Medieval art by Ivica Marković

Јухорска чтенија - звезде над Јухором (тематски зборник) / JUHOR READINGS STARS ABOVE JUHOR (THEMATIC COLLECTION OF PAPERS), 2020
The paper deals with the artistic composition of Divine Wisdom in the wall painting of Nemanjic’s... more The paper deals with the artistic composition of Divine Wisdom in the wall painting of Nemanjic’s Serbia in the 14th century, with special reference to the genesis, development and disposition of the display, as well as its dogmatic-theological and visual art aesthetic connotations. Divine Wisdom, as a person (hypostasis), participates in creation, Incarnation and the Eucharist, but it is also one of God's Energies, as a principle of cosmic structure and harmony, and a source of divine inspiration and wisdom for people. This conceptual ambiguity in theology influenced the formation of very diverse types of artistic expression, with different distribution and influences in the Eastern Christian, primarily Slavic world. The emergence and long perfection of the iconographic canon took place in special historical circumstances that prevailed within the Orthodox Christian Balkans, under an atmosphere of political, cultural and even doctrinal tensions, especially during the Christological controversies that followed half a century.

Arhitektura i urbanizam, 2020
The construction and function of the masonry pendentives, defined as a triangular ... more The construction and function of the masonry pendentives, defined as a triangular section of a sphere, have been extensively examined. However, its genesis and the very conceptual definition continue to raise doubts. Therefore, the main topic of this paper is the origin, development and application of this constructively, acoustically and aesthetically functional element, which is the most commonly used in church architecture for the constructive transition from the circular base of the dome to square body of the building. The paper examines the problem of terminology, noted in our and foreign literature, and gives an overview of constructive assemblies in which this spherical element is included. The paper focuses only on brick and lime mortar pendentives and examines their morphology, method of execution, static properties and structural content. The goal is that through historical analysis, research bring us closer to the answer: how and when did pendentive occurs and what are the main lines of its development? Was it Middle Eastern, Hellenistic or Roman in origin, and was it result of pervasion of all those influences and normatively shaped in the period from the IV-VI centuries? A typological analysis of sample models was also conducted to understand the transformation of design methods, from squinches through a sail vault to a dome on pendentives. Examples of the use of pendentives before the Hagia Sophia from the sixth century indicate that its builders had predecessors, but they undoubtedly deserve the credit for the first use of this solution on such a large scale and so extraordinarily constructive and artistically composed.
Aesthetics by Ivica Marković

Artefact, 2020
The paper explores the christian-intoned philosophical aesthetics of the figurative arts during t... more The paper explores the christian-intoned philosophical aesthetics of the figurative arts during the silver age of Russian culture. In this period, which covers the second half of the nineteenth and the first two decades of the twentieth century, Russia’s speculative thought, based on the Orthodox patristic and philosophical idealism, promoted the original religious philosophy, which highly valorized the importance of comprehensive gnoseology and ontology of “total-unity”, true knowledge sought only through the absolute - an ideal which in itself synthesizes a real beauty, truth and goodness. That is why the Christian fi ne arts and aesthetics of this period in Russia were built only as an organic segment of a holistically interpreted philosophy of life, recapitulated by its essential principle - Christ. In order to systematize various aspirations, ideas and concepts of this artistic aesthetics, the paper singles out and explains three major themes that are intertwined. These are: the beauty (integral with goodness and truth), Christlike according to Dostoevsky, ideal-real according to Solovyov; theurgical creation, viewed both as artistic (free and transformative) and as an ascetic likeness to God; and the icon, which – through a philosophical-theological interpretation of an apophatic-kataphatic antinomy, reverse perspective and symbolism – integrates the issue of beauty and creativity into a common discourse, entering the Orthodox apologetic front before western art and culture, from the renaissance to the modern digital age.

Теолошки погледи / Theological Views, 2018
The paper deals with the study of genesis and the development of a specific philosophy based on p... more The paper deals with the study of genesis and the development of a specific philosophy based on patristic theology and aesthetics. Although this chapter of Russian culture is fairly written, the author thinks that a modern review is needed which will further confirm and outline the original lines of this school of thought. In order to define the concept and subject of visual art aesthetics in a specific time-historical context, it is necessary to point to the sources of inspiration on the basis of which Russian aesthetics developed their own system. These influences were more: from ancient, essentially pagan, philosophical cosmology, through Orthodox patristics, to the influence of German romanticism in culture and idealism in philosophy. As a result of these assumptions, a unique concept of the content of creature and figurative of the form – which is concerned with the philosophy of nature (cosmology) and philosophy of art (aesthetics) – has been formed – defining a Russian, religiously oriented, speculative thought to unite these themes. The author concludes that both are treated as ontological in Russian interpretation, and take on specific forms of a comprehensive gnoseology: “total-unity” and sophiology in the field of cosmology, as well as iconology and symbolism in the field of aesthetics.
Theology by Ivica Marković

Годишњак / GODIŠNJAK, 2018
The theme of this paper deals with an interdisciplinary study of the structure, dynamics and mean... more The theme of this paper deals with an interdisciplinary study of the structure, dynamics and meaning of the central religious service intended for the Eucharistic assembly of laity and all the fullness of the Church. The primary subject of the analysis is the function of the nave, with the Eucharist as the starting point and the final indication. As the church is one of the ecclesiological paradigms of the Christian Church, so the nave is ecclesiological icon of “people of God”. The paper therefore wants to summarize in a concise form a multitude of aspects from which this complex problem can be perceived, and among other things analyzes the dynamic devotion of worship in the nave, given the posture and position of the body, the orientation, the direction, and the way of the participants in the worship service. In order to decode the liturgical-theological function of this place, this research is particularly studying the purified mathematical-architectural symbolism of the nave, understood as the “new creation” in Christ. The author concludes that the harmonious proportions, the boldness of the construction and the experience of the volume of the nave with their beauty and richness of meaning, just as the iconography does, creates the liturgical ambience of an adequate transcendence of the Eucharistic symbol.
Anthropology by Ivica Marković

Етноантрополошки проблеми / Issues in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2019
According to William Robertson Smith’s and Paul Florensky’s thesis that the ritual as a cult foun... more According to William Robertson Smith’s and Paul Florensky’s thesis that the ritual as a cult foundation is the base of every religion and culture, this paper explores the interdisciplinary structure, dynamics and understanding of the sacral space in which the Holy Liturgy is practiced within the Serbian Orthodox Church. With the theoretical and methodological guidelines of the anthropology of Christianity, this paper studies the liturgical and theoretical function of the temple with the goal to analyze the liturgical ritual in a concrete space in relation with the posturing and positioning of the body, the orientation, direction and kind of movement of the liturgy participants. The author claims that it is necessary to place the operative focus on the naos, the part of interior intended for participants, since its use is most susceptible to variations which can be relevantly empirically monitored. Thus the subject focuses on the spatial behavior in the mentioned part of the temple and its border zones, both during the Holy Liturgy and individually, passing from doctrinal into the sphere of folk Christian orthodoxy.

Zbornik master radova (edited by Miloš Matić), 2016
At the end of the 1980s, the international movement of football fans experiences a renaissance, c... more At the end of the 1980s, the international movement of football fans experiences a renaissance, contributing to establishment of new and reshaping of existing organized groups throughout the Western world. This specific urban subculture, mostly of youth and males, has been occupying the attention of society for three whole decades with undiminished intensity, due to its aggressive and rebellious activism. The sociological study of authors from Zagreb on the group “Bad Blue Boys” ("Navijacko pleme" from 1989) and later "Torcida - pogled iznutra" by Drazen Lalic (1993) represent the first large-scale studies of football fans in the former Yugoslavia - the phenomenon which was still in the initial phase but still connected to the tempestuous political events of that time. Since that time many Serbian sociologists, criminologists and anthropologists studied certain types of behavior in the widely-defined sport audience, mostly fragmentary and from political and security perspectives. However, the football fans of FC Vojvodina were described for the first time only by the British historian Richard Mills (2010). The direct theoretical-empirical approach to the problem is still missing, including the adequate expert methodology in collecting the ethnographic material on fans of local clubs. Therefore this paper intends to be the first such study on football fan subculture in Serbia.
It was determined that football fans have several identities that are impossible to separate, and in various contexts they have different levels of importance. This paper studies how these identities are constructed by the members of the local structured group known as “Firma 1989”, supporting the Football Club Vojvodina, but there are also remarks on other football fan groups from Novi Sad (Korida, Delije and Grobari) as well as other groups from Serbia and neighboring countries. In solving the chosen theoretical problem it was not possible to stay within a single scientific discipline. Although this study tends to belong to anthropology of football, the theoretical-methodological concept of the paper also continues upon the previously stated general theoretical positions on gender studies, anthropology of religion, urban anthropology, ethnicity, and national and political identity.
The material for this study was collected through: observation with participation in various activities of members of group Firma 1989 and fan groups of clubs that FC Vojvodina met in the period 2012-2014; unstructured interviews with football fans; survey of internet websites and forums, newspaper articles, magazines and other texts, oriented by their content to past and present of the football fan group Firma, published from its establishment in 1989 to this day.
The first chapter of this paper deals with the historical framework, following the genesis and development of the football fan movement, FC Vojvodina and the group Firma. Then in the general discussion the fans are observed as a specific urban youth subculture, building its global identity in three contexts that they consider important: collective, territorial and gender/sex (masculine). In this context there are also separate discussions on visual style, rebellion and resistance to globalization. In the second thematic unit the complex contextual approach to study of numerous identity of Firma members is further analyzed, and the problem was studied from several standpoints with a special stress on their territorial identity as a scale of patriotism - from the broader (national, regional) toward the narrower context (city, borough, block, street). The ethnic or national belonging turned out to be a pronounced catalyst of many activities and it was observed as part of political identity, also discussed through presence of pronounced antagonisms (unitarists and autonomists, left and right political option). Also studied was construction of religious identity of football fans, determining how they express their belonging to Orthodox Christianity, the folk religion, and how they respond to challenges of secularization. Other recognized forms were some phenomena of ritualized behavior, elements of non-verbal communication and football fan symbols. The paper ends with analysis of persons considered particularly important by members of Firma, as they are considered their subcultural heroes.
I believe that genesis and function of football fan behavior may be followed in two directions: existential (since the prehistory people chanted loud cheers, both in collective hunt on dangerous game animals and in mass battles) and free time (since the ancient civilizations people have been gathering at specialized places to observe the most important secondary thing in the world that exists at that time). These events, personified in the ancient metaphor bread and circuses, at first had a strong religious character that gradually acquired the final secular features. To the contrast, the football fans seem to relapse to the level of culture of hunter-gatherer communities, and during their very complex socialization period they are not marginal characters but mostly adolescents attracted to belonging to a subculture, which, in time of transition of everything including the value orientations, offers to the young people a strong identity and cognitively directed activity, norms that pertain to everyone and protection of group members.
This text includes the more important chapters from a Master thesis completed in 2014 at the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology of Philosophy Faculty in Belgrade, under the mentorship of Professor Dr Vladimir Ribic. I am very grateful to Professor Ribic for expert help, support and patience.

Етнолошко-антрополошке свеске / Papers in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2015
This research is involved in constructing of gender identity in young men who live in environment... more This research is involved in constructing of gender identity in young men who live in environment that is traditionally considered as feminine (based on it's phonetic expression) ie research is dealing with football fans from Novi Sad who do not support Partizan and Red Star, the most successful serbian clubs, but Vojvodina, the most famous city club. The main focus of the paper is masculinity as the constitute of subclutural identity that is specially connected with the style and collective solidarity. It was conducted a couple of qualitative researches during the process of material collecting: analyses of the media and relevant theoretical resources, unstructured interviews, the opservation with the participation of various activities of the members of the group „Firma 1989“ and fun groups of clubs who played against Vojvodina in the reported period. The plenty of interpretations about masculine narratives in the literature, especially in the context of violence, is the proof of relevance of this problem in the world and in our society. The author argues that during the process of socialization of young men in an urban context, masculinity of fans as an exemplary model, could replace or supplement the lack of such model in the family or society, without necesarilly negative connotations.

Етнолошко-антрополошке свеске / Papers in Ethnology and Anthropology, 2015
The emphasized spatial positioning of football fans in Novi Sad is a topic that has not been expl... more The emphasized spatial positioning of football fans in Novi Sad is a topic that has not been explored in the relevant literature so far. This spatial positioning is based on numerous parameters: ethnicity, stratification, culture, relative distance from the center of the town, the time period when the given quarter was inhabited, and others. The study examines how football fans from Novi Sad construct their local (Novi Sad and narrower than that) and regional (Vojvodinian) territorial identity. It examines the discrepancy between the young men needs for belonging to the global youth subcultural lifestyle on the one hand, and on the other, for commitment to certain neighborhoods that express specific local urban identity. The results of the research indicate that in contrast to the concepts of group solidarity and masculinity, the territoriality of football fans has not been sufficiently studied in literature, although this phenomenon is quite significant, thus, a new widely applicable model for analysis is described in this paper, which can shed more light on this issue.
Psychology by Ivica Marković

Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 2014
Parent-teacher cross-informant agreement, although usually modest, may provide important clinical... more Parent-teacher cross-informant agreement, although usually modest, may provide important clinical information. Using data for 27,962 children from 21 societies, we asked the following: (a) Do parents report more problems than teachers, and does this vary by society, age, gender, or type of problem? (b) Does parent-teacher agreement vary across different problem scales or across societies? (c) How well do parents and teachers in different societies agree on problem item ratings? (d) How much do parent-teacher dyads in different societies vary in within-dyad agreement on problem items? (e) How well do parents and teachers in 21 societies agree on whether the child's problem level exceeds a deviance threshold? We used five methods to test agreement for Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and Teacher's Report Form (TRF) ratings. CBCL scores were higher than TRF scores on most scales, but the informant differences varied in magnitude across the societies studied. Cross-informant correlations for problem scale scores varied moderately across societies studied and were significantly higher for Externalizing than Internalizing problems. Parents and teachers tended to rate the same items as low, medium, or high, but within-dyad item agreement varied widely in every society studied. In all societies studied, both parental noncorroboration of teacher-reported deviance and teacher noncorroboration of parent-reported deviance were common. Our findings underscore the importance of obtaining information from parents and teachers when evaluating and treating children, highlight the need to use multiple methods of quantifying cross-informant agreement, and provide comprehensive baselines for patterns of parent-teacher agreement across 21 societies.

Parent–teacher cross-informant agreement, although usually modest, may provide
important clinical... more Parent–teacher cross-informant agreement, although usually modest, may provide
important clinical information. Using data for 27,962 children from 21 societies, we
asked the following: (a) Do parents report more problems than teachers, and does this
vary by society, age, gender, or type of problem? (b) Does parent–teacher agreement vary
across different problem scales or across societies? (c) How well do parents and teachers
in different societies agree on problem item ratings? (d) How much do parent–teacher
dyads in different societies vary in within-dyad agreement on problem items? (e) How
well do parents and teachers in 21 societies agree on whether the child’s problem level
exceeds a deviance threshold? We used five methods to test agreement for Child Behavior
Checklist (CBCL) and Teacher’s Report Form (TRF) ratings. CBCL scores were higher
than TRF scores on most scales, but the informant differences varied in magnitude
across the societies studied. Cross-informant correlations for problem scale scores varied
moderately across societies studied and were significantly higher for Externalizing than
Internalizing problems. Parents and teachers tended to rate the same items as low,
medium, or high, but within-dyad item agreement varied widely in every society studied.
In all societies studied, both parental noncorroboration of teacher-reported deviance and
teacher noncorroboration of parent-reported deviance were common. Our findings
underscore the importance of obtaining information from parents and teachers when
evaluating and treating children, highlight the need to use multiple methods of quantifying
cross-informant agreement, and provide comprehensive baselines for patterns of
parent–teacher agreement across 21 societies.
Books by Ivica Marković
by Nebojša Đokić, Dušan S Rašković, Ali Serdar Mete, Ivica Marković, Golub Jasovic, Miroslav Popović, Aleksandra Stolic, Aleksandar M . Gajić, Ercan Karakoc, Aleksandra Jovičić Đinović, Snežana B . Aleksić, and Dimitar Atanassov Tematski zbornik iz edicije Juhorski zapis
Medieval art by Ivica Marković
Aesthetics by Ivica Marković
Theology by Ivica Marković
Anthropology by Ivica Marković
It was determined that football fans have several identities that are impossible to separate, and in various contexts they have different levels of importance. This paper studies how these identities are constructed by the members of the local structured group known as “Firma 1989”, supporting the Football Club Vojvodina, but there are also remarks on other football fan groups from Novi Sad (Korida, Delije and Grobari) as well as other groups from Serbia and neighboring countries. In solving the chosen theoretical problem it was not possible to stay within a single scientific discipline. Although this study tends to belong to anthropology of football, the theoretical-methodological concept of the paper also continues upon the previously stated general theoretical positions on gender studies, anthropology of religion, urban anthropology, ethnicity, and national and political identity.
The material for this study was collected through: observation with participation in various activities of members of group Firma 1989 and fan groups of clubs that FC Vojvodina met in the period 2012-2014; unstructured interviews with football fans; survey of internet websites and forums, newspaper articles, magazines and other texts, oriented by their content to past and present of the football fan group Firma, published from its establishment in 1989 to this day.
The first chapter of this paper deals with the historical framework, following the genesis and development of the football fan movement, FC Vojvodina and the group Firma. Then in the general discussion the fans are observed as a specific urban youth subculture, building its global identity in three contexts that they consider important: collective, territorial and gender/sex (masculine). In this context there are also separate discussions on visual style, rebellion and resistance to globalization. In the second thematic unit the complex contextual approach to study of numerous identity of Firma members is further analyzed, and the problem was studied from several standpoints with a special stress on their territorial identity as a scale of patriotism - from the broader (national, regional) toward the narrower context (city, borough, block, street). The ethnic or national belonging turned out to be a pronounced catalyst of many activities and it was observed as part of political identity, also discussed through presence of pronounced antagonisms (unitarists and autonomists, left and right political option). Also studied was construction of religious identity of football fans, determining how they express their belonging to Orthodox Christianity, the folk religion, and how they respond to challenges of secularization. Other recognized forms were some phenomena of ritualized behavior, elements of non-verbal communication and football fan symbols. The paper ends with analysis of persons considered particularly important by members of Firma, as they are considered their subcultural heroes.
I believe that genesis and function of football fan behavior may be followed in two directions: existential (since the prehistory people chanted loud cheers, both in collective hunt on dangerous game animals and in mass battles) and free time (since the ancient civilizations people have been gathering at specialized places to observe the most important secondary thing in the world that exists at that time). These events, personified in the ancient metaphor bread and circuses, at first had a strong religious character that gradually acquired the final secular features. To the contrast, the football fans seem to relapse to the level of culture of hunter-gatherer communities, and during their very complex socialization period they are not marginal characters but mostly adolescents attracted to belonging to a subculture, which, in time of transition of everything including the value orientations, offers to the young people a strong identity and cognitively directed activity, norms that pertain to everyone and protection of group members.
This text includes the more important chapters from a Master thesis completed in 2014 at the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology of Philosophy Faculty in Belgrade, under the mentorship of Professor Dr Vladimir Ribic. I am very grateful to Professor Ribic for expert help, support and patience.
Psychology by Ivica Marković
important clinical information. Using data for 27,962 children from 21 societies, we
asked the following: (a) Do parents report more problems than teachers, and does this
vary by society, age, gender, or type of problem? (b) Does parent–teacher agreement vary
across different problem scales or across societies? (c) How well do parents and teachers
in different societies agree on problem item ratings? (d) How much do parent–teacher
dyads in different societies vary in within-dyad agreement on problem items? (e) How
well do parents and teachers in 21 societies agree on whether the child’s problem level
exceeds a deviance threshold? We used five methods to test agreement for Child Behavior
Checklist (CBCL) and Teacher’s Report Form (TRF) ratings. CBCL scores were higher
than TRF scores on most scales, but the informant differences varied in magnitude
across the societies studied. Cross-informant correlations for problem scale scores varied
moderately across societies studied and were significantly higher for Externalizing than
Internalizing problems. Parents and teachers tended to rate the same items as low,
medium, or high, but within-dyad item agreement varied widely in every society studied.
In all societies studied, both parental noncorroboration of teacher-reported deviance and
teacher noncorroboration of parent-reported deviance were common. Our findings
underscore the importance of obtaining information from parents and teachers when
evaluating and treating children, highlight the need to use multiple methods of quantifying
cross-informant agreement, and provide comprehensive baselines for patterns of
parent–teacher agreement across 21 societies.
Books by Ivica Marković
It was determined that football fans have several identities that are impossible to separate, and in various contexts they have different levels of importance. This paper studies how these identities are constructed by the members of the local structured group known as “Firma 1989”, supporting the Football Club Vojvodina, but there are also remarks on other football fan groups from Novi Sad (Korida, Delije and Grobari) as well as other groups from Serbia and neighboring countries. In solving the chosen theoretical problem it was not possible to stay within a single scientific discipline. Although this study tends to belong to anthropology of football, the theoretical-methodological concept of the paper also continues upon the previously stated general theoretical positions on gender studies, anthropology of religion, urban anthropology, ethnicity, and national and political identity.
The material for this study was collected through: observation with participation in various activities of members of group Firma 1989 and fan groups of clubs that FC Vojvodina met in the period 2012-2014; unstructured interviews with football fans; survey of internet websites and forums, newspaper articles, magazines and other texts, oriented by their content to past and present of the football fan group Firma, published from its establishment in 1989 to this day.
The first chapter of this paper deals with the historical framework, following the genesis and development of the football fan movement, FC Vojvodina and the group Firma. Then in the general discussion the fans are observed as a specific urban youth subculture, building its global identity in three contexts that they consider important: collective, territorial and gender/sex (masculine). In this context there are also separate discussions on visual style, rebellion and resistance to globalization. In the second thematic unit the complex contextual approach to study of numerous identity of Firma members is further analyzed, and the problem was studied from several standpoints with a special stress on their territorial identity as a scale of patriotism - from the broader (national, regional) toward the narrower context (city, borough, block, street). The ethnic or national belonging turned out to be a pronounced catalyst of many activities and it was observed as part of political identity, also discussed through presence of pronounced antagonisms (unitarists and autonomists, left and right political option). Also studied was construction of religious identity of football fans, determining how they express their belonging to Orthodox Christianity, the folk religion, and how they respond to challenges of secularization. Other recognized forms were some phenomena of ritualized behavior, elements of non-verbal communication and football fan symbols. The paper ends with analysis of persons considered particularly important by members of Firma, as they are considered their subcultural heroes.
I believe that genesis and function of football fan behavior may be followed in two directions: existential (since the prehistory people chanted loud cheers, both in collective hunt on dangerous game animals and in mass battles) and free time (since the ancient civilizations people have been gathering at specialized places to observe the most important secondary thing in the world that exists at that time). These events, personified in the ancient metaphor bread and circuses, at first had a strong religious character that gradually acquired the final secular features. To the contrast, the football fans seem to relapse to the level of culture of hunter-gatherer communities, and during their very complex socialization period they are not marginal characters but mostly adolescents attracted to belonging to a subculture, which, in time of transition of everything including the value orientations, offers to the young people a strong identity and cognitively directed activity, norms that pertain to everyone and protection of group members.
This text includes the more important chapters from a Master thesis completed in 2014 at the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology of Philosophy Faculty in Belgrade, under the mentorship of Professor Dr Vladimir Ribic. I am very grateful to Professor Ribic for expert help, support and patience.
important clinical information. Using data for 27,962 children from 21 societies, we
asked the following: (a) Do parents report more problems than teachers, and does this
vary by society, age, gender, or type of problem? (b) Does parent–teacher agreement vary
across different problem scales or across societies? (c) How well do parents and teachers
in different societies agree on problem item ratings? (d) How much do parent–teacher
dyads in different societies vary in within-dyad agreement on problem items? (e) How
well do parents and teachers in 21 societies agree on whether the child’s problem level
exceeds a deviance threshold? We used five methods to test agreement for Child Behavior
Checklist (CBCL) and Teacher’s Report Form (TRF) ratings. CBCL scores were higher
than TRF scores on most scales, but the informant differences varied in magnitude
across the societies studied. Cross-informant correlations for problem scale scores varied
moderately across societies studied and were significantly higher for Externalizing than
Internalizing problems. Parents and teachers tended to rate the same items as low,
medium, or high, but within-dyad item agreement varied widely in every society studied.
In all societies studied, both parental noncorroboration of teacher-reported deviance and
teacher noncorroboration of parent-reported deviance were common. Our findings
underscore the importance of obtaining information from parents and teachers when
evaluating and treating children, highlight the need to use multiple methods of quantifying
cross-informant agreement, and provide comprehensive baselines for patterns of
parent–teacher agreement across 21 societies.