Papers by Andrea Perunovic

Las Torres de Lucca, 2023
In the global contemporary political context, diverse social struggles are being alienated from e... more In the global contemporary political context, diverse social struggles are being alienated from each other to the point that the illusion of capitalism as the only possible socioeconomic system is blurring all horizons of social change. In this article, we will aim to redefine the common causes of social struggles, by demonstrating their intersectionality and interdependence. In order to do so, we will engage with a number of concepts from Marx's philosophy. In the introduction, we will examine the notion of value, claiming that Marx's value theory is not simply a labor theory of value, but that it rather reflects the parallax structure of production and circulation, crystallized in the ultimate value-form of money. Having obtained these preliminary insights, we will go back to the phenomenon of labor in capitalism, to reinterpret, in the first section of the article, the Marxian distinction between productive and unproductive labor. From this will follow the first concrete examples of the intersectionality of social struggles against the abstraction of capital: namely, showing that gender and racial struggles have certain common causes, rooted in the Gramscian hegemony. In the second section, we will examine the distinction that Marx establishes between the formal and the real subsumption. The latter, we will claim, is decisive for understanding how capital structures the quasi-totality of our social relations. Following an interpretation of Maren Ade's film Toni Erdmann, we will propose some possible means of intersectional struggle against real subsumption, that will find their theoretical backing in the concept of subversive universals. The concluding remarks will address the nuclear logic of the distribution and accumulation of capital, a symptom that survives throughout history preserved and driven by the omnipresence of ideology, and stress again implicitly the importance of common struggle in the unfreezing of emergence of a new revolutionary subject.

Las Torres de Lucca. International Journal of Political Philosophy, Jul 10, 2023
In the global contemporary political context, diverse social struggles are being alienated from e... more In the global contemporary political context, diverse social struggles are being alienated from each other to the point that the illusion of capitalism as the only possible socio-economic system is blurring all horizons of social change. In this article, we will aim to redefine the common causes of social struggles, by demonstrating their intersectionality and interdependence. In order to do so, we will engage with a number of concepts from Marx's philosophy. In the introduction, we will examine the notion of value, claiming that Marx's value theory is not simply a labor theory of value, but that it rather reflects the parallax structure of production and circulation, crystallized in the ultimate value-form of money. Having obtained these preliminary insights, we will go back to the phenomenon of labor in capitalism, to reinterpret, in the first section of the article, the Marxian distinction between productive and unproductive labor. From this will follow the first concrete examples of the intersectionality of social struggles against the abstraction of capital: namely, showing that gender and racial struggles have certain common causes, rooted in the Gramscian hegemony. In the second section, we will examine the distinction that Marx establishes between the formal and the real subsumption. The latter, we will claim, is decisive for understanding how capital structures the quasi-totality of our social relations. Following an interpretation of Maren Ade's film Toni Erdmann, we will propose some possible means of intersectional struggle against real subsumption, that will find their theoretical backing in the concept of subversive universals. The concluding remarks will address the nuclear logic of the distribution and accumulation of capital, a symptom that survives throughout history preserved and driven by the omnipresence of ideology, and stress again implicitly the importance of common struggle in the unfreezing of emergence of a new revolutionary subject.

Filozofija i drustvo
While the notions of credit, debt and money are today almost exclusively associated with economic... more While the notions of credit, debt and money are today almost exclusively associated with economic discourse, their semantic fields prove to be significantly wider and more complex. This article seeks to restore the repressed meanings of these three notions. Its aim consists of a deconstruction of the dominant economic narratives on credit, debt, money and trust, that would show that these concepts should be primarily considered as social, rather than solely economic institutions. Therefore, in the introduction we will look at the etymology of the word credit and disclose its semantic proximity with magic as a social practice. Furthermore, the first section will examine the intrinsic relation between debt and credit, departing from Marcel H?naff?s three types of symbolic debt and exposing how these shape the financial credit in neoliberal capitalism and install the creditor-debtor relation (such as Maurizio Lazzarato describes it) as predominant at all levels of society. The second s...
Kritika: časopis za filozofiju i teoriju društva, Nov 30, 2021
U nastavku predstavljamo tekst intervjua sa Adrianom Zaharijević, višom naučnom saradnicom Instit... more U nastavku predstavljamo tekst intervjua sa Adrianom Zaharijević, višom naučnom saradnicom Instituta za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, koji je obavljen u sklopu prve epizode podkasta „Zvuk misli“, u okviru istog instituta. Adriana Zaharijević bavi se mnogim temama u oblasti političke filozofije, feminističke teorije i društvene istorije. Napisala je nekoliko knjiga, kao što su Postajanje ženom i Ko je pojedinac? Genealoško propitivanje ideje građanina, a čitaocima je verovatno najpoznatija kao autorka od autoriteta u studijama roda. Povod za organizovanje ovog intervjua bilo je objavljivanje njene nove knjige pod nazivom Život telā: Politička filozofija Džudit Batler.

U ovom članku će biti spekulativno razmatrana jedna specifična forma subjektivnosti, koja nastaje... more U ovom članku će biti spekulativno razmatrana jedna specifična forma subjektivnosti, koja nastaje iz fundamentalne uslovljenosti egzistencije subjekta poverenjem. Polazeći od hipoteze da poverenje teži ka stvaranju subjektiviteta koji bi postojao samostalno, kao totalitet i odvojenost od sveta, pokušaćemo da razvejemo ovu iluziju, prikazujući konstitutivnu fragmentarnost subjekta poverenja, kao i granice i procepe koji ga sačinjavaju. Preispitujući jednu takvu ontogenezu, ispitaćemo psihološke, ali i epistemološke uslove, koje poverenje nameće subjektu u njegovom nastajanju. Frojdova psihoanalitička teorija i Sartrova ontološka fenomenologija, daće nam glavne (nekada suprotstavljene, nekada pomirljive) pojmovne aparate, kojima ćemo se služiti, ali koje ćemo takođe i dovoditi u pitanje u analizi koja sledi. Njihovim kritičkim preklapanjem, težićemo da dobijemo optimalan alat za dekonstrukciju subjekta poverenja, dekonstruišući pritom i neke tradicionalno oprečne filozofske kategorije, kao što su svesno i nesvesno, subjekat i objekat, egzistencija i postajanje, verovanje i znanje, itd. Kada govorimo o poverenju, uglavnom mislimo na intersubjektivne odnose koji počivaju na međusobnoj verodostojnosti aktera, a koja proizlazi iz sprege datog obećanja i preuzete odgovornosti. Potom, o poverenju se takođe neretko misli, od Platona, preko Spinoze i sve do danas, kao o epistemološkoj odlici ljudske svesti, kao o neizbežnom načinu saznavanja sveta koji nas okružuje. Isti pojam nadalje uslovljavaće i praktične načine delovanja, kako grupa, tako i pojedinaca. Posledično svemu tome: društva, institucije, ekonomski i politički sistemi naizgled zavise neposredno od nečega što nazivamo poverenjem, nečega što im omogućava nesmetano i optimalno funkcionisanje. Zdrav razum i dominantni diskursi gledaju na poverenje kao na nešto što je ne samo korisno, već i neophodno za ljudsku KLJUČNE REČI

Kritika, 2021
U ovom članku će biti spekulativno razmatrana jedna specifična forma subjektivnosti, koja nasta... more U ovom članku će biti spekulativno razmatrana jedna specifična forma subjektivnosti, koja nastaje iz fundamentalne uslovljenosti egzistencije subjekta poverenjem. Polazeći od hipoteze da poverenje teži ka stvaranju subjektiviteta koji bi postojao samostalno, kao totalitet i odvojenost od sveta, pokušaćemo da razvejemo ovu iluziju, prikazujući konstitutivnu fragmentarnost subjekta poverenja, kao i granice i procepe koji ga sačinjavaju. Preispitujući jednu takvu ontogenezu, ispitaćemo psihološke, ali i epistemološke uslove, koje poverenje nameće subjektu u njegovom nastajanju. Frojdova psihoanalitička teorija i Sartrova ontološka fenomenologija, daće nam glavne (nekada suprotstavljene, nekada pomirljive) pojmovne aparate, kojima ćemo se služiti, ali koje ćemo takođe i dovoditi u pitanje u analizi koja sledi. Njihovim kritičkim preklapanjem, težićemo da dobijemo optimalan alat za dekonstrukciju subjekta poverenja, dekonstruišući pritom i neke tradicionalno oprečne filozofske kategorije, kao što su svesno i nesvesno, subjekat i objekat, egzistencija i postajanje, verovanje i znanje, itd.

Filozofija i drustvo
This article approaches the notion of engagement from the perspective of critical ontology. With ... more This article approaches the notion of engagement from the perspective of critical ontology. With language as the starting point of its hermeneutic task, it commences with an etymological analyses of diverse Indo-European words gravitating around the semantic field of the notion of engagement. From these introductory insights obtained by an exercise in comparative linguistics, devotion and commitment are mapped as two opposite, yet inseparable, modes of being of engagement. Both of these modes seem to condition engagement in an ontologically disparate manner. While examining their fundamental structures, some of the canonical concepts of history of philosophy such as being, existence, subjectivity, or world - and also some of its constitutive binary oppositions such as body/mind, individual/collective, transcendence/immanence, light/darkness and sacred/secular - will be reconsidered through the prism of different ontological dispositions that devotion and commitment impose respective...
Talks by Andrea Perunovic

Philosophy and society, 2021
How do we perceive the notion of subject today, and how the notion of truth? In the second half o... more How do we perceive the notion of subject today, and how the notion of truth? In the second half of the last century, it seemed that these two concepts have disappeared from the radar of theory, being marked as a residue of a sclero-sed metaphysical tradition by some currents of postmodernism and poststruc-turalism. Nevertheless, it seems that the contemporary context calls for their thorough requestioning. What can be said about these canonical philosophi-cal terms, without making mere repetitions or setting foundations for one of the numerous new ontologies? In which way we can think of contemporary transformations of subjectivity in the “era of post-truth”, when lie and truth, trust and mistrust, crises and security are intervowen in some kind of a hege-lian bad infinity. Which adequat critical tools for analysing are to be found in philosophy, and which ones in psychoanalysis? When those are complemen-tary, and when not? What can we still learn on subject and truth from Kant or Nietzsche, what from Freud and Lacan? Which insights from these authors have the potential to grasp the new normativity of our world?Alenka Zupančič is a renowned Slovenian philosopher and psychoanalyst, professor and researcher at the Institute for Philosophy at the University of Nova Gorica and also a prominent figure of the psychoanalytic school of Lju-bljana. Zupančič writes and thinks on the axis of psychoanalytic theory and continental philosophy, working on the concepts such as real, ontology, un-conscious, hysteria, negation, lie, comedy, sexuality amongst others. Some of her books are entitled Ethics of Real: Kant and Lacan; (The odd one in: On Comedy; The Shortest Shadow: Nietzsche’s Philosophy of the Two and the last one published: What is Sex?
Kritika, 2021
U nastavku predstavljamo tekst intervjua sa Adrianom Zaharijević, višom
naučnom saradnicom Instit... more U nastavku predstavljamo tekst intervjua sa Adrianom Zaharijević, višom
naučnom saradnicom Instituta za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, koji je obavljen u sklopu prve epizode podkasta „Zvuk misli“, u okviru istog instituta. Adriana Zaharijević bavi se mnogim temama u oblasti političke filozofije, feminističke teorije i društvene istorije. Napisala je nekoliko knjiga, kao što su Postajanje ženom i Ko je pojedinac? Genealoško propitivanje ideje građanina, a čitaocima je verovatno najpoznatija kao autorka od autoriteta u studijama roda. Povod za organizovanje ovog intervjua bilo je objavljivanje njene nove knjige pod nazivom Život telā: Politička filozofija Džudit Batler.
Papers by Andrea Perunovic
Talks by Andrea Perunovic
naučnom saradnicom Instituta za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, koji je obavljen u sklopu prve epizode podkasta „Zvuk misli“, u okviru istog instituta. Adriana Zaharijević bavi se mnogim temama u oblasti političke filozofije, feminističke teorije i društvene istorije. Napisala je nekoliko knjiga, kao što su Postajanje ženom i Ko je pojedinac? Genealoško propitivanje ideje građanina, a čitaocima je verovatno najpoznatija kao autorka od autoriteta u studijama roda. Povod za organizovanje ovog intervjua bilo je objavljivanje njene nove knjige pod nazivom Život telā: Politička filozofija Džudit Batler.
naučnom saradnicom Instituta za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, koji je obavljen u sklopu prve epizode podkasta „Zvuk misli“, u okviru istog instituta. Adriana Zaharijević bavi se mnogim temama u oblasti političke filozofije, feminističke teorije i društvene istorije. Napisala je nekoliko knjiga, kao što su Postajanje ženom i Ko je pojedinac? Genealoško propitivanje ideje građanina, a čitaocima je verovatno najpoznatija kao autorka od autoriteta u studijama roda. Povod za organizovanje ovog intervjua bilo je objavljivanje njene nove knjige pod nazivom Život telā: Politička filozofija Džudit Batler.