Papers by Selcen Nur Erikci Çelik

ÖZET Dünyada toplam enerji tüketiminin yaklaşık %30-40'ını oluşturan, binalardaki mekanik ısıtma-... more ÖZET Dünyada toplam enerji tüketiminin yaklaşık %30-40'ını oluşturan, binalardaki mekanik ısıtma-soğutma sistemlerinin kullanımını azaltmak, enerji korunumu açısından önemli bir etkiye sahiptir. Sürdürülebilir ve az enerji kullanım oranlarına sahip binaların oluşumunda ise, mekanik sistemler ile beraber yapı elemanlarının da değerlendirilmesi bütüncül bir yaklaşımı oluşturmaktadır. Bu prensipten hareketle, bu çalışmada bina enerji tüketim oranlarının azaltılması noktasında, düşey bina elemanlarını oluşturan ve yapıda genişçe bir alana (m2) sahip olan duvar elemanının farklı bir sistemle düzenlenmesi önerilmektedir. Çalışma kapsamında, hibrid enerji kullanımına elverişli yüzeyden ısıtma soğutma sistemli modüler duvar elemanının binalara entegrasyonu değerlendirilecektir. Çalışmanın amaçlarından birisi de ürünün mimari tasarım sürecine doğrudan etkisinin belirlenmesi ve süreci etkileyecek çözülmesi gereken konuların saptanmasıdır. Tasarım, uygulama ve kullanım aşamalarında modüler duvar elemanının teknik birleşim ve montaj detaylarının entegrasyonu ile beraber enerji tasarrufu, ısıl tasarruf ve çevresel boyuttaki faydalı etkilerine detaylı olarak değinilecektir. Sonuç olarak, hazır duvar ürünü yüzeyden ısıtma-soğutmalı modüler hibrid duvar olarak tanımlanarak oluşturulacak ve geleneksel sistemle ısıl konfor açısından karşılaştırılacaktır. Mimari ön değerlendirmelerden sonra tüm mimari tasarım sürecini (tasarım öncesi ve sonrası) etkileyecek uygulama ve kullanımdaki performans, bakım, ömür ve yenileme süreçleriyle ilgili belirli kararlar sonuçlar kısmında değerlendirilecektir. Anahtar sözcükler: Modüler hazır duvar elemanı, hibrid, mimari tasarım, ısıl konfor, enerji korunumu ABSTRACT Reducing the use of mechanical heating and cooling systems in buildings, which accounts for approximately 30-40% of total energy consumption in the world and has a major impact on energy conservation. Considering the formation of buildings that have sustainable and low energy utilization, structural elements as well as mechanical systems should be evaluated with a holistic approach. From this point of view, in this study it is proposed that wall elements, which are vertical building elements, and constitute a broad area within the structure, are regulated with a different a system concerning the reduction of building energy consumption ratio. Within the scope of this study, integration of modular wall elements with surface heating and cooling system which are convenient for using hybrid energy, into the buildings will be evaluated.
One of the aims of the study is to determine the direct impact of the product on architectural design process and identify the issues that will affect the process, and need to be resolved. In design, implementation and usage phases, integration of technical combination and montage details of modular wall elements, together with issues regarding energy saving, heat-saving, and other environmental aspects will be discussed in detail.
As a result, the ready-wall product with surface heating and cooling modules will be created and defined as hybrid wall and will be compared with the conventional system in terms of thermal comfort. After preliminary architectural evaluations, certain decisions that will affect whole architectural design processes (pre and post design) such as the performance in implementation and use, maintenance, lifetime, and renewal processes will be evaluated in the results.

Human nature is an effective and less damaging life on behalf of "sustainability" to maintain con... more Human nature is an effective and less damaging life on behalf of "sustainability" to maintain consumption and must be associated directly with the durability of the product. Clothes, food, structures used in the commodities (good), the material used in the process to build up all the parameters that should be provided in partnership with durability and quality. Otherwise, the effective and efficient product consumption and waste mechanism will be disabled. This results in a more irregular and chaotic world will remain behind. Sourcing from the acquisition, processing and product into the product's durability and life processes is very important for the duration. After that the material will be used for determining the possible trouble areas and situations, statuses, repair-innovation must be made of the work (repairability-renovation). Building materials, used in everyday life has textile products, even food products all products life cycle (life span) planning should be mandatory. Ideas from the design phase, then it should be managed and carefully in the process of making the rational results of this planning should be removed. EcoDesign with "sustainability" directly related to the duration of service of products and services, efficient use and environmental benefit/harm ratios is a term that takes into account. Constantly updated technology evolves quickly with the inevitable sense of this design, the primary objective of humanitarian priority of relations with the business (or business) should be edited. Economic and technological developments at this stage is extremely important. Testing of the application areas, Union, and the most rational way of planned design values to allow resolving fiction should be. Within the framework of the evaluation of the resource and functionality in a relationship context and should not be overlooked. This design approach a local ecological importance to the data in the elements, it does not interfere with technological elements should be aimed at. Local one, the relationship between non-local items with a solid floor posited, will ensure healthy products and production processes. Of course, production and economy as possible should be planned to be effective, as well. However, this principle is compromising care should be taken to be sensitive to the environment. Design integrity and uninterrupted progress in the processes of Eco-design on behalf of parameters in smooth transitions should be created. This is a solid, good fiction of transitions, and care should be taken to not place the interruption. In this way, the product of the scale, building a large scale full scale and complete perspective will be obtained. Industry and the Academy of the sacred heart which will be supporting research adopt the understanding of both design and implementation is an important step in the name of healthy. Principle-the idea from the basics to properly handle production-application courses dating back to some kind of process-oriented structure must be performed. Slow consumption and with a regular planning for fiction product durability issues of coexistence will be created.

Reducing the use of mechanical heating and cooling systems in buildings, which accounts for appro... more Reducing the use of mechanical heating and cooling systems in buildings, which accounts for approximately 30-40% of total energy consumption in the world, has a major impact on energy conservation. Considering the formation of buildings that have sustainable and low energy utilization, structural elements as well as mechanical systems should be evaluated with a holistic approach. From this point of view, in this study it is proposed that wall elements, which are vertical building elements, and constitute a broad area within the structure, are regulated with a different system concerning the reduction of building energy consumption ratio. Within the scope of this study, integration of modular wall elements with surface heating and cooling system which are convenient for using hybrid energy, into the buildings will be evaluated. One of the aims of the study is to determine the direct impact of the product on architectural design process and identify the issues that will affect the process, and need to be resolved. In design, implementation and usage phases, integration of technical combination and montage details of modular wall elements, together with issues regarding energy saving, heat-saving, and other environmental aspects will be discussed in detail. As a result, the ready-wall product with surface heating and cooling modules will be created and defined as hybrid wall and will be compared with the conventional system in terms of thermal comfort. After preliminary architectural evaluations, certain decisions that will affect whole architectural design processes (pre and post design) such as the performance in implementation and use, maintenance, lifetime, and renewal processes will be evaluated in the results.

Human being makes an effort to reach an absolute judgement inherently. Just like “cities... more ABSTRACT
Human being makes an effort to reach an absolute judgement inherently. Just like “cities”. They want life to proceed under control, its' own rationality and in the direction of cognition. At this point a major conflict begins. Today's modernity - rationality and history - tradition with a long past are waiting to collide for each other. It's almost impossible to creat universal and total structures in the light of all the modern discourses. Every settlement, every street, every building have certain characteristics in terms of that culture, perception and inhabitants. To understand and recognize the city, senses should belong to “it” before brains in contrary to the rationalist approach. Wars, especially the World Wars, throw up modernity to the transience of life. First I.World War, then II. World War caused a major trauma as the destruction of people, cities and countries. Big traumas were began to live in their own environment by individuals that are progressive in modernity. Life almost began to stop in cities that were destructed with their structure, vision, past and future. Immediately afterwards, this concerns and efforts to holding on life began to cover pain. At this point, architectural improvements have been effective for the cities that were demolished and struggled to re-stand up.
Many items such as modernization, industrialization, urbanization begin to create traces through the texture and posture of the city. Should ‘connection with the past’ or ‘directly future orientation’ be effective for the settlement that wants to stand up to move on the road? Initially everything should be open, then all administrative and architectural decisions should be taken. First option for the city should restore a living organism with its' own dynamics. A place, in which its' people live their lives with the consciousness of their past, can entirely be "CITY". Necessary decisions about cities' own dynamics should be taken and make arrangements before important connections between regions, intersections, meeting points and transport networks. In order to reach right solutions, planning should be based on the transition from human& building scale to architectural scale. All the vital criterias should be determined carefully by emphasizing on the concepts as transformation, transition, interaction and ergonomics. From now on studies should be made for the creation of a real city.
KEY WORDS: modernization, organism, inhabitants, settlement, building scale, architectural scale.
In this study, differences between BEP-TR National Building Energy Performance Calculati... more ABSTRACT
In this study, differences between BEP-TR National Building Energy Performance Calculation Methodology and the widely used environmental assessment methods for buildings are investigated. Parameters as paths taken in the calculations, priorities, energy classifications through the simulation tools of the methods are evaluated. The most appropriate system or implementation for Turkey is mentioned along the comparison of these assessments in terms of energy classifications. The necessity of an energy performance calculation methodology is emphasized according tolocal properties and preconditions.
Key words : BEP-TR National Calculation Methodology, Building Energy Performance Certification, BREEAM, LEED, Energy Classification.

Çevre sorunlarının hızla arttığı günümüzde enerji etkin yapı tasarımı her geçen gün önem
kaz... more Özet
Çevre sorunlarının hızla arttığı günümüzde enerji etkin yapı tasarımı her geçen gün önem
kazanmaktadır. Enerjinin etkin kullanılması, yaşam şeklinde özveride bulunmadan aynı kalite
ve standartta ürün veya hizmet için gereken enerji miktarının azaltılması ve harcanan enerjiden
en üst seviyede kazanç elde edilmesi çabalarını ifade etmektedir. Enerji etkin yapı tasarımı ve
hızla artan çevre sorunlarıyla mücadele açısından hibrid yenilenebilir enerji sistemlerinin
kullanımı oldukça önemlidir ve her geçen gün artmaktadır. Hibrid sistemli enerjiler, binalar için
gerekli enerjiyi alternatif modellerden sağlayarak, bina iç ve dış ekipmanlarına entegre edilerek
kullanılmaktadır. Uygulamada gelişen teknolojilerle beraber bir artış ve optimum verime
ulaşılacağı savunulan hibrid sistemle bütüncül bir şekilde çalışan;
Düşey duvar elemanları,
Dış cephe duvarları,
İç bölme duvarları,
Zemin döşemeleri,
Tavan döşemeleri,
Kolon kiriş üzeri uygulamaları geliştirilmektedir. Çalışma kapsamında da her geçen gün gelişen
ve uygulama alanları hızla artan hibrid sistemleri analiz edilmektedir. Hibrid sistemlerin, türleri,
çeşitleri, uygulama ve kullanım alanları binalara entegre sistemlerin ne şekilde çalıştığı
“uygulama örnekleri” ve “farklı sistem yaklaşımları” üzerinden incelenmiştir. Sonuçta, iki veya
daha fazla yenilenebilir enerji sisteminin bir araya getirildiği Hibrid sistemlerde dikkat edilmesi
gerekenler; uygulama esasları ve sistemin geliştirilme olanakları tartışılmakta ve gelecek
uygulamalara yönelik öneriler sunulmaktadır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Hibrid Sistem, Enerji Etkin Bina, Enerji Tüketimi, Yenilenebilir Enerji,
Çoklu Alternatif Enerji Sistemleri.
Energy efficient building design is gaining importance with each passing day that
environmental problems are increasing rapidly nowadays. Efficient energy usage represents
reducing the amount of required energy for the same quality and standard of the product or
service without compromising in life style and gaining the highest level of energy spent. The
use of hybrid renewable energy systems are very important in terms of energy efficient building
design and rapidly growing environmental problems. Hybrid energy systems are used to
integrate internal and external equipments by providing the energy needed for the building from
alternative models.
Vertical wall elements
External walls
GreenAge Symposium, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts, University Faculty of Architecture
15-17 April 2015, Istanbul, Türkiye
Internal partition walls
Floor coverings
Ceiling tiles
Column and beams are being developed that have run with the hybrid system in an
integrated manner.
Hybrid systems are analyzed in the scope of this work which applications are rapidly increasing
with each passing day. Types, practices and using areas of hybrid systems are investigated over
the "application samples" and "different system approaches". In conclusion, a combination of
two or more renewable energy systems need to be considered in hybrid systems; application of
principles and system development opportunities are discussed and recommendations are
presented for future applications.
Keywords: Hybrid system, Energy efficient building, Energy consumption, Renewable energy,
Multiple alternative energy.

Slow city is a way of life that cultural richness and quality of life are preserved and... more ABSTRACT
Slow city is a way of life that cultural richness and quality of life are preserved and defended in the city's local scale. Also, it is an urban model which may prevent in the standardization of lifestyles to achieve environmentally-conscious and tourism-based local development. Thus, its purpose is to improve the quality of life in cities and it is opposed to the homogenization of cities. Contrary to the global, the forefront of locality is to support the local production and producers. The slow city movement, which is basically included the critique of rapid consumption in cities, is required to query with a critical perspective that the process of getting of the title and developments after this process for the accurately detected and implementation. In the context of this study is discussed as a case study of Akyaka in Turkey which is the slow city title in 2010. The situation before taking the title of a slow city, the process of getting the title and subsequent developments of the Akyaka will be analyzed with the critical bibliography method by the review of the literature, the visual and written media news. The processes of slow city and after the changes/improvements of Akyaka are discussed.
Key words: Environments, Slow Food, Slow City Movement (CittaSlow), Speed, Locality.

A greatest virtue of man's is establishing a city.
Cities, products of man's grea... more Abstract
A greatest virtue of man's is establishing a city.
Cities, products of man's greatest virtue, are "placeless" spaces that are kept
at the forefront of speed and consumption due to the modernization under the
rule of their systems of thought. "Speed" is the concept in place of "virtue"
which aims to catch up w ith the flow of time. "Time to live" is a way of life in
cities that is fed by the principle of “Time is money”. Traces of the past are
deleted and the connection between space and location are broken away by
speed in city life. Cittaslow has emerged such a way of life that identity and
culture of "place" are preserved and defended. "Local" is supported by
objecting the problems of Cittaslow and speed and the homogenization of
cities. Cittaslow is adopted and the number of members is increasing day by
day in terms of social and cultural identity and local management models.
Thus, small towns are gaining importance and value besides metropolitans.
But they are faced with a problem of being an object of rapid consumption due
to the uncontrolled growth and increase of tourism after receiving the title.
The developments after receiving the title are needed to inquire in a ciritical
point of view for the right implementation of Cittaslow movement. In this study,
Taraklı which assumed the title of Cittaslow is investigated in 2011,Turkey.
Taraklı's situation before taking the title of Cittaslow, the process of getting the
title and after developments about the review of the literature are analyzed by
the method of critical bibliography via the news from the visual and written
media. "Traditional houses" are determined at the result of the analyses as the
most significant feature that seperates Taraklı from other slow cities in Turkey
and one of the most important factors of getting the title. Traditional houses are
examined in residential structure that is an important part of the traditional
architecture. Taraklı has a "natural monument" state with its' wooden Ottoman
houses, its' environment not being defeated by concrete and cobblestone
streets. Taraklı made an application for UNESCO World Heritage List that has
traditional houses during the Ottoman period.
In this study, the process of becoming a slow city of Taraklı was examined
based on its traditional architectural identity. Observation and in-depth
interviews method with the users of the houses were used in these
investigations. In the end, the process of becoming a slow city of Taraklı was
examined that defines a settlement against globalization at its core and has a
predominant local identity. The traditional architecture will be analyzed by
interpreting the space definition with the cultural/historical structure and how to
have a place in slow city movement. Location and meaning of the concepts
such as space spirit/entity within the scope of this movement will be considered
in traditional architecture of Taraklı. "Speed-time" paradox is in terms of a place
that has a traditional architectural identity as Taraklı and its affects -advantages
and disadvantages- will be questioned.
Keywords: slow city movement (cittaslow); local identity; traditional houses; speed

Çalışmada farklı iklim bölgelerinde yer alan farklı plan biçimlenişlerine sahip otel yapıla... more ÖZET
Çalışmada farklı iklim bölgelerinde yer alan farklı plan biçimlenişlerine sahip otel yapılarının, ısıtma ve soğutma enerjisi yükleri incelenmektedir. Örnekleme açısından fonksiyon olarak seçilen otel yapılarının, yapı biçimi, hesap yapılan zon sayısı ve simülasyon programı farkına bağlı olarak ısıtma ve soğutma yükleri hesabı, analizlerin çıkış noktasını oluşturmaktadır. Analizlerde enerji yüklerini hesaplamada, yarı dinamik saatlik hesap yapan ulusal hesap modeli BEP-TR ve EnergyPlus dinamik simülasyon motorunu kullanan bir program kullanılmaktadır. Otel yapılarının farklı iklim bölgelerindeki farklı senaryolar için yapılacak olan enerji performansı hesaplamasında, yıllık m² başına düşen enerji tüketim miktarları analiz edilecektir. Ayrıca, iki enerji analiz programının temellerindeki farklılığa dayanan analiz sonuçları, karşılaştırmalı tablolarla değerlendirilecektir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Bina enerji performansı, Isıtma-soğutma yükü, Otel yapıları, BEP-TR, Enerji analizi.
In this study, heating and cooling loads of hotel buildings that have different plan types are examined in different climatic regions. Heating and cooling load calculations depending on the building plan types and forms of hotels constitute the starting point of analyses. Building Energy Calculation Methodology (BEP-TR) - a semi-dynamic national calculation model- and a software that have EnergyPlus dynamic simulation method are used to calculate the energy loads in the analyses. The amount of energy consumption per m² will be analyzed for hotel buildings which will be held in different scenarios. In addition, results of analyses will be evaluated in a comparative table based on differences in the basis of two energy analysis programs.
Key Words: Building energy performance, Heating-cooling loads, Hotel buildings, BEP-TR, Energy analyses.

Energy saving, effective and efficient use of energy have become more substantial with ... more ABSTRACT
Energy saving, effective and efficient use of energy have become more substantial with developing alternative energy sources because of the depletion of fossil fuel energy resources and environmental pollution issues. Thus, environmentally conscious design of building has gained importance and effective use of energy has been widespread by regulations. In this study, energy performance of bedroom areas of the hotels in three different climatic regions of Turkey are analyzed and evaluated. The study shows that form, orientation and zoning of the buildings are the most significant parameters affect the calculation of heating and cooling loads depending on climate zones. Energy calculations of the circular and square-shaped hotel plan types that their dimensions of the heated and cooled areas are in the closest the each other were compared.
This study includes to analyse of the heating-cooling loads of the hotel bedroom floors in terms of form and zone differences and uses the detailed dynamics calculation methodology. Quantities of heating-cooling loads according to the form and zone differences are assessed by indicating the results in graphics.
Key words: Building form (1), zoning (2), building energy performance (3), heating-cooling loads (4), energy calculation (5),

Energy, as a concept that is consumed quickly and irresponsibly by the modern world cond... more Abstract
Energy, as a concept that is consumed quickly and irresponsibly by the modern world conditions and building energy classification systems are aimed to be examined in this process. Energy-efficient building design is gaining in importance with each passing day today when environmental problems are increasing rapidly. Efficient use of energy represents reducing the amount of energy needed for same quality and standard of products and services in the form of life without sacrificing and gaining the highest level of energy to be spent on. Certification systems developed by various countries around the world, regulations and standards in the production of energy-efficient building solutions are required.
Energy conservation and economic development can go hand in hand. Efficiently designed buildings will slash energy bills, liberate investment capital and avoid the expense of building new power plants. In recent years, we’ve seen real advancements in climate change issues, many of which have been directly related to the built environment. Some issues in these areas will have positive impacts on the built environment, but there is an emerging group of products, technologies, materials and design principles that seems to be taking shape in a growing number of buildings scattered across the globe.
The main premise of this study is to respond to module design of three big topics integration. These are “energy-building design-technology implementation”. An understanding of those three issues is important to derive a project-based integration methodology. It should be thought that there is no single solution for energy efficiently designed buildings. The ability to apply knowledge and a process of critical judgement of all point issues should be the first steps of this approach.
The methodology of understanding involves close co-ordination between the three modules based on “know-how” terminology. This terminology means applicable knowledge, formulae, technical data and information to achieve low energy architecture within the scope of this study. So informations, designs, details, methods, procedures and experiences can be defined as values that are determinants of environmental behaviour. The importance of these values is followed up in a new set of policy measures for every single type and/or condition. The frame of each country’s policy can be determined in the perspective of wealth, technological advance, energy consumption- requirement and environmental consequences. These principles can affect directly to life cycle assessment of the buildings and create sustainable consumption and thought.
Keywords: Energy-efficiency, energy- building design-technology implementation, know how theory, low energy architecture

Yargısız bir şekilde şimdiki ana odaklanabilmek amacıyla, dikkatinizi toplayab... more ÖZET
Yargısız bir şekilde şimdiki ana odaklanabilmek amacıyla, dikkatinizi toplayabilmektir.
John K. Zinn
Bu çalışmada bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerinin gelişmesinin sonucunda oluşan bilişim toplumlarının usta Mimar’ın - Sinan’ın - perspektifinden sorgulanması amaçlanmaktadır. Mimariye getirdiği yenilikler, topoğrafya, mekan, kompozisyon ve strüktür ilişkilerini de dikkate alarak verdiği ölümsüz eserleri üzerinden “farklılık” ve “farkındalık” ları açıklanmaya çalışılacaktır. Dönemin yapım tekniği ve malzeme bilgileri ışığında tasarlanıp, geliştirilen yapıtlarında zaman açısından da bir süreklilik ve toplumda farkındalık yarattığı açıkça gözlenmektedir.
“Farkındalık” bakış açılarının belirlediği bir kavram olarak tasarımları yönlendirmektedir. Eserlerinin hepsinde teknolojiyi iyi çözümleme, mekan-yapı birleşimlerini iyi kurgulama gibi fiziki ölçütlerin ustaca kullanımları görülmektedir. Tüm bunların yanında Sinan’ın yapıtlarında hem toplumu bilinçlendiren, hem de yaşadıkları hayatın mekansal kurgusu içine dahil eden mistik bir hava açıkça belli olmaktadır. Çevresel ve teknolojik verilerin ustalıkla mimari içerisine harmanlanmasının yanı sıra, bireyler üzerindeki “farkındalık” olgusunun da bilişim toplumlarındaki etkileri üzerine yoğunlaşılması gerekmektedir.
Anahtar Sözcükler: Bilişim toplumları, Farkındalık, İslam mimarisi.
gathers attention in order to focus on the present moment objectively.
John K. Zinn
In this study, information societies as a result of the developments of information and communication technologies are aimed to be questioned from the perspective of Master Architect "Sinan". "Difference" and "awareness" will be explained through his immortal works taking into account the relationships of innovations of architecture, topography, location, composition and structure. His works has been designed and developed in the light of that period 's construction techniques and materials, then continuity in terms of time and awareness in society were emerged.
"Awareness" leads to designs as a concept that defines by perspectives. He used the physical criterias ingeniously in all of his works such as good analyzing of technology and constructing space-building combinations. In addition, a mystical atmosphere is apparent both raising awareness and incorporating into spatial fiction. It should focus on "awareness" and the impact of information societies beyond confounding the environmental and technological datas in architecture.
Key words: Information societies, Awareness, Islamic architecture.

The Slow Food and as an extension of it, Slow City (Cittaslow) Movement is born when these disadv... more The Slow Food and as an extension of it, Slow City (Cittaslow) Movement is born when these disadvantages are posed by modernity and globalization. Slow city is a way of life that cultural richness and quality of life are preserved and defended in the city's local scale. Also, it is an urban model which may be prevented in the standardization of lifestyles to achieve the environmentally-conscious and tourism-based of local development. Thus, it is aimed to improve the quality of life in cities and opposed the homogenization of cities. Slow City Movement is adopted day by day in terms of societal, cultural and social needs and as a model of local government.
Slow city movement aims to create livable cities. It is important that how much of this discourse can be perform. This discourse contains similarities with the concept of "utopia" which was put forward for creating an ideal society and was effective for constructing the cities after the II. World War. "Ideal urban designs" are asked for "ideal society" with design utopias that give the meaning of the conceptual contrasts of "Ideal location" (Eutopia) and "non-place" (Outopia). Does Slow City Movement, which suggests the new layout / space organization about the city and the society and approach from a critical perspective to the current plans, create the concept of "ideal city"? How will ideal societies and ideal spaces be meaningful and accessible when creating the ideal cities? In this study, the aims of creating livable city, similarities and differences of "utopia urban designs", which is developed as a design and a discourse, but not being successful in practice, and "Slow City Movement" are questioned. The main problematic of this study are how much the Slow City Movement performs the livable discourse and how much of it remains utopias.
KEYWORDS: Slow City; Utopia; Urban Design; Ideal City.

Adaptation to issues such as information technologies, development of production and communicatio... more Adaptation to issues such as information technologies, development of production and communication systems in architectural education and the discussion of today's problems in theoretical education should be focused. The increase of technological developments and replacing the innovative systems used today's conventional systems have led to changes in the practice of architecture. Knowledgeable architects must be trained to increase the right application of these data and tools that are used for obtaining the final design product. One of the current issues in architecture is the production of energy efficient building.
The aim of this study; the current approach BEP- TR -data software which has taken place in the application field effectively and is mandatory by regulations is discussed in integration to architectural education. This software was developed for energy efficient building design of our country. By the relevant ministry, experts are intended to train in the field of this software. In the process, this software that has the importance of the application increasing with each passing day and has become a necessity to have knowledge for architects. This software's integration to architectural education is important in need of application-education interaction and recent capture of architectural education. In the content of the study, BEP-TR methodology’s integration to undergraduate architectural education is examined. The students, the educational structure and BEP-TR method is decisive factors as for the success of the integrated system.
Keywords: Architectural Education, Education Model, Energy Efficient Building, BEP-TR.
Papers by Selcen Nur Erikci Çelik
One of the aims of the study is to determine the direct impact of the product on architectural design process and identify the issues that will affect the process, and need to be resolved. In design, implementation and usage phases, integration of technical combination and montage details of modular wall elements, together with issues regarding energy saving, heat-saving, and other environmental aspects will be discussed in detail.
As a result, the ready-wall product with surface heating and cooling modules will be created and defined as hybrid wall and will be compared with the conventional system in terms of thermal comfort. After preliminary architectural evaluations, certain decisions that will affect whole architectural design processes (pre and post design) such as the performance in implementation and use, maintenance, lifetime, and renewal processes will be evaluated in the results.
Human being makes an effort to reach an absolute judgement inherently. Just like “cities”. They want life to proceed under control, its' own rationality and in the direction of cognition. At this point a major conflict begins. Today's modernity - rationality and history - tradition with a long past are waiting to collide for each other. It's almost impossible to creat universal and total structures in the light of all the modern discourses. Every settlement, every street, every building have certain characteristics in terms of that culture, perception and inhabitants. To understand and recognize the city, senses should belong to “it” before brains in contrary to the rationalist approach. Wars, especially the World Wars, throw up modernity to the transience of life. First I.World War, then II. World War caused a major trauma as the destruction of people, cities and countries. Big traumas were began to live in their own environment by individuals that are progressive in modernity. Life almost began to stop in cities that were destructed with their structure, vision, past and future. Immediately afterwards, this concerns and efforts to holding on life began to cover pain. At this point, architectural improvements have been effective for the cities that were demolished and struggled to re-stand up.
Many items such as modernization, industrialization, urbanization begin to create traces through the texture and posture of the city. Should ‘connection with the past’ or ‘directly future orientation’ be effective for the settlement that wants to stand up to move on the road? Initially everything should be open, then all administrative and architectural decisions should be taken. First option for the city should restore a living organism with its' own dynamics. A place, in which its' people live their lives with the consciousness of their past, can entirely be "CITY". Necessary decisions about cities' own dynamics should be taken and make arrangements before important connections between regions, intersections, meeting points and transport networks. In order to reach right solutions, planning should be based on the transition from human& building scale to architectural scale. All the vital criterias should be determined carefully by emphasizing on the concepts as transformation, transition, interaction and ergonomics. From now on studies should be made for the creation of a real city.
KEY WORDS: modernization, organism, inhabitants, settlement, building scale, architectural scale.
In this study, differences between BEP-TR National Building Energy Performance Calculation Methodology and the widely used environmental assessment methods for buildings are investigated. Parameters as paths taken in the calculations, priorities, energy classifications through the simulation tools of the methods are evaluated. The most appropriate system or implementation for Turkey is mentioned along the comparison of these assessments in terms of energy classifications. The necessity of an energy performance calculation methodology is emphasized according tolocal properties and preconditions.
Key words : BEP-TR National Calculation Methodology, Building Energy Performance Certification, BREEAM, LEED, Energy Classification.
Çevre sorunlarının hızla arttığı günümüzde enerji etkin yapı tasarımı her geçen gün önem
kazanmaktadır. Enerjinin etkin kullanılması, yaşam şeklinde özveride bulunmadan aynı kalite
ve standartta ürün veya hizmet için gereken enerji miktarının azaltılması ve harcanan enerjiden
en üst seviyede kazanç elde edilmesi çabalarını ifade etmektedir. Enerji etkin yapı tasarımı ve
hızla artan çevre sorunlarıyla mücadele açısından hibrid yenilenebilir enerji sistemlerinin
kullanımı oldukça önemlidir ve her geçen gün artmaktadır. Hibrid sistemli enerjiler, binalar için
gerekli enerjiyi alternatif modellerden sağlayarak, bina iç ve dış ekipmanlarına entegre edilerek
kullanılmaktadır. Uygulamada gelişen teknolojilerle beraber bir artış ve optimum verime
ulaşılacağı savunulan hibrid sistemle bütüncül bir şekilde çalışan;
Düşey duvar elemanları,
Dış cephe duvarları,
İç bölme duvarları,
Zemin döşemeleri,
Tavan döşemeleri,
Kolon kiriş üzeri uygulamaları geliştirilmektedir. Çalışma kapsamında da her geçen gün gelişen
ve uygulama alanları hızla artan hibrid sistemleri analiz edilmektedir. Hibrid sistemlerin, türleri,
çeşitleri, uygulama ve kullanım alanları binalara entegre sistemlerin ne şekilde çalıştığı
“uygulama örnekleri” ve “farklı sistem yaklaşımları” üzerinden incelenmiştir. Sonuçta, iki veya
daha fazla yenilenebilir enerji sisteminin bir araya getirildiği Hibrid sistemlerde dikkat edilmesi
gerekenler; uygulama esasları ve sistemin geliştirilme olanakları tartışılmakta ve gelecek
uygulamalara yönelik öneriler sunulmaktadır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Hibrid Sistem, Enerji Etkin Bina, Enerji Tüketimi, Yenilenebilir Enerji,
Çoklu Alternatif Enerji Sistemleri.
Energy efficient building design is gaining importance with each passing day that
environmental problems are increasing rapidly nowadays. Efficient energy usage represents
reducing the amount of required energy for the same quality and standard of the product or
service without compromising in life style and gaining the highest level of energy spent. The
use of hybrid renewable energy systems are very important in terms of energy efficient building
design and rapidly growing environmental problems. Hybrid energy systems are used to
integrate internal and external equipments by providing the energy needed for the building from
alternative models.
Vertical wall elements
External walls
GreenAge Symposium, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts, University Faculty of Architecture
15-17 April 2015, Istanbul, Türkiye
Internal partition walls
Floor coverings
Ceiling tiles
Column and beams are being developed that have run with the hybrid system in an
integrated manner.
Hybrid systems are analyzed in the scope of this work which applications are rapidly increasing
with each passing day. Types, practices and using areas of hybrid systems are investigated over
the "application samples" and "different system approaches". In conclusion, a combination of
two or more renewable energy systems need to be considered in hybrid systems; application of
principles and system development opportunities are discussed and recommendations are
presented for future applications.
Keywords: Hybrid system, Energy efficient building, Energy consumption, Renewable energy,
Multiple alternative energy.
Slow city is a way of life that cultural richness and quality of life are preserved and defended in the city's local scale. Also, it is an urban model which may prevent in the standardization of lifestyles to achieve environmentally-conscious and tourism-based local development. Thus, its purpose is to improve the quality of life in cities and it is opposed to the homogenization of cities. Contrary to the global, the forefront of locality is to support the local production and producers. The slow city movement, which is basically included the critique of rapid consumption in cities, is required to query with a critical perspective that the process of getting of the title and developments after this process for the accurately detected and implementation. In the context of this study is discussed as a case study of Akyaka in Turkey which is the slow city title in 2010. The situation before taking the title of a slow city, the process of getting the title and subsequent developments of the Akyaka will be analyzed with the critical bibliography method by the review of the literature, the visual and written media news. The processes of slow city and after the changes/improvements of Akyaka are discussed.
Key words: Environments, Slow Food, Slow City Movement (CittaSlow), Speed, Locality.
A greatest virtue of man's is establishing a city.
Cities, products of man's greatest virtue, are "placeless" spaces that are kept
at the forefront of speed and consumption due to the modernization under the
rule of their systems of thought. "Speed" is the concept in place of "virtue"
which aims to catch up w ith the flow of time. "Time to live" is a way of life in
cities that is fed by the principle of “Time is money”. Traces of the past are
deleted and the connection between space and location are broken away by
speed in city life. Cittaslow has emerged such a way of life that identity and
culture of "place" are preserved and defended. "Local" is supported by
objecting the problems of Cittaslow and speed and the homogenization of
cities. Cittaslow is adopted and the number of members is increasing day by
day in terms of social and cultural identity and local management models.
Thus, small towns are gaining importance and value besides metropolitans.
But they are faced with a problem of being an object of rapid consumption due
to the uncontrolled growth and increase of tourism after receiving the title.
The developments after receiving the title are needed to inquire in a ciritical
point of view for the right implementation of Cittaslow movement. In this study,
Taraklı which assumed the title of Cittaslow is investigated in 2011,Turkey.
Taraklı's situation before taking the title of Cittaslow, the process of getting the
title and after developments about the review of the literature are analyzed by
the method of critical bibliography via the news from the visual and written
media. "Traditional houses" are determined at the result of the analyses as the
most significant feature that seperates Taraklı from other slow cities in Turkey
and one of the most important factors of getting the title. Traditional houses are
examined in residential structure that is an important part of the traditional
architecture. Taraklı has a "natural monument" state with its' wooden Ottoman
houses, its' environment not being defeated by concrete and cobblestone
streets. Taraklı made an application for UNESCO World Heritage List that has
traditional houses during the Ottoman period.
In this study, the process of becoming a slow city of Taraklı was examined
based on its traditional architectural identity. Observation and in-depth
interviews method with the users of the houses were used in these
investigations. In the end, the process of becoming a slow city of Taraklı was
examined that defines a settlement against globalization at its core and has a
predominant local identity. The traditional architecture will be analyzed by
interpreting the space definition with the cultural/historical structure and how to
have a place in slow city movement. Location and meaning of the concepts
such as space spirit/entity within the scope of this movement will be considered
in traditional architecture of Taraklı. "Speed-time" paradox is in terms of a place
that has a traditional architectural identity as Taraklı and its affects -advantages
and disadvantages- will be questioned.
Keywords: slow city movement (cittaslow); local identity; traditional houses; speed
Çalışmada farklı iklim bölgelerinde yer alan farklı plan biçimlenişlerine sahip otel yapılarının, ısıtma ve soğutma enerjisi yükleri incelenmektedir. Örnekleme açısından fonksiyon olarak seçilen otel yapılarının, yapı biçimi, hesap yapılan zon sayısı ve simülasyon programı farkına bağlı olarak ısıtma ve soğutma yükleri hesabı, analizlerin çıkış noktasını oluşturmaktadır. Analizlerde enerji yüklerini hesaplamada, yarı dinamik saatlik hesap yapan ulusal hesap modeli BEP-TR ve EnergyPlus dinamik simülasyon motorunu kullanan bir program kullanılmaktadır. Otel yapılarının farklı iklim bölgelerindeki farklı senaryolar için yapılacak olan enerji performansı hesaplamasında, yıllık m² başına düşen enerji tüketim miktarları analiz edilecektir. Ayrıca, iki enerji analiz programının temellerindeki farklılığa dayanan analiz sonuçları, karşılaştırmalı tablolarla değerlendirilecektir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Bina enerji performansı, Isıtma-soğutma yükü, Otel yapıları, BEP-TR, Enerji analizi.
In this study, heating and cooling loads of hotel buildings that have different plan types are examined in different climatic regions. Heating and cooling load calculations depending on the building plan types and forms of hotels constitute the starting point of analyses. Building Energy Calculation Methodology (BEP-TR) - a semi-dynamic national calculation model- and a software that have EnergyPlus dynamic simulation method are used to calculate the energy loads in the analyses. The amount of energy consumption per m² will be analyzed for hotel buildings which will be held in different scenarios. In addition, results of analyses will be evaluated in a comparative table based on differences in the basis of two energy analysis programs.
Key Words: Building energy performance, Heating-cooling loads, Hotel buildings, BEP-TR, Energy analyses.
Energy saving, effective and efficient use of energy have become more substantial with developing alternative energy sources because of the depletion of fossil fuel energy resources and environmental pollution issues. Thus, environmentally conscious design of building has gained importance and effective use of energy has been widespread by regulations. In this study, energy performance of bedroom areas of the hotels in three different climatic regions of Turkey are analyzed and evaluated. The study shows that form, orientation and zoning of the buildings are the most significant parameters affect the calculation of heating and cooling loads depending on climate zones. Energy calculations of the circular and square-shaped hotel plan types that their dimensions of the heated and cooled areas are in the closest the each other were compared.
This study includes to analyse of the heating-cooling loads of the hotel bedroom floors in terms of form and zone differences and uses the detailed dynamics calculation methodology. Quantities of heating-cooling loads according to the form and zone differences are assessed by indicating the results in graphics.
Key words: Building form (1), zoning (2), building energy performance (3), heating-cooling loads (4), energy calculation (5),
Energy, as a concept that is consumed quickly and irresponsibly by the modern world conditions and building energy classification systems are aimed to be examined in this process. Energy-efficient building design is gaining in importance with each passing day today when environmental problems are increasing rapidly. Efficient use of energy represents reducing the amount of energy needed for same quality and standard of products and services in the form of life without sacrificing and gaining the highest level of energy to be spent on. Certification systems developed by various countries around the world, regulations and standards in the production of energy-efficient building solutions are required.
Energy conservation and economic development can go hand in hand. Efficiently designed buildings will slash energy bills, liberate investment capital and avoid the expense of building new power plants. In recent years, we’ve seen real advancements in climate change issues, many of which have been directly related to the built environment. Some issues in these areas will have positive impacts on the built environment, but there is an emerging group of products, technologies, materials and design principles that seems to be taking shape in a growing number of buildings scattered across the globe.
The main premise of this study is to respond to module design of three big topics integration. These are “energy-building design-technology implementation”. An understanding of those three issues is important to derive a project-based integration methodology. It should be thought that there is no single solution for energy efficiently designed buildings. The ability to apply knowledge and a process of critical judgement of all point issues should be the first steps of this approach.
The methodology of understanding involves close co-ordination between the three modules based on “know-how” terminology. This terminology means applicable knowledge, formulae, technical data and information to achieve low energy architecture within the scope of this study. So informations, designs, details, methods, procedures and experiences can be defined as values that are determinants of environmental behaviour. The importance of these values is followed up in a new set of policy measures for every single type and/or condition. The frame of each country’s policy can be determined in the perspective of wealth, technological advance, energy consumption- requirement and environmental consequences. These principles can affect directly to life cycle assessment of the buildings and create sustainable consumption and thought.
Keywords: Energy-efficiency, energy- building design-technology implementation, know how theory, low energy architecture
Yargısız bir şekilde şimdiki ana odaklanabilmek amacıyla, dikkatinizi toplayabilmektir.
John K. Zinn
Bu çalışmada bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerinin gelişmesinin sonucunda oluşan bilişim toplumlarının usta Mimar’ın - Sinan’ın - perspektifinden sorgulanması amaçlanmaktadır. Mimariye getirdiği yenilikler, topoğrafya, mekan, kompozisyon ve strüktür ilişkilerini de dikkate alarak verdiği ölümsüz eserleri üzerinden “farklılık” ve “farkındalık” ları açıklanmaya çalışılacaktır. Dönemin yapım tekniği ve malzeme bilgileri ışığında tasarlanıp, geliştirilen yapıtlarında zaman açısından da bir süreklilik ve toplumda farkındalık yarattığı açıkça gözlenmektedir.
“Farkındalık” bakış açılarının belirlediği bir kavram olarak tasarımları yönlendirmektedir. Eserlerinin hepsinde teknolojiyi iyi çözümleme, mekan-yapı birleşimlerini iyi kurgulama gibi fiziki ölçütlerin ustaca kullanımları görülmektedir. Tüm bunların yanında Sinan’ın yapıtlarında hem toplumu bilinçlendiren, hem de yaşadıkları hayatın mekansal kurgusu içine dahil eden mistik bir hava açıkça belli olmaktadır. Çevresel ve teknolojik verilerin ustalıkla mimari içerisine harmanlanmasının yanı sıra, bireyler üzerindeki “farkındalık” olgusunun da bilişim toplumlarındaki etkileri üzerine yoğunlaşılması gerekmektedir.
Anahtar Sözcükler: Bilişim toplumları, Farkındalık, İslam mimarisi.
gathers attention in order to focus on the present moment objectively.
John K. Zinn
In this study, information societies as a result of the developments of information and communication technologies are aimed to be questioned from the perspective of Master Architect "Sinan". "Difference" and "awareness" will be explained through his immortal works taking into account the relationships of innovations of architecture, topography, location, composition and structure. His works has been designed and developed in the light of that period 's construction techniques and materials, then continuity in terms of time and awareness in society were emerged.
"Awareness" leads to designs as a concept that defines by perspectives. He used the physical criterias ingeniously in all of his works such as good analyzing of technology and constructing space-building combinations. In addition, a mystical atmosphere is apparent both raising awareness and incorporating into spatial fiction. It should focus on "awareness" and the impact of information societies beyond confounding the environmental and technological datas in architecture.
Key words: Information societies, Awareness, Islamic architecture.
Slow city movement aims to create livable cities. It is important that how much of this discourse can be perform. This discourse contains similarities with the concept of "utopia" which was put forward for creating an ideal society and was effective for constructing the cities after the II. World War. "Ideal urban designs" are asked for "ideal society" with design utopias that give the meaning of the conceptual contrasts of "Ideal location" (Eutopia) and "non-place" (Outopia). Does Slow City Movement, which suggests the new layout / space organization about the city and the society and approach from a critical perspective to the current plans, create the concept of "ideal city"? How will ideal societies and ideal spaces be meaningful and accessible when creating the ideal cities? In this study, the aims of creating livable city, similarities and differences of "utopia urban designs", which is developed as a design and a discourse, but not being successful in practice, and "Slow City Movement" are questioned. The main problematic of this study are how much the Slow City Movement performs the livable discourse and how much of it remains utopias.
KEYWORDS: Slow City; Utopia; Urban Design; Ideal City.
The aim of this study; the current approach BEP- TR -data software which has taken place in the application field effectively and is mandatory by regulations is discussed in integration to architectural education. This software was developed for energy efficient building design of our country. By the relevant ministry, experts are intended to train in the field of this software. In the process, this software that has the importance of the application increasing with each passing day and has become a necessity to have knowledge for architects. This software's integration to architectural education is important in need of application-education interaction and recent capture of architectural education. In the content of the study, BEP-TR methodology’s integration to undergraduate architectural education is examined. The students, the educational structure and BEP-TR method is decisive factors as for the success of the integrated system.
Keywords: Architectural Education, Education Model, Energy Efficient Building, BEP-TR.
One of the aims of the study is to determine the direct impact of the product on architectural design process and identify the issues that will affect the process, and need to be resolved. In design, implementation and usage phases, integration of technical combination and montage details of modular wall elements, together with issues regarding energy saving, heat-saving, and other environmental aspects will be discussed in detail.
As a result, the ready-wall product with surface heating and cooling modules will be created and defined as hybrid wall and will be compared with the conventional system in terms of thermal comfort. After preliminary architectural evaluations, certain decisions that will affect whole architectural design processes (pre and post design) such as the performance in implementation and use, maintenance, lifetime, and renewal processes will be evaluated in the results.
Human being makes an effort to reach an absolute judgement inherently. Just like “cities”. They want life to proceed under control, its' own rationality and in the direction of cognition. At this point a major conflict begins. Today's modernity - rationality and history - tradition with a long past are waiting to collide for each other. It's almost impossible to creat universal and total structures in the light of all the modern discourses. Every settlement, every street, every building have certain characteristics in terms of that culture, perception and inhabitants. To understand and recognize the city, senses should belong to “it” before brains in contrary to the rationalist approach. Wars, especially the World Wars, throw up modernity to the transience of life. First I.World War, then II. World War caused a major trauma as the destruction of people, cities and countries. Big traumas were began to live in their own environment by individuals that are progressive in modernity. Life almost began to stop in cities that were destructed with their structure, vision, past and future. Immediately afterwards, this concerns and efforts to holding on life began to cover pain. At this point, architectural improvements have been effective for the cities that were demolished and struggled to re-stand up.
Many items such as modernization, industrialization, urbanization begin to create traces through the texture and posture of the city. Should ‘connection with the past’ or ‘directly future orientation’ be effective for the settlement that wants to stand up to move on the road? Initially everything should be open, then all administrative and architectural decisions should be taken. First option for the city should restore a living organism with its' own dynamics. A place, in which its' people live their lives with the consciousness of their past, can entirely be "CITY". Necessary decisions about cities' own dynamics should be taken and make arrangements before important connections between regions, intersections, meeting points and transport networks. In order to reach right solutions, planning should be based on the transition from human& building scale to architectural scale. All the vital criterias should be determined carefully by emphasizing on the concepts as transformation, transition, interaction and ergonomics. From now on studies should be made for the creation of a real city.
KEY WORDS: modernization, organism, inhabitants, settlement, building scale, architectural scale.
In this study, differences between BEP-TR National Building Energy Performance Calculation Methodology and the widely used environmental assessment methods for buildings are investigated. Parameters as paths taken in the calculations, priorities, energy classifications through the simulation tools of the methods are evaluated. The most appropriate system or implementation for Turkey is mentioned along the comparison of these assessments in terms of energy classifications. The necessity of an energy performance calculation methodology is emphasized according tolocal properties and preconditions.
Key words : BEP-TR National Calculation Methodology, Building Energy Performance Certification, BREEAM, LEED, Energy Classification.
Çevre sorunlarının hızla arttığı günümüzde enerji etkin yapı tasarımı her geçen gün önem
kazanmaktadır. Enerjinin etkin kullanılması, yaşam şeklinde özveride bulunmadan aynı kalite
ve standartta ürün veya hizmet için gereken enerji miktarının azaltılması ve harcanan enerjiden
en üst seviyede kazanç elde edilmesi çabalarını ifade etmektedir. Enerji etkin yapı tasarımı ve
hızla artan çevre sorunlarıyla mücadele açısından hibrid yenilenebilir enerji sistemlerinin
kullanımı oldukça önemlidir ve her geçen gün artmaktadır. Hibrid sistemli enerjiler, binalar için
gerekli enerjiyi alternatif modellerden sağlayarak, bina iç ve dış ekipmanlarına entegre edilerek
kullanılmaktadır. Uygulamada gelişen teknolojilerle beraber bir artış ve optimum verime
ulaşılacağı savunulan hibrid sistemle bütüncül bir şekilde çalışan;
Düşey duvar elemanları,
Dış cephe duvarları,
İç bölme duvarları,
Zemin döşemeleri,
Tavan döşemeleri,
Kolon kiriş üzeri uygulamaları geliştirilmektedir. Çalışma kapsamında da her geçen gün gelişen
ve uygulama alanları hızla artan hibrid sistemleri analiz edilmektedir. Hibrid sistemlerin, türleri,
çeşitleri, uygulama ve kullanım alanları binalara entegre sistemlerin ne şekilde çalıştığı
“uygulama örnekleri” ve “farklı sistem yaklaşımları” üzerinden incelenmiştir. Sonuçta, iki veya
daha fazla yenilenebilir enerji sisteminin bir araya getirildiği Hibrid sistemlerde dikkat edilmesi
gerekenler; uygulama esasları ve sistemin geliştirilme olanakları tartışılmakta ve gelecek
uygulamalara yönelik öneriler sunulmaktadır.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Hibrid Sistem, Enerji Etkin Bina, Enerji Tüketimi, Yenilenebilir Enerji,
Çoklu Alternatif Enerji Sistemleri.
Energy efficient building design is gaining importance with each passing day that
environmental problems are increasing rapidly nowadays. Efficient energy usage represents
reducing the amount of required energy for the same quality and standard of the product or
service without compromising in life style and gaining the highest level of energy spent. The
use of hybrid renewable energy systems are very important in terms of energy efficient building
design and rapidly growing environmental problems. Hybrid energy systems are used to
integrate internal and external equipments by providing the energy needed for the building from
alternative models.
Vertical wall elements
External walls
GreenAge Symposium, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts, University Faculty of Architecture
15-17 April 2015, Istanbul, Türkiye
Internal partition walls
Floor coverings
Ceiling tiles
Column and beams are being developed that have run with the hybrid system in an
integrated manner.
Hybrid systems are analyzed in the scope of this work which applications are rapidly increasing
with each passing day. Types, practices and using areas of hybrid systems are investigated over
the "application samples" and "different system approaches". In conclusion, a combination of
two or more renewable energy systems need to be considered in hybrid systems; application of
principles and system development opportunities are discussed and recommendations are
presented for future applications.
Keywords: Hybrid system, Energy efficient building, Energy consumption, Renewable energy,
Multiple alternative energy.
Slow city is a way of life that cultural richness and quality of life are preserved and defended in the city's local scale. Also, it is an urban model which may prevent in the standardization of lifestyles to achieve environmentally-conscious and tourism-based local development. Thus, its purpose is to improve the quality of life in cities and it is opposed to the homogenization of cities. Contrary to the global, the forefront of locality is to support the local production and producers. The slow city movement, which is basically included the critique of rapid consumption in cities, is required to query with a critical perspective that the process of getting of the title and developments after this process for the accurately detected and implementation. In the context of this study is discussed as a case study of Akyaka in Turkey which is the slow city title in 2010. The situation before taking the title of a slow city, the process of getting the title and subsequent developments of the Akyaka will be analyzed with the critical bibliography method by the review of the literature, the visual and written media news. The processes of slow city and after the changes/improvements of Akyaka are discussed.
Key words: Environments, Slow Food, Slow City Movement (CittaSlow), Speed, Locality.
A greatest virtue of man's is establishing a city.
Cities, products of man's greatest virtue, are "placeless" spaces that are kept
at the forefront of speed and consumption due to the modernization under the
rule of their systems of thought. "Speed" is the concept in place of "virtue"
which aims to catch up w ith the flow of time. "Time to live" is a way of life in
cities that is fed by the principle of “Time is money”. Traces of the past are
deleted and the connection between space and location are broken away by
speed in city life. Cittaslow has emerged such a way of life that identity and
culture of "place" are preserved and defended. "Local" is supported by
objecting the problems of Cittaslow and speed and the homogenization of
cities. Cittaslow is adopted and the number of members is increasing day by
day in terms of social and cultural identity and local management models.
Thus, small towns are gaining importance and value besides metropolitans.
But they are faced with a problem of being an object of rapid consumption due
to the uncontrolled growth and increase of tourism after receiving the title.
The developments after receiving the title are needed to inquire in a ciritical
point of view for the right implementation of Cittaslow movement. In this study,
Taraklı which assumed the title of Cittaslow is investigated in 2011,Turkey.
Taraklı's situation before taking the title of Cittaslow, the process of getting the
title and after developments about the review of the literature are analyzed by
the method of critical bibliography via the news from the visual and written
media. "Traditional houses" are determined at the result of the analyses as the
most significant feature that seperates Taraklı from other slow cities in Turkey
and one of the most important factors of getting the title. Traditional houses are
examined in residential structure that is an important part of the traditional
architecture. Taraklı has a "natural monument" state with its' wooden Ottoman
houses, its' environment not being defeated by concrete and cobblestone
streets. Taraklı made an application for UNESCO World Heritage List that has
traditional houses during the Ottoman period.
In this study, the process of becoming a slow city of Taraklı was examined
based on its traditional architectural identity. Observation and in-depth
interviews method with the users of the houses were used in these
investigations. In the end, the process of becoming a slow city of Taraklı was
examined that defines a settlement against globalization at its core and has a
predominant local identity. The traditional architecture will be analyzed by
interpreting the space definition with the cultural/historical structure and how to
have a place in slow city movement. Location and meaning of the concepts
such as space spirit/entity within the scope of this movement will be considered
in traditional architecture of Taraklı. "Speed-time" paradox is in terms of a place
that has a traditional architectural identity as Taraklı and its affects -advantages
and disadvantages- will be questioned.
Keywords: slow city movement (cittaslow); local identity; traditional houses; speed
Çalışmada farklı iklim bölgelerinde yer alan farklı plan biçimlenişlerine sahip otel yapılarının, ısıtma ve soğutma enerjisi yükleri incelenmektedir. Örnekleme açısından fonksiyon olarak seçilen otel yapılarının, yapı biçimi, hesap yapılan zon sayısı ve simülasyon programı farkına bağlı olarak ısıtma ve soğutma yükleri hesabı, analizlerin çıkış noktasını oluşturmaktadır. Analizlerde enerji yüklerini hesaplamada, yarı dinamik saatlik hesap yapan ulusal hesap modeli BEP-TR ve EnergyPlus dinamik simülasyon motorunu kullanan bir program kullanılmaktadır. Otel yapılarının farklı iklim bölgelerindeki farklı senaryolar için yapılacak olan enerji performansı hesaplamasında, yıllık m² başına düşen enerji tüketim miktarları analiz edilecektir. Ayrıca, iki enerji analiz programının temellerindeki farklılığa dayanan analiz sonuçları, karşılaştırmalı tablolarla değerlendirilecektir.
Anahtar Kelimeler: Bina enerji performansı, Isıtma-soğutma yükü, Otel yapıları, BEP-TR, Enerji analizi.
In this study, heating and cooling loads of hotel buildings that have different plan types are examined in different climatic regions. Heating and cooling load calculations depending on the building plan types and forms of hotels constitute the starting point of analyses. Building Energy Calculation Methodology (BEP-TR) - a semi-dynamic national calculation model- and a software that have EnergyPlus dynamic simulation method are used to calculate the energy loads in the analyses. The amount of energy consumption per m² will be analyzed for hotel buildings which will be held in different scenarios. In addition, results of analyses will be evaluated in a comparative table based on differences in the basis of two energy analysis programs.
Key Words: Building energy performance, Heating-cooling loads, Hotel buildings, BEP-TR, Energy analyses.
Energy saving, effective and efficient use of energy have become more substantial with developing alternative energy sources because of the depletion of fossil fuel energy resources and environmental pollution issues. Thus, environmentally conscious design of building has gained importance and effective use of energy has been widespread by regulations. In this study, energy performance of bedroom areas of the hotels in three different climatic regions of Turkey are analyzed and evaluated. The study shows that form, orientation and zoning of the buildings are the most significant parameters affect the calculation of heating and cooling loads depending on climate zones. Energy calculations of the circular and square-shaped hotel plan types that their dimensions of the heated and cooled areas are in the closest the each other were compared.
This study includes to analyse of the heating-cooling loads of the hotel bedroom floors in terms of form and zone differences and uses the detailed dynamics calculation methodology. Quantities of heating-cooling loads according to the form and zone differences are assessed by indicating the results in graphics.
Key words: Building form (1), zoning (2), building energy performance (3), heating-cooling loads (4), energy calculation (5),
Energy, as a concept that is consumed quickly and irresponsibly by the modern world conditions and building energy classification systems are aimed to be examined in this process. Energy-efficient building design is gaining in importance with each passing day today when environmental problems are increasing rapidly. Efficient use of energy represents reducing the amount of energy needed for same quality and standard of products and services in the form of life without sacrificing and gaining the highest level of energy to be spent on. Certification systems developed by various countries around the world, regulations and standards in the production of energy-efficient building solutions are required.
Energy conservation and economic development can go hand in hand. Efficiently designed buildings will slash energy bills, liberate investment capital and avoid the expense of building new power plants. In recent years, we’ve seen real advancements in climate change issues, many of which have been directly related to the built environment. Some issues in these areas will have positive impacts on the built environment, but there is an emerging group of products, technologies, materials and design principles that seems to be taking shape in a growing number of buildings scattered across the globe.
The main premise of this study is to respond to module design of three big topics integration. These are “energy-building design-technology implementation”. An understanding of those three issues is important to derive a project-based integration methodology. It should be thought that there is no single solution for energy efficiently designed buildings. The ability to apply knowledge and a process of critical judgement of all point issues should be the first steps of this approach.
The methodology of understanding involves close co-ordination between the three modules based on “know-how” terminology. This terminology means applicable knowledge, formulae, technical data and information to achieve low energy architecture within the scope of this study. So informations, designs, details, methods, procedures and experiences can be defined as values that are determinants of environmental behaviour. The importance of these values is followed up in a new set of policy measures for every single type and/or condition. The frame of each country’s policy can be determined in the perspective of wealth, technological advance, energy consumption- requirement and environmental consequences. These principles can affect directly to life cycle assessment of the buildings and create sustainable consumption and thought.
Keywords: Energy-efficiency, energy- building design-technology implementation, know how theory, low energy architecture
Yargısız bir şekilde şimdiki ana odaklanabilmek amacıyla, dikkatinizi toplayabilmektir.
John K. Zinn
Bu çalışmada bilgi ve iletişim teknolojilerinin gelişmesinin sonucunda oluşan bilişim toplumlarının usta Mimar’ın - Sinan’ın - perspektifinden sorgulanması amaçlanmaktadır. Mimariye getirdiği yenilikler, topoğrafya, mekan, kompozisyon ve strüktür ilişkilerini de dikkate alarak verdiği ölümsüz eserleri üzerinden “farklılık” ve “farkındalık” ları açıklanmaya çalışılacaktır. Dönemin yapım tekniği ve malzeme bilgileri ışığında tasarlanıp, geliştirilen yapıtlarında zaman açısından da bir süreklilik ve toplumda farkındalık yarattığı açıkça gözlenmektedir.
“Farkındalık” bakış açılarının belirlediği bir kavram olarak tasarımları yönlendirmektedir. Eserlerinin hepsinde teknolojiyi iyi çözümleme, mekan-yapı birleşimlerini iyi kurgulama gibi fiziki ölçütlerin ustaca kullanımları görülmektedir. Tüm bunların yanında Sinan’ın yapıtlarında hem toplumu bilinçlendiren, hem de yaşadıkları hayatın mekansal kurgusu içine dahil eden mistik bir hava açıkça belli olmaktadır. Çevresel ve teknolojik verilerin ustalıkla mimari içerisine harmanlanmasının yanı sıra, bireyler üzerindeki “farkındalık” olgusunun da bilişim toplumlarındaki etkileri üzerine yoğunlaşılması gerekmektedir.
Anahtar Sözcükler: Bilişim toplumları, Farkındalık, İslam mimarisi.
gathers attention in order to focus on the present moment objectively.
John K. Zinn
In this study, information societies as a result of the developments of information and communication technologies are aimed to be questioned from the perspective of Master Architect "Sinan". "Difference" and "awareness" will be explained through his immortal works taking into account the relationships of innovations of architecture, topography, location, composition and structure. His works has been designed and developed in the light of that period 's construction techniques and materials, then continuity in terms of time and awareness in society were emerged.
"Awareness" leads to designs as a concept that defines by perspectives. He used the physical criterias ingeniously in all of his works such as good analyzing of technology and constructing space-building combinations. In addition, a mystical atmosphere is apparent both raising awareness and incorporating into spatial fiction. It should focus on "awareness" and the impact of information societies beyond confounding the environmental and technological datas in architecture.
Key words: Information societies, Awareness, Islamic architecture.
Slow city movement aims to create livable cities. It is important that how much of this discourse can be perform. This discourse contains similarities with the concept of "utopia" which was put forward for creating an ideal society and was effective for constructing the cities after the II. World War. "Ideal urban designs" are asked for "ideal society" with design utopias that give the meaning of the conceptual contrasts of "Ideal location" (Eutopia) and "non-place" (Outopia). Does Slow City Movement, which suggests the new layout / space organization about the city and the society and approach from a critical perspective to the current plans, create the concept of "ideal city"? How will ideal societies and ideal spaces be meaningful and accessible when creating the ideal cities? In this study, the aims of creating livable city, similarities and differences of "utopia urban designs", which is developed as a design and a discourse, but not being successful in practice, and "Slow City Movement" are questioned. The main problematic of this study are how much the Slow City Movement performs the livable discourse and how much of it remains utopias.
KEYWORDS: Slow City; Utopia; Urban Design; Ideal City.
The aim of this study; the current approach BEP- TR -data software which has taken place in the application field effectively and is mandatory by regulations is discussed in integration to architectural education. This software was developed for energy efficient building design of our country. By the relevant ministry, experts are intended to train in the field of this software. In the process, this software that has the importance of the application increasing with each passing day and has become a necessity to have knowledge for architects. This software's integration to architectural education is important in need of application-education interaction and recent capture of architectural education. In the content of the study, BEP-TR methodology’s integration to undergraduate architectural education is examined. The students, the educational structure and BEP-TR method is decisive factors as for the success of the integrated system.
Keywords: Architectural Education, Education Model, Energy Efficient Building, BEP-TR.