Academic interest and studies on villages related to villages (rural areas) included in the munic... more Academic interest and studies on villages related to villages (rural areas) included in the municipal boundaries following 6360, rural services and rural area management, have increased. In this study, postgraduate theses conducted in this field were focused on. Document analysis method was used in the study. Graduate theses on rural area management before and after the law numbered 6360 were scanned through the National Thesis Centre of the Higher Education Institution. The keywords ‘rural’, ‘village’ and ‘6360’ in the titles of the theses, ‘public administration,’ ‘political sciences,’ ‘law’ and ‘urban and regional planning’ as subject limitations, and 2002-2024 as year limitations were used. Firstly, the titles and then the abstracts of the theses were analyzed in detail and the theses on rural area management were identified. 15 postgraduate theses before the law numbered 6360 (between 2002-2011) and 34 postgraduate theses after the law numbered 6360 (between 2012-2024) were detected. After the law numbered 6360, theses on rural area management were examined in detail; they were classified by the authors according to their similarities and interests and analyzed into 6 categories. After the law numbered 6360, there has been an increase in postgraduate theses on rural area management. In addition, while the theses before the law numbered 6360 were mostly related to the unions to provide services to villages and the Project for the Development of the Infrastructure of Villages; after the law numbered 6360, it was observed that studies were carried out on various subjects such as the effect of the law on the mukhtars, rural services, rural development, the institutional structure and functions of municipalities, and the rural neighborhood experience.
Papers by Umut Üzmez
On 6th February 2023, earthquakes of 7.7 and 7.6 Mw magnitude occurred with epicentre in Pazarcık and Elbistan districts of Kahramanmaraş, affecting many provinces. Among the provinces affected by the earthquake, 10 provinces (Adana, Adıyaman, Diyarbakır, Gaziantep, Hatay, Kahramanmaraş, Kilis, Malatya, Osmaniye, Şanlıurfa) were initially declared as disaster zones affecting general life. Subsequently, a state of emergency (OHAL) was declared in these provinces for three months. Disasters such as the 6 February earthquakes once again remind us of the risk and danger of disasters through bitter experiences to us. Being ready and resilient against disasters and minimizing disaster risk and negative impacts require an effective disaster management. In this study, the aim is to determine and evaluate whether the ten provinces included in the scope of the State of Emergency have an awareness and preparations for disasters at local level and in municipalities concerned, and whether they have strategies for disaster management. For this purpose, the 2020-2024 strategic plans of the relevant metropolitan and provincial municipalities, which were invalid at the time of the earthquake and are still in force, were analysed by content analysis method. In the study, it was concluded that municipalities are aware of disasters, especially earthquakes and their possible effects, and disaster risk factors such as the existing building stock; disaster management strategies are awareness-raising activities with improving disaster response capacity focusing on fire-fire department, while strategies for risk management and crisis management are limited.
Zonguldak is an interesting example which had been experienced first in field of local authorities, but unfortunately could not be of more. Zonguldak was referred as a metropolitan area since 1970’s. In 1971, -be reputed first example of metropolitan management of Turkey- Union of Municipalities of Metropolitan Zonguldak was founded for the management of this area. The Union was founded by municipalities of Zonguldak Metropolitan Area (Zonguldak, Kozlu, Kilimli and Çatalağzı) on the occasion of Zonguldak Metropolitan Planning Competition of the Bank of Provinces. The main goal of the Union was preparation and execution of Zonguldak Metropolitan Development Planning. Planning Department within Union was achieved first part of goal and was prepared Metropolitan planning. But second and most important part of goal couldn’t be performed; plans could not be implemented. Then, Union wasn’t undertook such a mission. Union became a union which assuring drinking & service water of area. Since 1980’s, rather than integrative planning approach in the area, particle planning approach which each municipality make their own plans and implement them, was reigned. However, city planning and -in addition- some other services must be considered with a integrative approach in a metropolitan area which has high levels of integration. In this study, in the light of metropolitan union-metropolitan planning experience of this area, has been aimed to shed light on the current position of the area and to evaluate of the solutions for the problems of area.
Bibliyometrik nitelikli bu araştırmada, Elektronik Meslek Yüksekokulları Dergisinin (ejovoc) Ulusal Büro Yönetimi ve Sekreterlik (BYS) Kongresi özel sayılarında (2014, 2015 ve 2017 yılları) yayınlanan 80 makale kendine atıf açısından incelenmiştir. Makaleler -eş zamanlı- kendine atıf ve –farklı zamanlı- kendine atıf olarak iki bölümde ele alınmıştır. Farklı zamanlı kendine atıfla ilgili tarama Google Scholar üzerinden (01.08.2018’de) yapılmıştır. Makaleler yazar kendine atıfın yanı sıra kongre kendine atıfı açısından da incelenmiştir. Kendine atıfla ilgili araştırmalarda, yazar kendine atıfı, dergi kendine atıfı, kurum kendine atıfı ve ülke kendine atıfı gibi farklı biçimler görülmektedir. Ancak, “kongre kendine atıfı” kavramı ilk kez kullanılmakta ve çalışmaya özgün bir değer kazandırmaktadır. Kongre kendine atıfı, kongre kapsamında üretilen yeni yayınlarda, daha önce yine bu kongre kapsamında üretilmiş olan yayınlara atıf yapılmasıdır. İlk bölümde yazar kendine atıf oranı %1,26, kongre kendine atıf oranı %4,61 olarak bulunmuştur. Kongre kendine atıf kapsamında en çok atıf bildiri kitaplarındaki çalışmalara yapılmıştır. İkinci bölümde yazar kendine atıf oranı %8,45 (%91,55 yazar dışından), kongre kendine atıf oranı %12,68 (%87,32 kongre dışından) olarak bulunmuştur. Bulunan kendine atıf oranları kabul edilebilir düzeydedir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, BYS kongreleri için üretilen yayınlardan sonraki kongrelerde de faydalanıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca bu yayınların yazar ve kongre dışından da atıf aldığı belirlenmiştir. BYS kongresinin akademik dünyaya katkı yaptığı ve bu katkının BYS kongrelerinin sürdürülmesi açısından motive edici olduğu yargısına ulaşılmıştır.
Abstract: It is thought that the attitudes of the business managers towards exporting are also influential on the export performance of the enterprises. However, there is a limited number of studies in the literature that examine this relationship. This study aims to reveal theattitudes of TR81 region manufacturing industry SME managers towards exporting. The data obtained from 303 SMEs operating in the manufacturing industry in the TR81 region using the face-to-face survey method were analyzed and evaluated by statistical methods. According to the results of the study, the hypothesis that business managers' attitude towards export affects export performance is confirmed. In addition, significant differences were found between the attitudes of SME managers who did and did not export in TR81 region to the internal and external factors determining the exports.
ABSTRACT The congresses, in which scientific researches and their results are discussed, can also be the subject matter of a scientific study. In this study, National Office Management and Secretarial Congress was examined and the papers presented in the congresses between 2010-2015 were analyzed. 164 papers presented and printed in the book of papers or special edition of the periodicals were examined in two stages. In the first stage, the papers were examined according to the years, number of authors, occupation group of authors, their universities and the frequency of their attendance. In the second stage, the papers were examined based on their types and topics. While examining the topics, some themes were clarified by depending the field of the papers and the session title; each paper was associated with only one theme that it is most related. It is thought that the results obtained from this study will guide the authors when they decide the theme and topics in their studies which will be presented in the next Office Management & Secretarial Training.
deficiencies of the “reform” in terms of the committee and to develop it.
Books by Umut Üzmez
On 6th February 2023, earthquakes of 7.7 and 7.6 Mw magnitude occurred with epicentre in Pazarcık and Elbistan districts of Kahramanmaraş, affecting many provinces. Among the provinces affected by the earthquake, 10 provinces (Adana, Adıyaman, Diyarbakır, Gaziantep, Hatay, Kahramanmaraş, Kilis, Malatya, Osmaniye, Şanlıurfa) were initially declared as disaster zones affecting general life. Subsequently, a state of emergency (OHAL) was declared in these provinces for three months. Disasters such as the 6 February earthquakes once again remind us of the risk and danger of disasters through bitter experiences to us. Being ready and resilient against disasters and minimizing disaster risk and negative impacts require an effective disaster management. In this study, the aim is to determine and evaluate whether the ten provinces included in the scope of the State of Emergency have an awareness and preparations for disasters at local level and in municipalities concerned, and whether they have strategies for disaster management. For this purpose, the 2020-2024 strategic plans of the relevant metropolitan and provincial municipalities, which were invalid at the time of the earthquake and are still in force, were analysed by content analysis method. In the study, it was concluded that municipalities are aware of disasters, especially earthquakes and their possible effects, and disaster risk factors such as the existing building stock; disaster management strategies are awareness-raising activities with improving disaster response capacity focusing on fire-fire department, while strategies for risk management and crisis management are limited.
Zonguldak is an interesting example which had been experienced first in field of local authorities, but unfortunately could not be of more. Zonguldak was referred as a metropolitan area since 1970’s. In 1971, -be reputed first example of metropolitan management of Turkey- Union of Municipalities of Metropolitan Zonguldak was founded for the management of this area. The Union was founded by municipalities of Zonguldak Metropolitan Area (Zonguldak, Kozlu, Kilimli and Çatalağzı) on the occasion of Zonguldak Metropolitan Planning Competition of the Bank of Provinces. The main goal of the Union was preparation and execution of Zonguldak Metropolitan Development Planning. Planning Department within Union was achieved first part of goal and was prepared Metropolitan planning. But second and most important part of goal couldn’t be performed; plans could not be implemented. Then, Union wasn’t undertook such a mission. Union became a union which assuring drinking & service water of area. Since 1980’s, rather than integrative planning approach in the area, particle planning approach which each municipality make their own plans and implement them, was reigned. However, city planning and -in addition- some other services must be considered with a integrative approach in a metropolitan area which has high levels of integration. In this study, in the light of metropolitan union-metropolitan planning experience of this area, has been aimed to shed light on the current position of the area and to evaluate of the solutions for the problems of area.
Bibliyometrik nitelikli bu araştırmada, Elektronik Meslek Yüksekokulları Dergisinin (ejovoc) Ulusal Büro Yönetimi ve Sekreterlik (BYS) Kongresi özel sayılarında (2014, 2015 ve 2017 yılları) yayınlanan 80 makale kendine atıf açısından incelenmiştir. Makaleler -eş zamanlı- kendine atıf ve –farklı zamanlı- kendine atıf olarak iki bölümde ele alınmıştır. Farklı zamanlı kendine atıfla ilgili tarama Google Scholar üzerinden (01.08.2018’de) yapılmıştır. Makaleler yazar kendine atıfın yanı sıra kongre kendine atıfı açısından da incelenmiştir. Kendine atıfla ilgili araştırmalarda, yazar kendine atıfı, dergi kendine atıfı, kurum kendine atıfı ve ülke kendine atıfı gibi farklı biçimler görülmektedir. Ancak, “kongre kendine atıfı” kavramı ilk kez kullanılmakta ve çalışmaya özgün bir değer kazandırmaktadır. Kongre kendine atıfı, kongre kapsamında üretilen yeni yayınlarda, daha önce yine bu kongre kapsamında üretilmiş olan yayınlara atıf yapılmasıdır. İlk bölümde yazar kendine atıf oranı %1,26, kongre kendine atıf oranı %4,61 olarak bulunmuştur. Kongre kendine atıf kapsamında en çok atıf bildiri kitaplarındaki çalışmalara yapılmıştır. İkinci bölümde yazar kendine atıf oranı %8,45 (%91,55 yazar dışından), kongre kendine atıf oranı %12,68 (%87,32 kongre dışından) olarak bulunmuştur. Bulunan kendine atıf oranları kabul edilebilir düzeydedir. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre, BYS kongreleri için üretilen yayınlardan sonraki kongrelerde de faydalanıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Ayrıca bu yayınların yazar ve kongre dışından da atıf aldığı belirlenmiştir. BYS kongresinin akademik dünyaya katkı yaptığı ve bu katkının BYS kongrelerinin sürdürülmesi açısından motive edici olduğu yargısına ulaşılmıştır.
Abstract: It is thought that the attitudes of the business managers towards exporting are also influential on the export performance of the enterprises. However, there is a limited number of studies in the literature that examine this relationship. This study aims to reveal theattitudes of TR81 region manufacturing industry SME managers towards exporting. The data obtained from 303 SMEs operating in the manufacturing industry in the TR81 region using the face-to-face survey method were analyzed and evaluated by statistical methods. According to the results of the study, the hypothesis that business managers' attitude towards export affects export performance is confirmed. In addition, significant differences were found between the attitudes of SME managers who did and did not export in TR81 region to the internal and external factors determining the exports.
ABSTRACT The congresses, in which scientific researches and their results are discussed, can also be the subject matter of a scientific study. In this study, National Office Management and Secretarial Congress was examined and the papers presented in the congresses between 2010-2015 were analyzed. 164 papers presented and printed in the book of papers or special edition of the periodicals were examined in two stages. In the first stage, the papers were examined according to the years, number of authors, occupation group of authors, their universities and the frequency of their attendance. In the second stage, the papers were examined based on their types and topics. While examining the topics, some themes were clarified by depending the field of the papers and the session title; each paper was associated with only one theme that it is most related. It is thought that the results obtained from this study will guide the authors when they decide the theme and topics in their studies which will be presented in the next Office Management & Secretarial Training.
deficiencies of the “reform” in terms of the committee and to develop it.