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¿Cómo comprar BetterDocs PRO?

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BetterDocs Pro helps to take your Knowledge base management system to the next level. Follow these simple steps for purchasing the PRO version of BetterDocs.

How To Purchase BetterDocs PRO #

Paso 1: Ve a la BetterDocs página de nuestro sitio web. Luego, simplemente navegue hasta 'Precios' sección o golpear el 'Empezar' Button. Then, simply pick a pricing plan and click on the 'Empezar' Botón.

BetterDocs PRO

Paso 2: Serás redirigido a 'Revisa' Página y BetterDocs serán 'Agregado al carrito'.

BetterDocs PRO

Paso 3: Escoge un 'Método de pago'. Luego, llena el 'Informacion personal' y haga clic en el 'Pagar' botón.

BetterDocs PRO

Paso 4: Once you click the ‘Pay’’ button, you will be redirected to the payment pages If you have chosen the ‘Credit Card’ option as the payment method you will be redirected to the Stripe payment page. Now, you need to fill up the payment information and hit the 'Pagar' botón.

BetterDocs PRO

If you choose ‘PayPal’ as the payment option, you will be redirected to PayPal’s payment page. Now you have to login to your PayPal account and finish the purchase.

BetterDocs PRO

Paso 5: Después de que su pago se haya realizado con éxito, será redirigido a 'Confirmación de compra' página. Puedes descargar el BetterDocs Plugin de esta página.

BetterDocs PRO

By following these simple steps, you can easily purchase BetterDocs PRO for any plan.Getting Stuck? Feel free to contact our dedicated support team for any further assistance.

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