose u obrazovanje elemente igrovnog, tako da je igra uklonjena iz uþenja u školi i izolovana u vreme za odmor. Ona postaje re-kreativni oblik aktivnosti po završetku uþenja i rada. Njena re-kreativna funkcija se pojaþava u odnosu na stvaralaþku sve veüom polarizacijom igre i rada odraslih, odnosno polarizacijom moguünosti za ponavljanje ustaljenih društvenih obrazaca i stvaranje novih i originalnih. Svaki posao koji shvatamo ili radimo "ozbiljno" u životu þini nas "odreÿenijima i samim tim manje moguüim" (Fink 2000), za razliku od deteta koje, u igri, potencijalno može biti "sve". Isti autor naglašava da se suprotnosti u maštovitom i kreativnom pristupu prema sebi i svetu izmeÿu odraslih i dece * Rad je nastao u okviru projekta Modeli procenjivanja i strategije unapreÿivanja kvaliteta obrazovanja u Srbiji Ministarstva nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Srbije 2011-2014. (br.179060).
The issue of the relationship between play, creativity and an open educational system can be conc... more The issue of the relationship between play, creativity and an open educational system can be conceived as a question of creating, 'space' (physical, imaginary) where children and adults can together develop and adjust their potentials for change and where they can meet and explore things together. The development of creativity, play and open educational system which can be developed through action research is the process of the same capacity for flexibility. The functions of children's and adults' research and creativity in common surrounding are: strengthening family relations, and preserving and developing selected creative modes of thinking and acting in group. Research surroundings of children and adults enhance the development of the relations, 'be able with' as a co-construction of the parts of the same process on the principles of discontinuity, specificity, turn-over and creation of the context as an entity based on the capacity for change. In this context children and adults express the essence of human powers to act on the basis of the ,'possible' and so disover the potential of the creative power of man.
The paper focuses on the possibilities and limitations of professional development from the persp... more The paper focuses on the possibilities and limitations of professional development from the perspective of ecological paradigm. Ecological paradigm sees a person as a set of energy, being a part of a unique energy field with his environment. The changes within are connected and development consists of synergy processes and interaction of all parts of the system. In the professional development the large numbers of different, nonlinear processes are integrated. It creates the opportunities to change the overall context of professional activity, while in each context the authentic ways of change has been opened. Professional development of teachers is analysed from the point of view of following processes: openness, self-regulation and networking. Professional development from the perspective of the ecological paradigm as a model of professional development is focused on self-regulation and learning through sharing in the context of ongoing activities. Further issues are the development of self-understanding and cooperation, capacity and strength to question and research.
The work on the project 'The advancement of the teaching process for educating kindergarten t... more The work on the project 'The advancement of the teaching process for educating kindergarten tutors' is the first step in the process of the development of the College for Kindergarten Tutors in Sremska Mitrovica which is seen as a learning community. The research was initiated after perceiving disharmony between tutorial practice, on the one hand, and the methodology of education of future kindergarten tutors on the other. Particularly valuable was the joint work of the professors, practitioners and students participating in the research. Understanding the complexity of the tutor's role, acquiring adequate planning skills aimed at child development monitoring and support are seen as the main contribution to students' training. Reflective research by professors provided deeper understanding of modern tutorial practice and initiated the re-examination of methods and techniques used in the education of future tutors. Paths to the reformed school can and ought to be diversified according to specific contexts and the culture of each school. Continual professional development of teachers in the College for Kindergarten Tutors, the orientation towards teamwork and the development of partnership relations with students, as well as cooperation with kindergartens and other institutions are seen as necessary preconditions for comprehensive changes.
The paper addresses Serbian preschool education Curriculum Framework as one of dimensions of the ... more The paper addresses Serbian preschool education Curriculum Framework as one of dimensions of the preschool education quality. The first part of paper deals with the importance of preschool education worldwide as a social responsibility and its accountability in education policy. The second part provides the evaluation of the preschool education curriculum framework based on the analyses of the internal inter-connection of the documents content. The analysis used the criteria identified as the indicators of the quality of preschool education worldwide. The results show the discord between preschool education curriculum framework in Serbia and the characteristics of high quality contemporary preschool education programs. Therefore, an initial step in the recommendations for the reconsideration of the quality of the preschool education curriculum framework would be reaching consensus on the values and theories underpinning preschool education.
Etnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2016
Play is a special way in which children and adults open up to the world and their own flexibility... more Play is a special way in which children and adults open up to the world and their own flexibility. When playing together, they build co-authorial spaces of meaning as a space in which their separate subcultures overlap. The construction and regulation of the co-authorial space in play between children and adults depend on relations between everyday living space and the playing space, wherein the basic principles of regulation are the safeguarding of the illusionary plan of play and the development of the dialogue of imaginations. Adults who play along with children, can not only influence the “script” of the game, but can also create a possibility to realize their own potentials for imaginative and original interactions with the environment they inhabit. The reflexive and transformative function of co-authorial space as well as the function of co-constructing culture contributes to adults and children combining and changing old cultural patterns through playing, transform relations ...
The paper addresses gender issues in the practice of ECEC through research with children. The res... more The paper addresses gender issues in the practice of ECEC through research with children. The research examines children’s perspectives of kindergarten practice, acknowledging the importance of the child’s perspective in critical investigations of this nature. In total, fifty children from thirty kindergartens across Serbia participated in the research involving the Mosaic method. Qualitative analysis through three iterative phases helped identify emergent themes. The themes were not imposed by the researchers but emerged from the children’s narratives generated around photographs and drawings they had produced, map-making and kindergarten tours. One of the emergent themes captured in the children’s narratives related to gender issues and helped us map the three pathways of data synthesis: gender segregation and stereotyping, gender discrimination, and close friendships. The examples of children narratives indicate that no particular gender discourse informed the teachers’ practices...
The curriculum ideologies are determined as the system of values, beliefs and understanding of a ... more The curriculum ideologies are determined as the system of values, beliefs and understanding of a particular society or a social group by means of which the way in which education will be realized and will eventually become. While working on it, what is widely recommended is the ideologically deconstructing model of curriculum trough different dimensions of ideology. The curriculum ideologies research is a common field to both pedagogical research and the research of the sociology of education. Some examples of national curriculum analyses in terms of Serbia`s preschool and primary school education have show a level of curriculum ideological discontinuity between the two levels of education, being at the same time the unsustainable combination of different ideologies, which makes it an incoherent and confusing model of practice in almost every curriculum.
The authors question the dominant model of the practitioners' professional development by compari... more The authors question the dominant model of the practitioners' professional development by comparing mechanistic and systemic ecological models of professional development. Starting from a systemic model, the authors put forward the professional development model, symbolically presented as a "loom" which gives the starting points (systemic changes of education, teacher as reflective practitioner, school as a learning community and partnership) and the framework (career long learning and improvement, career advancement, improvement of the practice and the education policy based on the culture of change). Such a framework provides a basis for the networking of the professional development through the interactive system of different forms (grouped in the individual forms, common forms in the working practice and the organized forms outside the practice) and through connecting of different actors.
The article discusses two discourses of documenting in preschool practice: discourse of power and... more The article discusses two discourses of documenting in preschool practice: discourse of power and participatory discourse. The discourse of power shapes documenting as a mean of power over children and over teachers and develops a model of documenting as a way of controlling of educational process. In this discourse we have identified several possible meanings of documenting: documenting as technical solution and control; as invisible practice; as an obligation; as individual responsibility of teachers; as observation and monitoring of children’s needs and interests and as a perspective. In the participatory discourse pedagogical documentation becomes a tool for reflective practice of teachers with a purpose of getting a deeper understanding of own practice. The meanings of documenting in the participatory discourse can be: documenting as emancipation and dialogue; as research and reflection; as process of collaboration; as visible learning; as multi-perspective; as retrospective and perspective; as reconstructing roles of the child and teacher and as a synthesis. A critical analysis of the meaning in the two discourses may contribute to the reconstruction of ethical foundationsand to defining directions in the operationalisation of a purpose and function of documenting
The authors question the dominant model of the practitioners' professional development by com... more The authors question the dominant model of the practitioners' professional development by comparing mechanistic and systemic ecological models of professional development. Starting from a systemic model, the authors put forward the professional development model, symbolically presented as a "loom" which gives the starting points (systemic changes of education, teacher as reflective practitioner, school as a learning community and partnership) and the framework (career long learning and improvement, career advancement, improvement of the practice and the education policy based on the culture of change). Such a framework provides a basis for the networking of the professional development through the interactive system of different forms (grouped in the individual forms, common forms in the working practice and the organized forms outside the practice) and through connecting of different actors. 134 INTRODUCTION The theoretician of system and systemic changes, professor B...
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Feb 1, 2016
Igra kao susret: koautorski prostor u zajedniþkoj igri dece i odraslih * Apstrakt: Rad se bavi pi... more Igra kao susret: koautorski prostor u zajedniþkoj igri dece i odraslih * Apstrakt: Rad se bavi pitanjem zašto je zajedniþka igra dece i odraslih važna i za decu i za odrasle i kako oni mogu u igri da grade zajedniþka znaþenja i istražuju kulturne obrasce. Pitanje zajedniþke igre se posmatra u odnosu na kapacitet fleksibilnosti koji odrasli i deca koriste u igri, a koji þini osnov njihovog stvaralaþkog odnosa prema sebi i svetu. U radu se analizira naþin graÿenja i regulacije koautorskog prostora u zajedniþkoj igri kao i njegove funkcije u rekombinovanju kulturnih obrazaca, transformaciji odnosa odraslih i dece i ko-konstrukciji kulture. Kljuþne reþi: fleksibilnost, igra, dijalog mašte, ko-konstrukcija kulture Uvod Igra se þesto vezuje za predškolski period kao kreativni izraz deteta kroz koji ono pokušava da razume, ovlada društvenim obrascima znaþenja i predstavi ih na jedinstven naþin. Vrednost igre nestaje u transformaciji njene funkcije od kreativnog ka re-kreativnom u daljim nivoima obrazovanja. Propisani školski programi sve manje dozvoljavaju deci i odraslima da unose u obrazovanje elemente igrovnog, tako da je igra uklonjena iz uþenja u školi i izolovana u vreme za odmor. Ona postaje re-kreativni oblik aktivnosti po završetku uþenja i rada. Njena re-kreativna funkcija se pojaþava u odnosu na stvaralaþku sve veüom polarizacijom igre i rada odraslih, odnosno polarizacijom moguünosti za ponavljanje ustaljenih društvenih obrazaca i stvaranje novih i originalnih. Svaki posao koji shvatamo ili radimo "ozbiljno" u životu þini nas "odreÿenijima i samim tim manje moguüim" (Fink 2000), za razliku od deteta koje, u igri, potencijalno može biti "sve". Isti autor naglašava da se suprotnosti u maštovitom i kreativnom pristupu prema sebi i svetu izmeÿu odraslih i dece * Rad je nastao u okviru projekta Modeli procenjivanja i strategije unapreÿivanja kvaliteta obrazovanja u Srbiji Ministarstva nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Srbije 2011-2014. (br.179060).
The issue of the relationship between play, creativity and an open educational system can be conc... more The issue of the relationship between play, creativity and an open educational system can be conceived as a question of creating, 'space' (physical, imaginary) where children and adults can together develop and adjust their potentials for change and where they can meet and explore things together. The development of creativity, play and open educational system which can be developed through action research is the process of the same capacity for flexibility. The functions of children's and adults' research and creativity in common surrounding are: strengthening family relations, and preserving and developing selected creative modes of thinking and acting in group. Research surroundings of children and adults enhance the development of the relations, 'be able with' as a co-construction of the parts of the same process on the principles of discontinuity, specificity, turn-over and creation of the context as an entity based on the capacity for change. In this context children and adults express the essence of human powers to act on the basis of the ,'possible' and so disover the potential of the creative power of man.
The paper focuses on the possibilities and limitations of professional development from the persp... more The paper focuses on the possibilities and limitations of professional development from the perspective of ecological paradigm. Ecological paradigm sees a person as a set of energy, being a part of a unique energy field with his environment. The changes within are connected and development consists of synergy processes and interaction of all parts of the system. In the professional development the large numbers of different, nonlinear processes are integrated. It creates the opportunities to change the overall context of professional activity, while in each context the authentic ways of change has been opened. Professional development of teachers is analysed from the point of view of following processes: openness, self-regulation and networking. Professional development from the perspective of the ecological paradigm as a model of professional development is focused on self-regulation and learning through sharing in the context of ongoing activities. Further issues are the development of self-understanding and cooperation, capacity and strength to question and research.
The work on the project 'The advancement of the teaching process for educating kindergarten t... more The work on the project 'The advancement of the teaching process for educating kindergarten tutors' is the first step in the process of the development of the College for Kindergarten Tutors in Sremska Mitrovica which is seen as a learning community. The research was initiated after perceiving disharmony between tutorial practice, on the one hand, and the methodology of education of future kindergarten tutors on the other. Particularly valuable was the joint work of the professors, practitioners and students participating in the research. Understanding the complexity of the tutor's role, acquiring adequate planning skills aimed at child development monitoring and support are seen as the main contribution to students' training. Reflective research by professors provided deeper understanding of modern tutorial practice and initiated the re-examination of methods and techniques used in the education of future tutors. Paths to the reformed school can and ought to be diversified according to specific contexts and the culture of each school. Continual professional development of teachers in the College for Kindergarten Tutors, the orientation towards teamwork and the development of partnership relations with students, as well as cooperation with kindergartens and other institutions are seen as necessary preconditions for comprehensive changes.
The paper addresses Serbian preschool education Curriculum Framework as one of dimensions of the ... more The paper addresses Serbian preschool education Curriculum Framework as one of dimensions of the preschool education quality. The first part of paper deals with the importance of preschool education worldwide as a social responsibility and its accountability in education policy. The second part provides the evaluation of the preschool education curriculum framework based on the analyses of the internal inter-connection of the documents content. The analysis used the criteria identified as the indicators of the quality of preschool education worldwide. The results show the discord between preschool education curriculum framework in Serbia and the characteristics of high quality contemporary preschool education programs. Therefore, an initial step in the recommendations for the reconsideration of the quality of the preschool education curriculum framework would be reaching consensus on the values and theories underpinning preschool education.
Etnoantropološki problemi / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2016
Play is a special way in which children and adults open up to the world and their own flexibility... more Play is a special way in which children and adults open up to the world and their own flexibility. When playing together, they build co-authorial spaces of meaning as a space in which their separate subcultures overlap. The construction and regulation of the co-authorial space in play between children and adults depend on relations between everyday living space and the playing space, wherein the basic principles of regulation are the safeguarding of the illusionary plan of play and the development of the dialogue of imaginations. Adults who play along with children, can not only influence the “script” of the game, but can also create a possibility to realize their own potentials for imaginative and original interactions with the environment they inhabit. The reflexive and transformative function of co-authorial space as well as the function of co-constructing culture contributes to adults and children combining and changing old cultural patterns through playing, transform relations ...
The paper addresses gender issues in the practice of ECEC through research with children. The res... more The paper addresses gender issues in the practice of ECEC through research with children. The research examines children’s perspectives of kindergarten practice, acknowledging the importance of the child’s perspective in critical investigations of this nature. In total, fifty children from thirty kindergartens across Serbia participated in the research involving the Mosaic method. Qualitative analysis through three iterative phases helped identify emergent themes. The themes were not imposed by the researchers but emerged from the children’s narratives generated around photographs and drawings they had produced, map-making and kindergarten tours. One of the emergent themes captured in the children’s narratives related to gender issues and helped us map the three pathways of data synthesis: gender segregation and stereotyping, gender discrimination, and close friendships. The examples of children narratives indicate that no particular gender discourse informed the teachers’ practices...
The curriculum ideologies are determined as the system of values, beliefs and understanding of a ... more The curriculum ideologies are determined as the system of values, beliefs and understanding of a particular society or a social group by means of which the way in which education will be realized and will eventually become. While working on it, what is widely recommended is the ideologically deconstructing model of curriculum trough different dimensions of ideology. The curriculum ideologies research is a common field to both pedagogical research and the research of the sociology of education. Some examples of national curriculum analyses in terms of Serbia`s preschool and primary school education have show a level of curriculum ideological discontinuity between the two levels of education, being at the same time the unsustainable combination of different ideologies, which makes it an incoherent and confusing model of practice in almost every curriculum.
The authors question the dominant model of the practitioners' professional development by compari... more The authors question the dominant model of the practitioners' professional development by comparing mechanistic and systemic ecological models of professional development. Starting from a systemic model, the authors put forward the professional development model, symbolically presented as a "loom" which gives the starting points (systemic changes of education, teacher as reflective practitioner, school as a learning community and partnership) and the framework (career long learning and improvement, career advancement, improvement of the practice and the education policy based on the culture of change). Such a framework provides a basis for the networking of the professional development through the interactive system of different forms (grouped in the individual forms, common forms in the working practice and the organized forms outside the practice) and through connecting of different actors.
The article discusses two discourses of documenting in preschool practice: discourse of power and... more The article discusses two discourses of documenting in preschool practice: discourse of power and participatory discourse. The discourse of power shapes documenting as a mean of power over children and over teachers and develops a model of documenting as a way of controlling of educational process. In this discourse we have identified several possible meanings of documenting: documenting as technical solution and control; as invisible practice; as an obligation; as individual responsibility of teachers; as observation and monitoring of children’s needs and interests and as a perspective. In the participatory discourse pedagogical documentation becomes a tool for reflective practice of teachers with a purpose of getting a deeper understanding of own practice. The meanings of documenting in the participatory discourse can be: documenting as emancipation and dialogue; as research and reflection; as process of collaboration; as visible learning; as multi-perspective; as retrospective and perspective; as reconstructing roles of the child and teacher and as a synthesis. A critical analysis of the meaning in the two discourses may contribute to the reconstruction of ethical foundationsand to defining directions in the operationalisation of a purpose and function of documenting
The authors question the dominant model of the practitioners' professional development by com... more The authors question the dominant model of the practitioners' professional development by comparing mechanistic and systemic ecological models of professional development. Starting from a systemic model, the authors put forward the professional development model, symbolically presented as a "loom" which gives the starting points (systemic changes of education, teacher as reflective practitioner, school as a learning community and partnership) and the framework (career long learning and improvement, career advancement, improvement of the practice and the education policy based on the culture of change). Such a framework provides a basis for the networking of the professional development through the interactive system of different forms (grouped in the individual forms, common forms in the working practice and the organized forms outside the practice) and through connecting of different actors. 134 INTRODUCTION The theoretician of system and systemic changes, professor B...
Zachary A. Casey: Sustaining and (Re)Creating Hope
Ninnie Andersson: Teacher’... more EDITORIAL Zachary A. Casey: Sustaining and (Re)Creating Hope
ARTICLES Ninnie Andersson: Teacher’s Conceptions of Quality in Dance Education Expressed through Grade Conferences
Chetan Sinha: Post-formalist Explanation of Academic Achievement: Exploring the Contribution of John Ogbu and Joe Kincheloe
Dragana Pavlović Breneselović, Živka Krnjaja: Discourses on Gender in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) Setting: Equal in Being Discriminated
Effie Maclellan: Agents Pedagogical: Bootstrapping Reflexive Practice through the Psychological Resources of Self-agency
Carol Thompson, Michael Kleine: Using Literature to Explore Interpersonal Theory: Representation of Rhetorical Objectification and Oppression
REVIEWS Bühler-Niederberger, Doris: Lebensphase Kindheit. Theoretische Ansätze, Akteure und Handlungsräume. Wyness, Michael: Childhood and Society (Anna Fangmeyer)
Univerzitet u Beogradu Filozofski fakultet Apstrakt. Dečji vrtić ne postoji izolovano od svog okr... more Univerzitet u Beogradu Filozofski fakultet Apstrakt. Dečji vrtić ne postoji izolovano od svog okruženja, niti može obavlјati svoju vaspitno-obrazovnu funkciju izolovano od lokalne zajednice čiji je deo. Povezivanje dečjeg vrtića i zajednice gradi se kroz proces međuinstitucionalnih i interpersonalnih odnosa, usmerenih na transformaciju njihovog uzajamnog otvaranja i samim tim i na transformaciju konteksta ostvarivanja predškolskog vaspitanja i obrazovanja na nivou lokalne zajednice. U građenju takvog odnosa potrebno je šire sagledati i razumeti predškolsku ustanovu kao višefunkcionalnu i graditi etički pristup koji vodi promeni odnosa. Odnos koji vodi uzajamnoj transformaciji razvija se na osnovu osmišlјenih i planiranih načina saradnje, usmerenih na promenu uzajamnog delovanja dece i odraslih u zajednici i jačanje društvene integracije.
Zbornik radova Kuda se kreće vaspitanje i obrazovanje: vrednosti kao putokaz, 2024
Vrednosti na kojima se zasniva obrazovanje i vrednosti koje razvijamo kroz obrazovanje postaju sv... more Vrednosti na kojima se zasniva obrazovanje i vrednosti koje razvijamo kroz obrazovanje postaju sve značajnija i složenija pitanja u aktuelnom vremenu tehnološkog napretka i dominacije ekonomsko/tržišnog pogleda na obrazovanje kao uslugu. Pred nove generacije postavljaju se očekivanja da jačaju samopouzdanje, da budu otvoreni prema nepoznatom, da sarađuju i rade zajedno sa drugima, da budu solidarni, pošteni, posvećeni, društveno odgovorni i imaju druge vrline. Pored stalnog kritičkog preispitivanja proklamovanih vrednosti u društvu, postavlja se i pitanje kako vrednostima na kojima se zasniva obrazovanje podupiremo ovakva očekivanja i kako bi usklađivanje vrednosti na različitim nivoima obrazovanja moglo doprineti ostvarenju navedenih očekivanja. Vrednosti na kojima se gradi obrazovanje u ovom radu je sagledano kroz dva modela odnosa različitih nivoa obrazovanja i predstavljena je nova pedagoška kultura zajedničkog razumevanja, koja nudi rešenja u pravcu usklađenih zajedničkih vrednosti.
Papers by Zivka Krnjaja
Zachary A. Casey: Sustaining and (Re)Creating Hope
Ninnie Andersson: Teacher’s Conceptions of Quality in Dance Education Expressed through Grade Conferences
Chetan Sinha: Post-formalist Explanation of Academic Achievement: Exploring the Contribution of John Ogbu and Joe Kincheloe
Dragana Pavlović Breneselović, Živka Krnjaja: Discourses on Gender in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) Setting: Equal in Being Discriminated
Effie Maclellan: Agents Pedagogical: Bootstrapping Reflexive Practice through the Psychological Resources of Self-agency
Carol Thompson, Michael Kleine: Using Literature to Explore Interpersonal Theory: Representation of Rhetorical Objectification and Oppression
Bühler-Niederberger, Doris: Lebensphase Kindheit. Theoretische Ansätze, Akteure und Handlungsräume.
Wyness, Michael: Childhood and Society
(Anna Fangmeyer)