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So erstellen und veröffentlichen Sie eine neue Dokumentation in BetterDocs

BetterDocs lässt dich create and publish new documentation easily by following some simple step by step guidelines. Let’s follow the instructions below to create and publish new documentation in BetterDocs.

Step 1: Install & Activate BetterDocs  #

Before start creating new documentation in BetterDocs, you have to first make sure, you have to install and activate BetterDocs on WordPress.

Create and Publish a New Documentation

Step 2: Add New Documentation #

Öffnen Sie Ihr WordPress-Dashboard und navigieren Sie zu BetterDocs → Add New. Create the Documentation just like any other WordPress Post/Page.

Create and Publish a New Documentation

Once you have the Doc ready you need to assign a Category and Tag to it before publishing. From the right sidebar navigate to Document → Categories. From there you can assign an existing Category or create a new one. From the same place, you can assign Tags.

Create and Publish a New Documentation

Step 3: Publish New Documentation #

Sobald Sie fertig sind, schreiben Sie den Doc mit BetterDocs, hit the Blue Button labeled 'Veröffentlichen' at the top-right corner of the screen.

Create and Publish a New Documentation
How To Create and Publish a New Documentation in BetterDocs 5

Endergebnis #

By simply following all the above steps, you will be able to create and publish your new documentation easily with BetterDocs on your WordPress website.

Create and Publish a New Documentation

That’s how you can simply create and publish new documentation with BetterDocs just within a few steps. 

Getting Stuck? Feel free to contact our dedicated Support-team für weitere Hilfe.

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