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New multidisciplinary research based on geomorphological investigation and soil survey conducted at the slopes of Masada fort enabled us to reevaluate and question the dramatic events that took place there, in 73/74 CE, according to the... more
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      GeomorphologySoil ScienceQuaternary Sedimentology and GeomorphologyRoman Army Studies
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      Archaeology of Ancient IsraelEarly ChristianityByzantine ArchitectureHellenistic Roman and Byzantine Archaeology in the Land of Israel
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During the Byzantine period, the Judean Shephelah region of the Holy Land boasted numerous churches and monasteries. Some of these churches were erected at sanctified sites (loca sancta) or developed along the main pilgrimage routes to... more
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      Archaeology of Ancient IsraelEarly ChristianityByzantine ArchaeologyChurch Archaeology
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In 2019, large-scale excavation was conducted near Tel Motza, located to the west of Jerusalem. These excavations took place in close proximity to Beit-Yalin, a built complex from the 19th century that was constructed atop remnants dating... more
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      JerusalemChristian ArchaeologyCRUSADER KINGDOM OF JERUSALEMCrusaders Archaeology
Khirbat Umm edh-Dhiyab extends over the top and northern slope of a hill at the eastern end of Ramat Bet Shemesh, c. 1.2 km north of Ḥorbat Bet Naṭif, overlooking the western slopes of the Judean Hills and Naḥal Zanoaḥ (Fig. 1). On the... more
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      ArchaeologyArchitecture3D visualisationDeath and Burial (Archaeology)
The aim of this paper is to characterize modernism and post modernism in architecture in the light of the ideas of the sociologist Georg Simmel about the struggle between life and form. Simmel describes modernism as a stage in the... more
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      Urban PlanningPalestineUrban And Regional PlanningIsrael
Abstract Patrick Geddes worked in Jerusalem between 1919 and 1925. He was originally summoned to the city by the Zionists, in order to plan the Hebrew University of Jerusalem; eventually, he also submitted an overall plan for the city,... more
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      Cultural StudiesHuman GeographyCultural GeographyPostcolonial Studies
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      Urban And Regional PlanningPlanning PerspectivesHistorical Studies
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      Urban HistoryUrban And Regional PlanningHistory of PlanningZionism
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      HistoryIsrael PalestineReading Process
The digitization of Jerusalem Architectural Archives was a practical heritage documentation project establishing a platform for studying architecture and design in modern Jerusalem. The project ventured to locate, digitize, and catalog... more
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רונלד סטורס, מושל ירושלים בשנים ,1927-1918 היה בעל תפקיד מכריע בעיצוב פניה של ירושלים העתיקה והמודרנית, ומפעליו בעיר תופסים מקום של כבוד במחקרים העוסקים בשימורה ובפיתוחה של ירושלים ותרבותה בתקופת המנדט. בין היתר, ייזכר סטורס בתולדות... more
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      Urban PlanningHeritage ConservationBritish EmpireWorld War I
פטריק גדס (1854--1932) מתכנן הערים הסקוטי, הוא נושא פופולרי למחקר בארץ ובעולם. מספר ביוגרפיות מתארות את חייו של הביולוג, הסוציולוג, הגאוגרף ומתכנן הערים, ומחקרים רבים דנים בעבודתו של מי שנחשב כיום לאחד מחלוצי התכנון העירוני המודרני.... more
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      Urban PlanningHeritage ConservationBritish EmpireJerusalem