Papers by Tanja (Bajic) Njegic

Facta universitatis - series Architecture and Civil Engineering, 2022
The basic research problem is the insufficient application of sustainability criteria in urban an... more The basic research problem is the insufficient application of sustainability criteria in urban and architectural programs and projects for social housing in post-socialist Serbia, which may lead to inadequate and low-quality new housing stock. This paper emphasizes the importance of considering social, economic and environmental sustainability aspects integrally in the further development of the existing, highly residual social housing model, with a focus on improving guidelines, rules and parameters in the design domain. Relevant criteria in the architectural and urban design of sustainable social housing were identified, systematized and interpreted, based on the analysis of scientific knowledge, applicable models and international recommendations. A conceptual multicriteria framework was designed with the aim of contributing to the improvement of methodological approaches in the design and evaluation of social housing settlements and buildings in Serbia, as well as in related housing systems.

PROCEEDINGS of the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on CHANGING CITIES V Spatial, Design, Landscape, Heritage & Socio-economic Dimensions, 2022
This paper analyses the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on residential preferences, housing affordabi... more This paper analyses the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on residential preferences, housing affordability and building construction issues that have been experienced through housing sector in Serbia, especially in the case of its capital city Belgrade. The starting research question is whether COVID-19 pandemic further potentiated the already present socio-spatial issues emerging since the beginning of post-socialist urban transition. The methods used in this study include comparative analyses of statistical data and research findings on housing in the period 1990-2020 and available relevant data and knowledge in this field from the first quarter of 2020 until today. Regarding residential preferences, some recent research showed that the situation of pandemic exacerbated already encapsulated lifestyles and fear from economic recession, as well as it prompted changes of living patterns towards longer duration of staying at home. The pandemic has further disrupted affordability of housing for all social groups, and mostly for the disadvantaged ones. On the other hand, the world pandemic that nobody could predict the end of, has opened up some new opportunities in the construction sector, such as an intensified use of digital technology.

Arhitektura i urbanizam, 2020
Одговарајући ниво стамбеног комфора, у просторно-функционалном и здравственом погледу, један је о... more Одговарајући ниво стамбеног комфора, у просторно-функционалном и здравственом погледу, један је од кључних чинилаца квалитета и одрживости социјалног становања. У постсоцијалистичкој Србији, изразито резидуалан систем обезбеђивања у овом сектору представљао је током протекле две деценије велики изазов за постизање адекватних стандарда квалитета нове социјалне станоградње. Кроз преглед националне регулативе у области планирања, пројектовања и грађења социјалног становања после 2000. год. и резултате спроведеног емпиријског истраживања о шест реализованих пројеката (у Ваљеву, Панчеву, Чачку, Краљеву, Крагујевцу и Београду), у раду се разматрају стање, ограничења и могућности за унапређење актуелне стамбене праксе у овом домену. Док је у иницијалном периоду формирања новог стамбеног система социјално становање кроз препоруке за планирање и пројектовање третирано као становање исподпросечног стандарда и квалитета, од 2009. год. његов развој се кроз законодавни оквир све више усмерава ка концепту одрживе станоградње. Истовремено, резултати евалуације пионирских примера праксе у овој области, реализованих у периоду 2008−2010. год., упућују на одређене дефиците у погледу примене критеријума одрживости. На основу анкетног испитивања корисника о задовољству различитим елементима стамбеног комфора, у одабраним примерима забележени су проблеми пренасељености станова и неадекватности остварених стамбених услова са функционалног и здравственог аспекта. Утврђено је да су станари претежно задовољни нивоом топлотног и светлосног комфора у становима, док су значајно незадовољство изразили због недостатка помоћних и отворених стамбених просторија, недовољне звучне изолације и укупно нижег квалитета изградње. У закључним разматрањима дискутују се резултати истраживања и дају се препоруке за унапређење пројектантских стандарда и инструмената мониторинга у програмима социјалног становања у Србији. Кључне речи: социјално становање у Србији, одрживо пројектовање, просторно-функционални стандарди, анкетни упитник, задовољство станара

Arhitektura i urbanizam, 2018
Комбиновање станова различитих облика својине у циљу подстицања социјалне интеграције на нивоу су... more Комбиновање станова различитих облика својине у циљу подстицања социјалне интеграције на нивоу суседства представља значаjну меру стамбених политика у Западној и скандинавској Европи, САД-у и Аустралији, а по узору на ова искуства препознаје се као пожељна пракса и у другим земљама, укључујући и Србију. Мере урбанистичког планирања представљају важно средство за реализацију овог стамбеног концепта, али је неопходно да буду усклађене са социјалним мерама стамбене политике, укључујући адекватно управљање. На основу прегледа релевантне научне и стручне литературе, у раду се систематизују и приказују кључни чиниоци успешног планирања становања у мешовитој својини, кроз аспекте социјалне структуре, просторне структуре и управљања. Разматрају се иницијативе увођења стамбене диверсификације кроз урбанистичко планирање у Србији и искуства примене ове праксе, на примеру комплекса социјално-непрофитног становања на Новом Београду.

A Support to Urban Development Process, 2018
The paper emphasizes the specific role of urban architectural competition as an instrument of soc... more The paper emphasizes the specific role of urban architectural competition as an instrument of social housing planning and design practice in Belgrade, in the post-socialistic context of Serbia. The social housing projects which are realized through design competitions represent a result of competitive and equal participation of the broadest professional public and application of clearly defined and transparent program requirements and evaluation criteria. The importance of public urban architectural competition has been recognized already in the initial stage of establishing the national social housing system from the beginning of the 21st century, while its obligatory application in the social housing development projects has been regulated through the established legislative framework in the period from 2009 to 2016. Based on the example of completed and uncompleted competition projects in Belgrade, the research discusses the significance and the potential contribution of this instrument for promoting the sustainability of design solutions in the social housing sector, as well as the restrictions in their previous application due to the lack of appropriate technical regulations, formally established criteria and guidelines, and underdeveloped body of relevant expert research. The authors recognize that the exclusion of urban architectural competition from the social housing programs prevents the further promotion of social housing design issues within the professional public in Serbia, which may limit the improvement in knowledge on specific spatial and functional requirements, contemporary design challenges and innovative methodological approaches in this field.

Ovu knjigu je izdao Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, Beograd. Ekskluzivno pravo objavl... more Ovu knjigu je izdao Institut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, Beograd. Ekskluzivno pravo objavljivanja. Nijedan deo ove knjige ne sme se umnožavati bilo kakvim mehaničkim, fotografskim ili elektronskim putem, niti distribuirati u obliku fonografskog zapisa. Bez prethodno dobijene dozvole izdavača, knjigu ne smete čuvati u skeniranom obliku, ne smete je prenositi ili na bilo koji način kopirati za javnu ili privatnu upotrebu. Dozvoljeno je jedino korišćenje u obliku kratkih navoda u člancima i recenzijama. Knjiga je uneta u evidenciju i deponovana kao autorsko delo u Zavodu za intelektualnu svojinu RS. Izdavač nije odgovoran za stavove, mišljenja i sudove iznete u pojedinačnim prilozima. Autori priloga su odgovorni za tekstove ili delove tekstova koji su na drugim mestima već objavljeni za čije ponovno objavljivanje je potrebna saglasnost odgovarajuće organizacije ili tela. Autori priloga nose punu odgovornost za korišćenje fotografija i drugih vizuelnih priloga koji su zaštićeni autorskim pravima i za čije objavljivanje je neophodna odgovarajuća saglasnost.

Informal development is a specific form of urban sprawl and one of the main challenges for the su... more Informal development is a specific form of urban sprawl and one of the main challenges for the sustainable development
of major cities in Serbia. In this paper we examine this phenomenon with regard to the influence of spatial and urban
vulnerabilities of the informal settlements on the housing and environmental deprivation, especially in the context of
inhabitants’ vulnerability to fuel poverty. The empirical research was carried out on the example of Belgrade’s suburban
settlement Kaluđerica. The statistical analysis of the results has shown that the observed energy characteristics of
housing have no relevant influence on households’ financial burden of energy expenditure, but that they considerably
influence households’ perception on thermal comfort. The relation between a limited access to public services and the
lack of amenities in the settlement and noted high household expenditure on transport has proved to be a particularly
important indicator. Based on the perception on overall life commodities, a poor quality of the environment has been
recognized as a key factor of deprivation related to housing.
Key words: urban sprawl, informal development, deprivation, fuel poverty, Kaluđerica.
![Research paper thumbnail of Urbana obnova u kontekstu klimatskih promena, na primeru prenamene kompleksa kasarne u Beloj Crkvi [Urban regeneration in the context of climate change, on the example of adaptive re-use of the military complex in the Bela Crkva]](
Izazovi održivog razvoja i klimatskih promena otvaraju nove mogućnosti u sagledavanju značaja, pr... more Izazovi održivog razvoja i klimatskih promena otvaraju nove mogućnosti u sagledavanju značaja, principa i metodologije urbane obnove. U radu se razmatraju problem napuštenih objekata i kompleksa i mogućnosti njihove ponovne upotrebe u kontekstu klimatskih promena i održivosti, na primeru studije prenamene kompleksa kasarne u Beloj Crkvi, urađene u Institutu za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije 2012. godine. Konceptualno rešenje varijante 2 zasnovano je na ideji klimatski svesnog i društveno odgovornog projektovanja, utkanoj u osnovnu programsku šemu novog kompleksa, koja uključuje formiranje univerzitetskog kampusa, izgradnju oglednih socijalnih stanova, kulturne i umetničke sadržaje i urbanu poljoprivredu, uz korišćenje alternativnih izvora energije i poštovanje principa energetske efikasnosti. U zaključnim razmatranjima ukazuje se na probleme napuštanja vojnih objekata i kompleksa i daju se preporuke za njihovu prenamenu, pri čemu se uzimaju u obzir dosadašnja iskustva i aktuelni problemi životne sredine. [The challenges of sustainable development and climate change open up the new possibilities in understanding the importance, principles and methodologies of urban renewal. The paper discusses the problem of abandoned buildings and complexes and their possible reuse in the context of climate change and sustainability at an example of the study of repurposing the military barracks complex in Bela Crkva conducted in the Institute of Architecture and Urban & Spatial Planning of Serbia in 2012. The conceptual solution of the variant 2, based on the idea of climate-aware and socially responsible design, has been embedded into the basic program scheme of the new complex, which includes the establishment of a university campus, construction of experimental social housing, cultural and artistic facilities, as well as urban agriculture, including the use of alternative energy sources and respecting the principles of energy efficiency. The problems of the abandonment of military buildings and complexes, as well as the recommendations for their adaptation, taking into account the past experience and the current environmental problems, are pointed out in the concluding remarks.]

The debate over urban sprawl and its impacts is overarching and closely linked to voluntary or in... more The debate over urban sprawl and its impacts is overarching and closely linked to voluntary or induced resettlement of population from the inner city or from other urban or rural settlements to the urban periphery. Residential preference drive of urban sprawl could diverse in post-socialist countries from a typical suburbanization process in the West. According to different age and income structure, people may look for the same amenities in their preferred type of neighborhood, yet the diversity of motives and the ability to fulfill the key aspirations explain a drive towards inner or peripheral city development. In this paper, a suburban case-study neighborhood in Belgrade metropolitan area was analyzed in terms of variability and continuity of residential preferences. Questionnaire survey has been conducted for obtaining the results on motives that drive people to settle in a suburban neighborhood, their satisfaction with life in it, and variability of suburban preference.

Nowadays, fuel poverty is a globally recognized social and energy problem which is significantly ... more Nowadays, fuel poverty is a globally recognized social and energy problem which is significantly influenced by low household incomes and high energy prices, as well as the built form elements. Although official data indicate that the average household in Serbia is a fuel poor household, namely that it spends more than 10% of its monthly income on energy services, this issue is not sufficiently addressed in national policies and academic research. This paper indicates the vulnerability to fuel poverty of people living in illegally built suburban areas in Serbia. The results of the survey conducted in the settlement of Kaluđerica on the outskirts of Belgrade show a low level of energy efficiency and high car fuel consumption as key factors affecting the pronounced burden of fuel spending within family budgets. Due to inefficient heating systems and inadequate energy performances of buildings, many households are forced to use risky methods of energy saving that can have harmful effects on their health, and also erode their quality of life.
Tanja Bajić, istraživač saradnik, Insititut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, Bulevar kralja Ale... more Tanja Bajić, istraživač saradnik, Insititut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73, Beograd, [email protected]) (mr Božidar Manić, istraživač saradnik, Insititut za arhitekturu i urbanizam Srbije, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 73, Beograd, [email protected])
Arhitektura i urbanizam, Jan 1, 2010

Усклађивање са парадигмом одрживог развоја представља велики изазов савременој пракси социјалне с... more Усклађивање са парадигмом одрживог развоја представља велики изазов савременој пракси социјалне станоградње, а посебно у економски неразвијенијим срединама, због раскорака између лимитираних услова финансирања и захтевних критеријума одрживог пројектовања и грађења. Проблеми животне средине, као што су климатске промене, стварају додатни притисак овом стамбеном сектору. Поред маргинализације и недостатка ресурса, на повећану осетљивост социјалних закупаца на негативне ефекте мењања климе и растуће цене енергије у великој мери утиче енергетски неефикасно и неадаптибилно становање. Важан задатак за усмеравање будуће праксе социјалног становања је трагање за иновативним стамбеним решењима, која ће на доступан и ефикасан начин задовољити комплексне критеријуме одрживе и климатски свесне архитектуре. Аутори рада налазе да је један од могућих одговора на ове изазове реафирмација модуларних система пројектовања и грађења, кроз креативнију и ефикаснију употребу њиховог адаптивног капацитета. Потенцијална улога модуларности у креирању одрживих и климатски свесних образаца социјалног становања анализира се кроз аспекте префабрикације, трансформабилности, флексибилности и разноврсности, а на основу облика и степена њиховог задовољења, модуларни системи дефинишу се као динамични или статични. Став аутора је да динамични системи, засновани на новим методама лаке префабриковане градње, имају велики потенцијал одрживости и климатске адаптибилности и да заслужују већу пажњу стручне јавности те ширу и интензивнију практичну употребу. Кључне речи: социјално становање, модуларност, одрживо и климатски свесно пројектовање Abstract alignment with the sustainable development paradigm is a major challenge to the contemporary practice of social housing, especially in economically underdeveloped areas, because of the gap between the limited financing conditions and the demanding criteria of sustainable design and construction. Environmental problems such as climate change are creating further pressure on this housing sector. Higher vulnerability of social tenants to the negative effects of changing climate and rising energy prices, besides marginalization and the lack of resources, is being greatly affected by the energy inefficient and non adaptive housing. an important task for directing future practice of social housing is searching for innovative housing solutions, which will meet the complex criteria of sustainable and climate aware architecture, in affordable and efficient way.
Papers by Tanja (Bajic) Njegic
of major cities in Serbia. In this paper we examine this phenomenon with regard to the influence of spatial and urban
vulnerabilities of the informal settlements on the housing and environmental deprivation, especially in the context of
inhabitants’ vulnerability to fuel poverty. The empirical research was carried out on the example of Belgrade’s suburban
settlement Kaluđerica. The statistical analysis of the results has shown that the observed energy characteristics of
housing have no relevant influence on households’ financial burden of energy expenditure, but that they considerably
influence households’ perception on thermal comfort. The relation between a limited access to public services and the
lack of amenities in the settlement and noted high household expenditure on transport has proved to be a particularly
important indicator. Based on the perception on overall life commodities, a poor quality of the environment has been
recognized as a key factor of deprivation related to housing.
Key words: urban sprawl, informal development, deprivation, fuel poverty, Kaluđerica.
of major cities in Serbia. In this paper we examine this phenomenon with regard to the influence of spatial and urban
vulnerabilities of the informal settlements on the housing and environmental deprivation, especially in the context of
inhabitants’ vulnerability to fuel poverty. The empirical research was carried out on the example of Belgrade’s suburban
settlement Kaluđerica. The statistical analysis of the results has shown that the observed energy characteristics of
housing have no relevant influence on households’ financial burden of energy expenditure, but that they considerably
influence households’ perception on thermal comfort. The relation between a limited access to public services and the
lack of amenities in the settlement and noted high household expenditure on transport has proved to be a particularly
important indicator. Based on the perception on overall life commodities, a poor quality of the environment has been
recognized as a key factor of deprivation related to housing.
Key words: urban sprawl, informal development, deprivation, fuel poverty, Kaluđerica.