I know MS retired the PS gallery, but as MS always does, the alternative to sync DHCP reservations in active-active mode was not provided. So, I copied this DFACS tool here so you can find it.
Continue readingAzure service bus migration to premium stuck on sync step
I had a task to migrate one of our standard service buses to premium, and when I tried to do so, I faced a very odd error: during the sync step, when the settings\keys\topics are syncing up from the old bus to a new one, they just stuck on 1 entity remaining (total 1) and haven’t moved at all.
Continue readingPowershell script to pull all prefixes by ASN
A short script to get all prefixes from AS by number:
$ASN = Read-Host "Enter AS Number numerals"
# Replace 'API_URL' with the actual URL of the API.
$apiUrl = "https://api.bgpview.io/asn/$ASN/prefixes"
# Perform the GET request and convert the JSON response into a PowerShell object.
$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $apiUrl -Method Get
# Extract the 'prefix' field from each element in the 'ipv4_prefixes' array.
$prefixes = $response.data.ipv4_prefixes | ForEach-Object { $_.prefix }
# Print the prefixes with desired format.
foreach ($prefix in $prefixes) {
Write-Output "/ip route add dst-address=$prefix gateway= comment=AS$ASN"
Server 2012 R2 Update Error (Error Code: 800F0922)
We had this odd issue when, after installing the ESU keys, the servers were still unable to receive updates and gave us back a failed installation.
Continue readingHow to send secure emails with PowerShell and send-mgusermail only as a specific user.
We received an inquiry from PlatOps regarding potential integration with our Exchange online. Due to our strict security protocols that prohibit non-secure authentication methods, I took the initiative to develop a script that utilizes MS Graph and Modern Auth for sending emails in a secure manner.
Continue readingHow to RDP on Windows 11 with a passwordless account
There is no straightforward way, but there is a workaround!
Continue readingHow to change country or region on your Azure account
It might not be a common issue for everyone, but I was travelling a lot in my life, and at some point when I was in New Zealand – I happened to create an Azure account to use with my MSDN offer, and it was created in NZD. It was fine until I moved to Ireland, and now, to keep the books tidy, I wanted to change my currency to EUR.
Microsoft docos and support stand firm that this is not possible to change your billing profile residency. However, looking under the hood, it appears to be possible with some digging in and PowerShell magic.

ADConnect permission issues with adminCount accounts
Once I was working on migrating Azure AD Connect from one server to another. After the migration, no matter that the account had rights on the SDadmin folder, some accounts failed to be updated with an insufficient rights error.
After some digging, I found that some accounts historically have adminCount set to 1 and inheritance turned off, so to fix that, I used the following script below:
Continue readingRemove extra keyboard layouts in Windows 11
You know this pain when some random keyboard layout pops out in languages and spoils your day. So here are some tricks on how to fix it.
Continue readingAll Civilization 5 world and natural wonders on the map
The time has come to localize and update this map. Now all wonders from the game are mapped on one map. 🙂
Continue reading