Papers by Emilie L. Bergmann
Brepols Publishers eBooks, 2023
8. Mothers and Daughters in Transition and Beyond Emilie L. Bergmann 108 The maternal role, so co... more 8. Mothers and Daughters in Transition and Beyond Emilie L. Bergmann 108 The maternal role, so commonly identified with gender norms for women, is such a culturally contested space, a notoriously vexed category, that it is no surprise that relationships between ...
Comparative Literature, 1986
... She is compared favorably with Angelica in Canto V. See also Karen Taylor, &a... more ... She is compared favorably with Angelica in Canto V. See also Karen Taylor, "Lope de Vega's 'Persona' in La hermosura de Anggdlica, La Dragontea, and El Isidro" (Diss., Harvard, 1981). ... Vi luego cuatro damas que tenian de los brazos de Dafne una guirnalda 280 Page 12. ...

Confluencia, 2015
Elias Rivers's arrival at Johns Hopkins's Department of Romance Languages coincided with the dram... more Elias Rivers's arrival at Johns Hopkins's Department of Romance Languages coincided with the dramatic shift in literary studies toward a deconstructive approach, which exposed internal contradictions, uncertainties, and ruptures. This approach represented a challenge to early modern Hispanic studies, a field that had previously sought to find coherence, both formal and ideological, and continuity with tradition. Among the areas most receptive to this transformation was the study of the notoriously difficult works of Luis de Góngora y Argote, in particular his unclassifiable long poems Soledad primera and Soledad segunda. Although Rivers earned his recognition as a major early modernist for his essays and critical edition of the complete works of Garcilaso de la Vega, he had studied at Yale with the great gongorista Dámaso Alonso, and he had produced important studies on the baroque poetry of Góngora as well as of Quevedo and Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. Those of us who were studying with him at
... With Mar, she recalls," no tenia por, la por de mostrar-me tal com em sembla... more ... With Mar, she recalls," no tenia por, la por de mostrar-me tal com em sembla que soc, l'adolescent que tot sovint amago als plecs me's ... que ella no se'n va anar, sino que va tornar a algun lloc que ella coneixia d'abans i que havia volgut que jo conegues tambe, aqui. ...
... Autores: Emilie Bergmann; Localización: Crítica semiológica de textos literarios hispánicos :... more ... Autores: Emilie Bergmann; Localización: Crítica semiológica de textos literarios hispánicos : volumen II de las Actas del Congreso Internacional sobre Semiótica e Hispanismo celebrado en Madrid en los días 20 al 25 de Junio de 1983 / coord. ...
Bulletin of Spanish Studies, 2018
Bulletin of The Comediantes, 2014
Confluencia-revista Hispanica De Cultura Y Literatura, 2008

Letras femeninas, 2009
Secular women who wrote on political issues in the early modern period faced challenges similar t... more Secular women who wrote on political issues in the early modern period faced challenges similar to those of women religious. In addressing social, moral, and political questions, however interwoven with religious doctrine, the former group developed authorizing strategies comparable to those used by the more numerous female religious who struggled with the double bind of showing humility and self-effacement while offering obedience to ecclesiastical superiors, whose requests for nuns' writings implied a recognition of the importance of women's spiritual experiences (Weber 45). As Arenal and Schlau point out, ostensible self-effacement could, through paradoxical uses of acceptable language, affirm the spiritual and intellectual strengths of women religious (16). During the past three decades, feminist scholarship, in particular that of Electa Arenal and the editors of this special issue, among others, has illuminated the complex strategies employed by women religious to convince their superiors of their humility while affirming the validity of their experiences. While convents tended to nurture a higher rate of literacy than in the general female population, some noble families provided advanced education for their daughters, and a few of those women ventured to

Cuadernos de Música, Artes Visuales y Artes Escénicas, 2008
The image of Sor Juana as tragic heroine, based on her renunciation of secular letters in the las... more The image of Sor Juana as tragic heroine, based on her renunciation of secular letters in the last years of her life, has dominated biographical recreations in novels and film. They follow the classic operatic plot, in which the destruction of queens and courtesans seems an inevitable result of their transgressive desires. As Catherina Clément has observed, "the emotion is never as poignant as when [the voice] is lifted to die." In the case of Sor Juana, her desires have been represented as sexual as well as intellectual challenges to authority. By focusing on her silence as patriarchal retribution, we risk losing the eloquence and diverse registers of her voice. There are, however, other songs, even in contemporary operas like those by Daniel Crozier and Peter Krask (With Blood, With Ink, 1993) and by Carla Lucero and Alicia Gaspar de Alba (Juana, in progress). Music, as the most abstract of the arts, offers us other interpretations of Sor Juana's achievement. This article analyzes music that responds to Sor Juana's poetry with voice and diverse instrumental combinations: Marcela Rodríguez's Funesta: Seis arias sobre textos de sor Juana; John Eaton's Sor Juana's Dreams, Sor Juana Songs, and Tocotín; John Adams's Nativity Cantata, El Niño, which includes two villancicos; as well as the two contemporary operas.
partnership with the University of California Press, the California Digital Library, and internat... more partnership with the University of California Press, the California Digital Library, and international research programs across the UC system. GAIA volumes, which are published in both print and openaccess digital editions, represent the best traditions of regional studies, reconfigured through fresh global, transnational, and thematic perspectives. University of California Press, one of the most distinguished university presses in the United States, enriches lives around the world by advancing scholarship in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Its activities are supported by the UC Press Foundation and by philanthropic contributions from individuals and institutions. For more information, visit
Duke University Press eBooks, Dec 31, 2020
Modern Language Notes, 2021
Bulletin of The Comediantes, 2019
Papers by Emilie L. Bergmann