Papers by Dragana Vasiljevic

Skin aging is complex biological process, which is provoked by synergism of intrinsic and exogene... more Skin aging is complex biological process, which is provoked by synergism of intrinsic and exogeneous factors. Out of other exogeneous factors, the prosess of skin aging is predominantly influenced by the excessive UV irradiation, resulting in premature skin aging (photoaging), and, in certain cases, in appearance of precancerous and cancerous skin damages. Retinoids (vitamin A and derivatives) are main approach in the prevention and treatment of photoaged skin for years. Dermocosmetic products with retinoids (retinol, retinaldehyde, retinilpalmitate and acetate), and also with different antioxidants (vitamins C and E, coenzyme Q10 and its synthetic analogue idebenon, a-lipoic acid, etc.) are of importance for the prevention of skin photoaging. However, in some cases photoaged skin presents the dermatological ailment with potentially serious consequences (precancerous changes), that requests therapy. Food and Drug Administration approved in 2002 use of tretinoin (0.02% i 0.05%) and t...

The insect repellents are the cosmetic products with the basic role to repel the insects and tick... more The insect repellents are the cosmetic products with the basic role to repel the insects and ticks from humans as potential host. Insect bite can affect the human health, starting from harmless local skin reaction to generally toxic reactions as allergy or serious infective disease (malaria, lyme disease...). Nowadays, there are a lot of products with repellent active ingredients of natural or synthetic origin. The most common plant-based substances are etheric oils of eucalyptus, lemongrass, lavander and geranium. High performed synthetic substances which are dominant in commercial use are: DEET (N,N-Diethyl-m-toluamide), EBAAP (Butyl acetyl aminopropionic acid) and Picaridin. Complete Protection time (CPT) is basic parameter used for repellent efficiency evaluation. It depends on repellent active ingredients and it's concentration in final product, but also on other ingredients and the formulation form. Properly used, repellents assure effective and safe protection for certain...

Inhalation is preferred route for asthma and COPD therapy, since it offers a rapid onset of drug ... more Inhalation is preferred route for asthma and COPD therapy, since it offers a rapid onset of drug action, requires smaller doses, and reduces systemic effects compared with other routes of administration. Delivering drugs by inhalation requires a formulation that can be successfully aerosolized and a delivery device that produces a useful aerosol of the drug. Three main inhalation devices have been developed: pressurized metered dose inhalers (MDI), dry powder inhalers (DPI) and nebulizers. MDI are very commonly used device for aerosol delivery. However, many patients have poor MDI technique. Valved holding chambers and spacers are used to improve MDI technique. DPI, either unit-dose or multi-dose inhalers, are portable and easy to use. Nebulizers convert liquid formulations into aerosols with a particle size that can be inhaled into the lower respiratory tract. In recent years, several technical innovations have led to aerosol drug delivery devices with efficient drug delivery. Thes...

Chemical Industry
Solid dispersions are defined as dispersions of one or more active pharmaceutical ingredients in ... more Solid dispersions are defined as dispersions of one or more active pharmaceutical ingredients in inert solid-state carriers. They are made with the aim to increase solubility and the dissolution rate of low solubility active pharmaceutical ingredients, with the subsequent increase in their bioavailability. The aim of this study was the development and optimization of solid dispersion formulations with carbamazepine, using D-optimal experimental design, in order to increase the dissolution rate of the selected model drug. By using the method of experimental mixture design, solid dispersions were formulated by varying the ratio of carbamazepine (30-50 %), Gelucire? 44/14 (20-40 %) and Soluplus? polymer (30-50 %) (input parameters). Sixteen formulations were made and used for in vitro testing of the carbamazepine dissolution rate. The observed output parameters were the percentages of carbamazepine released after 10, 20, 30, 45, and 60 minutes. After the data analysis, three test formu...

Arhiv za farmaciju, 2015
Morska voda, so i mulj koriste se od davnina u tretmanima za ulepšavanje, ali se njihovi aktivni ... more Morska voda, so i mulj koriste se od davnina u tretmanima za ulepšavanje, ali se njihovi aktivni sastojci tek od nedavno koriste za izradu kozmetičkih proizvoda. Kozmetičke sirovine poreklom iz mora najviše se dobijaju iz algi i mikroalgi, mikroorganizama, sunđera i korala. Egzopolisaharidi su novije kozmetičke sirovine koje proizvode morski mikroorganizmi. Navodi se da oni štite kožu od štetnih spoljašnjih uticaja, daju joj mekoću i smanjuju fine linije. Ekstrakti mikroalgi deluju antioksidantno i podstiču sintezu kolagena tipa I. Ekstrakt korala sa pseudopterozinima se koristi za umirivanje kože, dok su morski sunđeri jedan od najvećih alternativnih izvora za dobijanje kolagena. Od svih sirovina poreklom iz mora, alge su najviše istražene i imaju najveći potencijal. Iz algi se dobijaju karagen, agar i alginati, koji se koriste kao humektansi, ugušćivači i gelirajuća sredstva. Aktivni sastojci ekstrakata algi (polisaharidi, proteini, vitamini, minerali) hidriraju kožu, smanjuju fine linije, štite kožu od UV zraka, smanjuju crvenilo kože, a koriste se i u kozmetičkim proizvodima za smanjenje celulita.

Die Pharmazie, 2005
The aim of this study was to develop and characterize hydrophilic gels containing chlorophyllin(C... more The aim of this study was to develop and characterize hydrophilic gels containing chlorophyllin(CHL)-loaded liposomes as well as to evaluate their stability. Two different CHL-loaded liposome dispersions using non-hydrogenated and hydrogenated soybean lecithin were prepared, characterized for their particle size, polydispersity index and trapping efficiency and incorporated in Carbopol 940 NF hydrogel. The gels obtained were analyzed for flow properties, pH values and CHL content. The control liposome-free gel was obtained by incorporating the CHL solution in the hydrogel. The stability of the gels was evaluated in terms of rheological properties, pH values and CHL content during 6 months' storage at 20 +/- 2 degrees C. Suitable gel formulations for topical use were obtained revealing shear-thinning plastic flow behaviour without significant thixotropy during the whole period of examination. High yield values of the samples during the whole period indicated a long-term stability...

Chemical Industry and Chemical Engineering Quarterly, 2015
This study investigates using of high molecular weight hydrophilic polymers, hypromellose and hyd... more This study investigates using of high molecular weight hydrophilic polymers, hypromellose and hydroxypropylcellulose, for the preparation of sustained release matrix tablets containing high dose, highly soluble drug, tramadol HCl. Proportion of polymer, type of insoluble filler, proportion of tramadol HCl, amount of drug in the tablet and compression pressure were recognized as critical formulation and process parameters and their influence on drug release and tablet mechanical properties was evaluated. Tensile strength was used as indicator of mechanical properties of the tablets. Experiments were performed with utilization of compaction simulator as a device which simulates compaction profiles of large scale rotary tablet presses. In formulations with both polymers proportion of tramadol HCl was the most critical formulation parameter wherein increasing of the tramadol HCl proportion increased its release rate in early stages of drug release. Regarding the tablet mechanical charac...

Arhiv za farmaciju, 2017
U savremenim kozmetičkim proizvodima najviše se koriste vitamini A, E, C, B3 i provitamin B5 (pan... more U savremenim kozmetičkim proizvodima najviše se koriste vitamini A, E, C, B3 i provitamin B5 (pantenol), kao i njihovi brojni derivati. Kozmetički retinoidi (retinol, retinaldehid i retinil estri) se godinama koriste u kozmetičkom tretmanu znakova (foto)ostarele kože jer posvetljuju hiperpigmentacije, smanjuju grubost kože i fine linije i bore. Noviji derivati vitamina A, retinil retinoat i hidroksipinakolon retinoat su anti-age sastojci povećane stabilnosti i smanjenog iritacionog potencijala, u poređenju sa retinolom. Vitamin E (tokoferol), dovodi do usporavanja nastanka i prividnog smanjenja postojećih bora. Zbog izražene nestabilnosti, vitamin E se koristi u obliku estara, najčešće kao tokoferil acetat. Novina na tržištu je hidrosolubilni derivat vitamina E-natrijum tokoferil fosfat. Vitamin C (askorbinska kiselina) takođe ima pozitivne efekte na koži, ali je veoma nestabilan. Noviji derivati vitamina C, koji mogu biti hidrosolubilni, amfifilni ili liposolubilni su poboljšane stabilnosti u odnosu na askorbinsku kiselinu. Koriste se u proizvodima za negu i posvetljivanje kože. Pantenol je izuzetno dobar ovlaživač kože i kose. Vitamin B3 (niacinamid) se uobičajeno koristi u dnevnim kremovima za negu lica, kao kondicioner kože. Vitamini u kozmetičkim proizvodima se mogu smatrati bezbednim KAS, kada se koriste u odgovarajućim hemijskim oblicima i u odobrenim koncentracijama. Ključne reči: vitamini i derivati, kozmetički efekti na koži, bezbednost kozmetičkih proizvoda sa vitaminima

Drug development and industrial pharmacy, 2018
The aims of this study were to formulate simvastatin (SV)-loaded self-microemulsifying drug deliv... more The aims of this study were to formulate simvastatin (SV)-loaded self-microemulsifying drug delivery systems (SMEDDS), and explore the potential of these drug delivery systems to improve SV solubility, and also to identify the optimal place in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract for the release of SV using coupled in vitro/in silico approach. In comparison to other published results, this study considered the extensive pre-systemic clearance of SV, which could significantly decrease its systemic and hepatic bioavailability if SV is delivered into the small intestine. SV-loaded SMEDDS were formulated using various proportions of oils (PEG 300 oleic glycerides, propylene glycol monocaprylate, propylene glycol monolaurate), surfactant (PEG 400 caprylic/capric glycerides) and cosurfactant (polysorbate 80) and subjected to characterization, and physiologically-based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modeling. According to the in vitro results, the selected SMEDDS consisted of 10.0% PEG 300 oleic glycer...
Journal of The Serbian Chemical Society, 2009
Multiple emulsions are complex dispersion systems which have many potential applications in pharm... more Multiple emulsions are complex dispersion systems which have many potential applications in pharmaceutics, cosmetics and the food industry. In practice, however, significant problems may arise because of their thermodyna- mic instability. In this study, W/O/W multiple emulsion systems containing low concentration levels of lipophilic polymeric primary emulsifiers cetyl di- methicone copolyol and PEG-30 dipolyhydroxystearate were evaluated. The concentrations of the

International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2006
Multiple W/O/W emulsions with high content of inner phase ( 1 = 2 = 0.8) were prepared using rela... more Multiple W/O/W emulsions with high content of inner phase ( 1 = 2 = 0.8) were prepared using relatively low concentrations of lipophilic polymeric primary emulsifier, PEG 30-dipolyhydroxystearate, and diclofenac diethylamine (DDA) as a model drug. The investigated formulations were characterized and their stability over the time was evaluated by dynamic and oscillatory rheological measurements, microscopic analysis and in vitro drug release study. In vitro release profiles of the selected model drug were evaluated in terms of the effective diffusion coefficients and flux of the released drug. The multiple emulsion samples exhibited good stability during the ageing time. Concentration of the lipophilic primary emulsifier markedly affected rheological behaviour as well as the droplet size and in vitro drug release kinetics of the investigated systems. The multiple emulsion systems with highest concentration (2.4%, w/w) of the primary emulsifier had the lowest droplet size and the highest apparent viscosity and highest elastic characteristics. Drug release data indicated predominately diffusional drug release mechanism with sustained and prolonged drug release accomplished with 2.4% (w/w) of lipophilic emulsifier employed.

International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2008
An investigation into the influence of viscous media on tablet disintegration and drug dissolutio... more An investigation into the influence of viscous media on tablet disintegration and drug dissolution was performed with the aim to simulate the potential formulation-specific food effect for a selected highly soluble model drug. Literature data on the in vivo drug absorption in fasted and fed state have been evaluated for in vitro-in vivo correlation (IVIVC) purposes. In vitro studies were conducted in simple buffer media with or without addition of HPMC K4M as a viscosity enhancing agent. Good IVIVC correlation (r>0.95) was obtained for paracetamol dissolution in viscous media at 50rpm and fed state absorption profiles, while in vitro dissolution in simple media at lower stirring speed was predictable of drug products in vivo behaviour in the fasted state. The data obtained support the existing idea that relatively simple dissolution media and/or set of experimental conditions may be used to differentiate formulation-specific food-drug interactions. Such tests would be a useful tool in the development of formulations that would not be susceptible to the influence of co-administered meal and, furthermore, facilitate regulatory decision on the necessity to conduct food effect studies in vivo.
Arhiv za farmaciju
Cited By (since 1996):1, Export Date: 18 October 2014

. The purpose of this study was to investigate the solid self-emulsifying drug delivery system (S... more . The purpose of this study was to investigate the solid self-emulsifying drug delivery system (SSEDDS), as a potential delivery system for poorly water soluble carbamazepine by application of mixture design. The self-emulsifying drug delivery system (SEDDS) was formulated using Polysorbate 80, Transcutol® HP and Mygliol® 812. The input parameters for mixture design (components of SSEDDS) were: appropriate SEDDS, carbamazepine and adsorbent, Neusilin® UFL2, with appropriate ranges 10-30%, 30-50% and 40-60%, respectively. The output parameters were the percentages of carbamazepine released after 10 and 30 min. The aim was to formulate SSEDDS with very fast drug release, i.e. more than 80% of carbamazepine has to be released in 30 min. Optimal formulations were examined through the dissolution test, parallel artificial membrane permeability assay (PAMPA), differential scanning calorimetry and thermal gravimetric analysis. With the obtained mixture design models, for any combination of...
Multiple emulsions are complex dispersion systems which have many potential applications in pharm... more Multiple emulsions are complex dispersion systems which have many potential applications in pharmaceutics, cosmetics and the food industry. In practice, however, significant problems may arise because of their thermodyna- mic instability. In this study, W/O/W multiple emulsion systems containing low concentration levels of lipophilic polymeric primary emulsifiers cetyl di- methicone copolyol and PEG-30 dipolyhydroxystearate were evaluated. The concentrations of the

International journal of cosmetic science, 2005
Semi-solid multiple W/O/W emulsions with low concentrations (0.8, 1.6 and 2.4% w/w) of lipophilic... more Semi-solid multiple W/O/W emulsions with low concentrations (0.8, 1.6 and 2.4% w/w) of lipophilic polymeric primary emulsifier PEG-30-dipolyhydroxystearate (PDHS) have been formulated. Both emulsions, primary and multiple, were prepared with high content of inner phase (Phi1 = Phi2 = 0.8). All the formulations differ only in the lipophilic emulsifier concentration. Evaluating several parameters such as macroscopic and microscopic aspect, droplet size, accelerated stability under centrifugation and flow and oscillatory rheological behaviour, assessed the multiple systems. It is possible to formulate the semi-solid W/O/W multiple emulsions with low concentrations of PDHS as the primary emulsifier. It appeared that the highest long-term stable multiple emulsion with the lowest droplet size, the highest apparent viscosity and highest elastic characteristic, was the sample with the highest concentration (2.4% w/w) of the primary emulsifier.

International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2006
Multiple W/O/W emulsions with high content of inner phase ( 1 = 2 = 0.8) were prepared using rela... more Multiple W/O/W emulsions with high content of inner phase ( 1 = 2 = 0.8) were prepared using relatively low concentrations of lipophilic polymeric primary emulsifier, PEG 30-dipolyhydroxystearate, and diclofenac diethylamine (DDA) as a model drug. The investigated formulations were characterized and their stability over the time was evaluated by dynamic and oscillatory rheological measurements, microscopic analysis and in vitro drug release study. In vitro release profiles of the selected model drug were evaluated in terms of the effective diffusion coefficients and flux of the released drug. The multiple emulsion samples exhibited good stability during the ageing time. Concentration of the lipophilic primary emulsifier markedly affected rheological behaviour as well as the droplet size and in vitro drug release kinetics of the investigated systems. The multiple emulsion systems with highest concentration (2.4%, w/w) of the primary emulsifier had the lowest droplet size and the highest apparent viscosity and highest elastic characteristics. Drug release data indicated predominately diffusional drug release mechanism with sustained and prolonged drug release accomplished with 2.4% (w/w) of lipophilic emulsifier employed.
Hemijska industrija, 2012
Papers by Dragana Vasiljevic