“BCC” Lavished With Love

“BCC” Lavished With Love

Bessie Coleman Court was lavished with community love over the year, with major exterior paint and structural improvement funded by the City of Alameda, barbeque area and memorial garden improvement projects undertaken by Eagle Scout Connor Prime, and a major vegetable bed project by members of Trinity Lutheran Church. The site provides 52 units of supportive housing for formerly homeless survivors of domestic violence and their children.

“Spending the day positioning, filling with soil, and planting the raised beds was a wonderful way to work alongside some of the residents and get to know them,” says volunteer Colleen Vermillion. “We even created a seating area for their rest and relaxation.” BCC residents are making great use of the welcoming spaces, grateful to know how much the community cares.

This article first appeared in our 2014-15 Annual Report.