Рад представља резултате истраживања у оквиру пројеката 043007 "Истраживање климатских промена и ... more Рад представља резултате истраживања у оквиру пројеката 043007 "Истраживање климатских промена и њиховог утицаја на животну средину: праћење утицаја, адаптација и ублажавање", Назив потпројекта: "Утицај климатских промена на планирање урбаног и руралног развоја у циљу очувања животне средине" које финансира Министарство науке и технолошког развоја Републике Србије Abstract: The existing topographic and cadastral maps of the former Yugoslav republics are in Gauss-Krüger projection on Bessel ellipsoid. For the collected GPS data to comply with the existing cartographic material, it is necessary to provide the transformation parameters from WGS84 to Bessel ellipsoid and according to the principles of cartographic mapping, to make mappings in the plane of the State Coordinate System (SCS). The aim of this research is to present the surveying activities necessary for the establishment and maintenance of digital cartographic basis, which is shown in the test area of "VRŠAC MOUNTAINS", a Serbian region with outstanding characteristics. In order to establish a connection between the collected data, it is necessary to primarily calculate the parameters of transformation from WGS84 into the SCS. After the vectorisation of projected boundaries from bases made in the SCS, the transformation of vectorised boundary lines from SCS into the WGS84 is carried out, followed by staking the boundaries. To understand the fundamental differences in the methodology of using GPS receivers, it is important to emphasise that the concept of GPS determination of the coordinates is generally divided into absolute and relative positioning. If the correct procedure of GPS positioning, applied to certain environmental conditions, is not followed, the error up to 200 m could be expected. Conclusions are drawn about the selection of staking methods, related to the applied instruments and specific field conditions. The stakeout procedures are given in accordance with the principles of geodetic positioning.
Precise measurement of long lengths, especially in 1st order trigonometric networks, was always a... more Precise measurement of long lengths, especially in 1st order trigonometric networks, was always a problem to geodesists, Lengths should be measured in order to define the scale of a network. Thanks to E. Snelius and his work [5], a shorter length could be measured in a flat land, and than one could transfer its scale to a length between two trigonometric points, only by measuring angles. Nevertheless, it was not able to perform such measurements with the sufficient accuracy. The lengths were measured by wooden or metal levers, but the required accuracy needed for scale definition of the trigonometric networks was reached not until the invention of invar wires.
Serbia was one of the first countries obtaining and using the invar wires for the length measurements within the 1st order trigonometric network. The appearance of the invar wires and the Jäderin device for the length measurement coincided with the work on 1st order triangulation network in Serbia. In the eginning of 20th century, Serbian general Stevan Bošković was attending the training on triangulation procedures in France. In the same time, the invar wires were testing in the same place. Gen. Bošković realized the possibilities of using the invar wires in geodesy. Thanks to him, first measurements with the invar wires in Serbia were performed in 1904. One of the invar wires used in the measurements was numbered with “0” (zero).
After the completition of a bridge construction works, a monitoring of movements of the bridge sh... more After the completition of a bridge construction works, a monitoring of movements of the bridge should be performed. The movements are monitored by geodetic methods, determining and comparing the coordinates of points in succesive measuring epochs. Depending of the characteristics of an object and expected movements, the distribution of time series and measuring uncertainty of the coordinatates of the object’s points are calculated. A procedure of determination of the object movement is described on an example of a pedestrian bridge. An accuracy estimation is performed in order to suffice the requirements of measuring uncertainty of coordinate determination of the movement vectors. The realized measurements prove the acquired accuracy and the actual movements.
Fuel tanks are usually built of metal and have got a cylindrical form. Due to permanent expositio... more Fuel tanks are usually built of metal and have got a cylindrical form. Due to permanent exposition to different weather conditions, they change their form in time. However, the calculation of fuel volume is calculated using the original tank dimensions, which yields to huge differences in the actual volume. Dimensions of the tank shall be calculated with the measurement uncertainty of 1 mm, according to requested accuracy of the tank volume. A geodetic method of tank dimensions determination is presented in the paper. We estimated the measurement accuracy of geometrical quantities in order to reach the requested measurement uncertainty of tank dimensions. The method is tested with a real example.► We designed the horizontal and height network of the object. ► The networks are established in the field with proposed accuracy. ► We estimated the previous accuracy of the measuring quantities. ► All measurements are performed following the requested metrological conditions. ► Using the precise geodetic methods, we achieved mm accuracy of observed points on the object.
Comparing and maintaining standards represent a foundation for establishing and maintaining a qua... more Comparing and maintaining standards represent a foundation for establishing and maintaining a quality system of a scientific technical field of study. The role of a standard, as a materialised measure, reference material or a measuring system is to define, establish, keep or reproduce a unit or one or more measurement values as well as to serve as a reference. Within the Metrological Laboratory of the Belgrade Faculty of Civil Engineering (ML-160), there are current standards regularly used for probing or verifying length and angle measurement instruments. According to the quality assurance system, current ML-160 standards are periodically controlled by the laboratory staffs who continuously work on advancing both equipment and the methods of work. This paper provides a review of former activities and the current state in maintaining quality assurance in geodesy in the Republic of Serbia. Historical review of geodetic metrology in Serbia, as well as, metrological standards on theodolites, total stations, levels, and GPS receivers calibration procedures are given in the paper.
TS 2C -CORS-RTK II Siniša Delčev, Vukan Ogrizović, Violeta Vasilićand Jelena Gučević Accuracy Tes... more TS 2C -CORS-RTK II Siniša Delčev, Vukan Ogrizović, Violeta Vasilićand Jelena Gučević Accuracy Testing of RTK Service of the Permanent Station
The appearance of digital levels has enabled geodetic professionals the high automation in the pr... more The appearance of digital levels has enabled geodetic professionals the high automation in the process of levelling, which has significantly shortened the field work. As with conventional levels, it should be examined and its metrological characteristics should be determined. One of the important characteristics is the horizontal line of sight. For this purpose, digital levels use compensators of different construction and accuracy.
Modeliranje utjecaja topografskih masa, koje nose lokalne promjene gravitacijskog polja, od izuze... more Modeliranje utjecaja topografskih masa, koje nose lokalne promjene gravitacijskog polja, od izuzetne je vanosti u suvremenoj znanstvenoj i praktičnoj primjeni. U ovome radu utjecaj topografije analizira se digitalnim modelom terena...
Yruue] rycrune uece 3eUlbJfHe «ope np« pa'lyHafby op roue tpujcxnx BJfCJfHa Mp OJIer Onancnah, lJ... more Yruue] rycrune uece 3eUlbJfHe «ope np« pa'lyHafby op roue tpujcxnx BJfCJfHa Mp OJIer Onancnah, lJ:MrrJI. MIDI<. reon. * Mp JeJIeRa I'ysenah, lJ:MrrJI. MH)K. reon.' Te oo e iu c sca c.IlyJIC6a YTMIJ,AJ rYCTMHE MACA 3EMJhMHE KOPE nPM PAqYHAILY OPTOMETPMJCKMX BMCMHA PE3l1ME Y pany ce naje aaannsa pa3JIIIKe rroreaunjana U reoxrerpnjcxu OlJ:HOC HIIBOCKIIX nospnm II BepTUKaJIe. I1puKa3aH je yrnnaj cane 3eMJbIIHe Te)Ke na pesyxrare mraenaa.a .u;06ujeHIIX reonerpajcxmr mIBeJIMaHOM U 0 3aBIICHOCTU pesyarara nanenaa.a on rryra HIIBeJIaIha. Ila 6u ce In6er.TIa aeonpeherrocr onpehnaan.a BUCIIHa ra-raxa, Mehynaponna aconajannja sa reoneanjy je npenopyxana 1954. r. na .u;p)KaBe sa CBe rnasne mIBeJIMaHCKe B.TIaKOBe pa rynajy pa3JIUKY rrorennajaaa xopnnrhen.exr reonorenunjannax KOTa cpa-rynarnx Il3 peayrrrara xrepersa yripaaa.a CIIJIe 3eM.TbIIHe Te)Ke U naaenaa,a reouerpajcxaa mIBeJIMaHOM. Kaxo reonorenrmjanne KOTe HIlCY rroronnc sa npaxrnsao xopnnrhen,e, KopUCTe ce epIl3IIqKe BIICMHe .u;eepIIHIlcaHe na npyra HaqUH. Jenaa on HaqIIHa je oprosrerpnjcxa BIICIIHa, xoja ce nofinja nonaaaa.ex; oproxrerpnjcxe xopexnnje pe3yJITaTHMa MepeIha BIICUHCKUX pa3JIIIKa .u;06IIjeHIIX reouerpajcxau HIIBeJIMaHOM. Ila 6II oproxrerpajcxe nonpanxe .u;06IL'III ca .u;OBO.TbHOM ra-raomhy xropa ce Y3eTII y 063IIP .rycrnna Maca 3eM.TbIIHe xope. OBO je rrpaxasaao na rrpaKTIIqHUM npaxrepmra.
Periodic tests of quartz oscillators incorporated in GPS receivers in Serbia are performed in acc... more Periodic tests of quartz oscillators incorporated in GPS receivers in Serbia are performed in accredited metrological laboratories by the procedure adopted in metrological laboratory ML160. However, receivers of Serbian permanent stations network (AGROS) are permanently mounted on the top of roofs of local cadastral offices, spread along territory of Serbia. They cannot be taken to a metrological laboratory for calibration because of need for constant work. A method for testing their oscillator stability is presented in this paper.
Astro-geodetic determinations of vertical deflections in Serbia began during the first years of 2... more Astro-geodetic determinations of vertical deflections in Serbia began during the first years of 20th century. The first field works were led by S. Bošković. After the 2nd World War, Military Geographic Institute, Department of Geodesy from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, and Federal Geodetic Directorate continued the determinations, needed for reductions of terrestrial geodetic measurements and the astro-geodetic geoid determination. Last years improvements of the astro-geodetic methods are carried out in the area of implementing modern measurement equipment and technologies.
Yruue] rycrune uece 3eUlbJfHe «ope np« pa'lyHafby op roue tpujcxnx BJfCJfHa Mp OJIer Onancnah, lJ... more Yruue] rycrune uece 3eUlbJfHe «ope np« pa'lyHafby op roue tpujcxnx BJfCJfHa Mp OJIer Onancnah, lJ:MrrJI. MIDI<. reon. * Mp JeJIeRa I'ysenah, lJ:MrrJI. MH)K. reon.' Te oo e iu c sca c.IlyJIC6a YTMIJ,AJ rYCTMHE MACA 3EMJhMHE KOPE nPM PAqYHAILY OPTOMETPMJCKMX BMCMHA PE3l1ME Y pany ce naje aaannsa pa3JIIIKe rroreaunjana U reoxrerpnjcxu OlJ:HOC HIIBOCKIIX nospnm II BepTUKaJIe. I1puKa3aH je yrnnaj cane 3eMJbIIHe Te)Ke na pesyxrare mraenaa.a .u;06ujeHIIX reonerpajcxmr mIBeJIMaHOM U 0 3aBIICHOCTU pesyarara nanenaa.a on rryra HIIBeJIaIha. Ila 6u ce In6er.TIa aeonpeherrocr onpehnaan.a BUCIIHa ra-raxa, Mehynaponna aconajannja sa reoneanjy je npenopyxana 1954. r. na .u;p)KaBe sa CBe rnasne mIBeJIMaHCKe B.TIaKOBe pa rynajy pa3JIUKY rrorennajaaa xopnnrhen.exr reonorenunjannax KOTa cpa-rynarnx Il3 peayrrrara xrepersa yripaaa.a CIIJIe 3eM.TbIIHe Te)Ke U naaenaa,a reouerpajcxaa mIBeJIMaHOM. Kaxo reonorenrmjanne KOTe HIlCY rroronnc sa npaxrnsao xopnnrhen,e, KopUCTe ce epIl3IIqKe BIICMHe .u;eepIIHIlcaHe na npyra HaqUH. Jenaa on HaqIIHa je oprosrerpnjcxa BIICIIHa, xoja ce nofinja nonaaaa.ex; oproxrerpnjcxe xopexnnje pe3yJITaTHMa MepeIha BIICUHCKUX pa3JIIIKa .u;06IIjeHIIX reouerpajcxau HIIBeJIMaHOM. Ila 6II oproxrerpajcxe nonpanxe .u;06IL'III ca .u;OBO.TbHOM ra-raomhy xropa ce Y3eTII y 063IIP .rycrnna Maca 3eM.TbIIHe xope. OBO je rrpaxasaao na rrpaKTIIqHUM npaxrepmra.
Transfer and maintaining the measurement standard is the basis of establishing and maintaining th... more Transfer and maintaining the measurement standard is the basis of establishing and maintaining the quality of a scientific technical discipline. The measurement standard, as a materialized measure, reference material or a measurement system is dedicated to defining, assure, conserve, or reproduce a unit or one or more values of a quantity. There are primary, secondary and working standards. In the Faculty of Civil Engineering Metrological laboratory (ML-160) in Belgrade there is a working standard used regulary in the procedure of calibration or control of electronic distance meters (EDM). According to the standard maintaining system, working standard ML-160 is periodically controlled. The Epoch2000 and Epoch2005 measurement results and analysis, performed with ME5000, are presented in this paper. Future activities on maintaining the standard are also given.
Рад представља резултате истраживања у оквиру пројеката 043007 "Истраживање климатских промена и ... more Рад представља резултате истраживања у оквиру пројеката 043007 "Истраживање климатских промена и њиховог утицаја на животну средину: праћење утицаја, адаптација и ублажавање", Назив потпројекта: "Утицај климатских промена на планирање урбаног и руралног развоја у циљу очувања животне средине" које финансира Министарство науке и технолошког развоја Републике Србије Abstract: The existing topographic and cadastral maps of the former Yugoslav republics are in Gauss-Krüger projection on Bessel ellipsoid. For the collected GPS data to comply with the existing cartographic material, it is necessary to provide the transformation parameters from WGS84 to Bessel ellipsoid and according to the principles of cartographic mapping, to make mappings in the plane of the State Coordinate System (SCS). The aim of this research is to present the surveying activities necessary for the establishment and maintenance of digital cartographic basis, which is shown in the test area of "VRŠAC MOUNTAINS", a Serbian region with outstanding characteristics. In order to establish a connection between the collected data, it is necessary to primarily calculate the parameters of transformation from WGS84 into the SCS. After the vectorisation of projected boundaries from bases made in the SCS, the transformation of vectorised boundary lines from SCS into the WGS84 is carried out, followed by staking the boundaries. To understand the fundamental differences in the methodology of using GPS receivers, it is important to emphasise that the concept of GPS determination of the coordinates is generally divided into absolute and relative positioning. If the correct procedure of GPS positioning, applied to certain environmental conditions, is not followed, the error up to 200 m could be expected. Conclusions are drawn about the selection of staking methods, related to the applied instruments and specific field conditions. The stakeout procedures are given in accordance with the principles of geodetic positioning.
Precise measurement of long lengths, especially in 1st order trigonometric networks, was always a... more Precise measurement of long lengths, especially in 1st order trigonometric networks, was always a problem to geodesists, Lengths should be measured in order to define the scale of a network. Thanks to E. Snelius and his work [5], a shorter length could be measured in a flat land, and than one could transfer its scale to a length between two trigonometric points, only by measuring angles. Nevertheless, it was not able to perform such measurements with the sufficient accuracy. The lengths were measured by wooden or metal levers, but the required accuracy needed for scale definition of the trigonometric networks was reached not until the invention of invar wires.
Serbia was one of the first countries obtaining and using the invar wires for the length measurements within the 1st order trigonometric network. The appearance of the invar wires and the Jäderin device for the length measurement coincided with the work on 1st order triangulation network in Serbia. In the eginning of 20th century, Serbian general Stevan Bošković was attending the training on triangulation procedures in France. In the same time, the invar wires were testing in the same place. Gen. Bošković realized the possibilities of using the invar wires in geodesy. Thanks to him, first measurements with the invar wires in Serbia were performed in 1904. One of the invar wires used in the measurements was numbered with “0” (zero).
After the completition of a bridge construction works, a monitoring of movements of the bridge sh... more After the completition of a bridge construction works, a monitoring of movements of the bridge should be performed. The movements are monitored by geodetic methods, determining and comparing the coordinates of points in succesive measuring epochs. Depending of the characteristics of an object and expected movements, the distribution of time series and measuring uncertainty of the coordinatates of the object’s points are calculated. A procedure of determination of the object movement is described on an example of a pedestrian bridge. An accuracy estimation is performed in order to suffice the requirements of measuring uncertainty of coordinate determination of the movement vectors. The realized measurements prove the acquired accuracy and the actual movements.
Fuel tanks are usually built of metal and have got a cylindrical form. Due to permanent expositio... more Fuel tanks are usually built of metal and have got a cylindrical form. Due to permanent exposition to different weather conditions, they change their form in time. However, the calculation of fuel volume is calculated using the original tank dimensions, which yields to huge differences in the actual volume. Dimensions of the tank shall be calculated with the measurement uncertainty of 1 mm, according to requested accuracy of the tank volume. A geodetic method of tank dimensions determination is presented in the paper. We estimated the measurement accuracy of geometrical quantities in order to reach the requested measurement uncertainty of tank dimensions. The method is tested with a real example.► We designed the horizontal and height network of the object. ► The networks are established in the field with proposed accuracy. ► We estimated the previous accuracy of the measuring quantities. ► All measurements are performed following the requested metrological conditions. ► Using the precise geodetic methods, we achieved mm accuracy of observed points on the object.
Comparing and maintaining standards represent a foundation for establishing and maintaining a qua... more Comparing and maintaining standards represent a foundation for establishing and maintaining a quality system of a scientific technical field of study. The role of a standard, as a materialised measure, reference material or a measuring system is to define, establish, keep or reproduce a unit or one or more measurement values as well as to serve as a reference. Within the Metrological Laboratory of the Belgrade Faculty of Civil Engineering (ML-160), there are current standards regularly used for probing or verifying length and angle measurement instruments. According to the quality assurance system, current ML-160 standards are periodically controlled by the laboratory staffs who continuously work on advancing both equipment and the methods of work. This paper provides a review of former activities and the current state in maintaining quality assurance in geodesy in the Republic of Serbia. Historical review of geodetic metrology in Serbia, as well as, metrological standards on theodolites, total stations, levels, and GPS receivers calibration procedures are given in the paper.
TS 2C -CORS-RTK II Siniša Delčev, Vukan Ogrizović, Violeta Vasilićand Jelena Gučević Accuracy Tes... more TS 2C -CORS-RTK II Siniša Delčev, Vukan Ogrizović, Violeta Vasilićand Jelena Gučević Accuracy Testing of RTK Service of the Permanent Station
The appearance of digital levels has enabled geodetic professionals the high automation in the pr... more The appearance of digital levels has enabled geodetic professionals the high automation in the process of levelling, which has significantly shortened the field work. As with conventional levels, it should be examined and its metrological characteristics should be determined. One of the important characteristics is the horizontal line of sight. For this purpose, digital levels use compensators of different construction and accuracy.
Modeliranje utjecaja topografskih masa, koje nose lokalne promjene gravitacijskog polja, od izuze... more Modeliranje utjecaja topografskih masa, koje nose lokalne promjene gravitacijskog polja, od izuzetne je vanosti u suvremenoj znanstvenoj i praktičnoj primjeni. U ovome radu utjecaj topografije analizira se digitalnim modelom terena...
Yruue] rycrune uece 3eUlbJfHe «ope np« pa'lyHafby op roue tpujcxnx BJfCJfHa Mp OJIer Onancnah, lJ... more Yruue] rycrune uece 3eUlbJfHe «ope np« pa'lyHafby op roue tpujcxnx BJfCJfHa Mp OJIer Onancnah, lJ:MrrJI. MIDI<. reon. * Mp JeJIeRa I'ysenah, lJ:MrrJI. MH)K. reon.' Te oo e iu c sca c.IlyJIC6a YTMIJ,AJ rYCTMHE MACA 3EMJhMHE KOPE nPM PAqYHAILY OPTOMETPMJCKMX BMCMHA PE3l1ME Y pany ce naje aaannsa pa3JIIIKe rroreaunjana U reoxrerpnjcxu OlJ:HOC HIIBOCKIIX nospnm II BepTUKaJIe. I1puKa3aH je yrnnaj cane 3eMJbIIHe Te)Ke na pesyxrare mraenaa.a .u;06ujeHIIX reonerpajcxmr mIBeJIMaHOM U 0 3aBIICHOCTU pesyarara nanenaa.a on rryra HIIBeJIaIha. Ila 6u ce In6er.TIa aeonpeherrocr onpehnaan.a BUCIIHa ra-raxa, Mehynaponna aconajannja sa reoneanjy je npenopyxana 1954. r. na .u;p)KaBe sa CBe rnasne mIBeJIMaHCKe B.TIaKOBe pa rynajy pa3JIUKY rrorennajaaa xopnnrhen.exr reonorenunjannax KOTa cpa-rynarnx Il3 peayrrrara xrepersa yripaaa.a CIIJIe 3eM.TbIIHe Te)Ke U naaenaa,a reouerpajcxaa mIBeJIMaHOM. Kaxo reonorenrmjanne KOTe HIlCY rroronnc sa npaxrnsao xopnnrhen,e, KopUCTe ce epIl3IIqKe BIICMHe .u;eepIIHIlcaHe na npyra HaqUH. Jenaa on HaqIIHa je oprosrerpnjcxa BIICIIHa, xoja ce nofinja nonaaaa.ex; oproxrerpnjcxe xopexnnje pe3yJITaTHMa MepeIha BIICUHCKUX pa3JIIIKa .u;06IIjeHIIX reouerpajcxau HIIBeJIMaHOM. Ila 6II oproxrerpajcxe nonpanxe .u;06IL'III ca .u;OBO.TbHOM ra-raomhy xropa ce Y3eTII y 063IIP .rycrnna Maca 3eM.TbIIHe xope. OBO je rrpaxasaao na rrpaKTIIqHUM npaxrepmra.
Periodic tests of quartz oscillators incorporated in GPS receivers in Serbia are performed in acc... more Periodic tests of quartz oscillators incorporated in GPS receivers in Serbia are performed in accredited metrological laboratories by the procedure adopted in metrological laboratory ML160. However, receivers of Serbian permanent stations network (AGROS) are permanently mounted on the top of roofs of local cadastral offices, spread along territory of Serbia. They cannot be taken to a metrological laboratory for calibration because of need for constant work. A method for testing their oscillator stability is presented in this paper.
Astro-geodetic determinations of vertical deflections in Serbia began during the first years of 2... more Astro-geodetic determinations of vertical deflections in Serbia began during the first years of 20th century. The first field works were led by S. Bošković. After the 2nd World War, Military Geographic Institute, Department of Geodesy from the Faculty of Civil Engineering, and Federal Geodetic Directorate continued the determinations, needed for reductions of terrestrial geodetic measurements and the astro-geodetic geoid determination. Last years improvements of the astro-geodetic methods are carried out in the area of implementing modern measurement equipment and technologies.
Yruue] rycrune uece 3eUlbJfHe «ope np« pa'lyHafby op roue tpujcxnx BJfCJfHa Mp OJIer Onancnah, lJ... more Yruue] rycrune uece 3eUlbJfHe «ope np« pa'lyHafby op roue tpujcxnx BJfCJfHa Mp OJIer Onancnah, lJ:MrrJI. MIDI<. reon. * Mp JeJIeRa I'ysenah, lJ:MrrJI. MH)K. reon.' Te oo e iu c sca c.IlyJIC6a YTMIJ,AJ rYCTMHE MACA 3EMJhMHE KOPE nPM PAqYHAILY OPTOMETPMJCKMX BMCMHA PE3l1ME Y pany ce naje aaannsa pa3JIIIKe rroreaunjana U reoxrerpnjcxu OlJ:HOC HIIBOCKIIX nospnm II BepTUKaJIe. I1puKa3aH je yrnnaj cane 3eMJbIIHe Te)Ke na pesyxrare mraenaa.a .u;06ujeHIIX reonerpajcxmr mIBeJIMaHOM U 0 3aBIICHOCTU pesyarara nanenaa.a on rryra HIIBeJIaIha. Ila 6u ce In6er.TIa aeonpeherrocr onpehnaan.a BUCIIHa ra-raxa, Mehynaponna aconajannja sa reoneanjy je npenopyxana 1954. r. na .u;p)KaBe sa CBe rnasne mIBeJIMaHCKe B.TIaKOBe pa rynajy pa3JIUKY rrorennajaaa xopnnrhen.exr reonorenunjannax KOTa cpa-rynarnx Il3 peayrrrara xrepersa yripaaa.a CIIJIe 3eM.TbIIHe Te)Ke U naaenaa,a reouerpajcxaa mIBeJIMaHOM. Kaxo reonorenrmjanne KOTe HIlCY rroronnc sa npaxrnsao xopnnrhen,e, KopUCTe ce epIl3IIqKe BIICMHe .u;eepIIHIlcaHe na npyra HaqUH. Jenaa on HaqIIHa je oprosrerpnjcxa BIICIIHa, xoja ce nofinja nonaaaa.ex; oproxrerpnjcxe xopexnnje pe3yJITaTHMa MepeIha BIICUHCKUX pa3JIIIKa .u;06IIjeHIIX reouerpajcxau HIIBeJIMaHOM. Ila 6II oproxrerpajcxe nonpanxe .u;06IL'III ca .u;OBO.TbHOM ra-raomhy xropa ce Y3eTII y 063IIP .rycrnna Maca 3eM.TbIIHe xope. OBO je rrpaxasaao na rrpaKTIIqHUM npaxrepmra.
Transfer and maintaining the measurement standard is the basis of establishing and maintaining th... more Transfer and maintaining the measurement standard is the basis of establishing and maintaining the quality of a scientific technical discipline. The measurement standard, as a materialized measure, reference material or a measurement system is dedicated to defining, assure, conserve, or reproduce a unit or one or more values of a quantity. There are primary, secondary and working standards. In the Faculty of Civil Engineering Metrological laboratory (ML-160) in Belgrade there is a working standard used regulary in the procedure of calibration or control of electronic distance meters (EDM). According to the standard maintaining system, working standard ML-160 is periodically controlled. The Epoch2000 and Epoch2005 measurement results and analysis, performed with ME5000, are presented in this paper. Future activities on maintaining the standard are also given.
Papers by Jelena Gucevic
Serbia was one of the first countries obtaining and using the invar wires for the length measurements within the 1st order trigonometric network. The appearance of the invar wires and the Jäderin device for the length measurement coincided with the work on 1st order triangulation network in Serbia. In the eginning of 20th century, Serbian general Stevan Bošković was attending the training on triangulation procedures in France. In the same time, the invar wires were testing in the same place. Gen. Bošković realized the possibilities of using the invar wires in geodesy. Thanks to him, first measurements with the invar wires in Serbia were performed in 1904. One of the invar wires used in the measurements was numbered with “0” (zero).
Serbia was one of the first countries obtaining and using the invar wires for the length measurements within the 1st order trigonometric network. The appearance of the invar wires and the Jäderin device for the length measurement coincided with the work on 1st order triangulation network in Serbia. In the eginning of 20th century, Serbian general Stevan Bošković was attending the training on triangulation procedures in France. In the same time, the invar wires were testing in the same place. Gen. Bošković realized the possibilities of using the invar wires in geodesy. Thanks to him, first measurements with the invar wires in Serbia were performed in 1904. One of the invar wires used in the measurements was numbered with “0” (zero).