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Book review of the book "Fútbol y dictaduras", by Jorge Leiva.
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      History of FootballHistoria Del Fútbol
Book review of the book "Spectacle in the Roman World" (2011), by Hazel Dodge.
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      Greek and Roman sportsRoman Archaeology
Book review of the book "La historia del surf en España" (2013), by Daniel Esparza.
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    • History of Surfing
Book review of the book "Deportes tradicionales de fuerza" (2010) by Lucio Doncel.
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    • HIstory of Sport
Book review of the book "Epigrafía Anfiteatrale dell'Occidente Romano" (volumen 7, 2009), by Joaquín L. Gómez-Pantoja.
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      Roman HistoryRoman EpigraphyRoman Archaeology
Book review of the book "El deporte en occidente: Grecia, Roma, Bizancio" (2009) by José Luís Salvador.
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryAncient Greek HistoryHIstory of Sport
The study of female gladiatorial combat encounters the obstacle of the dearth of sources that give testimony of it. Ten literary fragments and one epigraphic inscription is all the written evidence that speaks to us of those women. About... more
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      Roman HistoryGender HistoryRomanian StudiesRoman Archaeology
We study here the origin of the Mesoamerican ballgame during the early formative period (ca. 1700 B.C.). We select as candidates for the creators of the Mesoamerican ballgame the cultures of Paso de la Amada, pre-Olmec at San Lorenzo, and... more
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyHIstory of SportMesoamerican Ballgame
In 1569 in the Spanish village of Purchena, a games was held in which a contingent of Turkish soldiers took part – many of them natives from the area that in antiquity was called Greece. These Turks celebrated several events in these... more
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      Olympics and OlympismOlympic HistoryHIstory of SportAncient Greek Sport
Book review of the book "Cuando el fútbol no era el rey" (2008), by Carles Sirera.
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      HIstory of SportHistory of Football
Book review of the book "Deporte y olimpismo en el mundo antiguo y moderno" (2008).
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      Ancient HistoryOlympics and OlympismAncient Greek HistoryHIstory of Sport
Book review of the book "Los juegos olímpicos en la historia del deporte" (2008).
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      Ancient HistoryOlympics and OlympismOlympic HistoryHIstory of Sport
Book review of the book "El deporte en la construcción del espacio social" (2008), by Álvaro Rodríguez Díaz.
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      SociologySociology of SportHIstory of SportSociology of Sport and Leisure
Book review of the book "Historia del deporte de la prehistoria al renacimiento" (2008), by Antonio J. Monroy and Gemma Sáez.
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      Ancient HistoryRenaissance StudiesOlympics and OlympismAncient Greek History
Book review of the book "Atletas y ciudadanos: historia social del deporte en España, 1870–2010" (2011), by Xavier Pujadas.
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      Nineteenth Century StudiesHIstory of Sport
Book review of the book "The Lure of the Arena" (2011), by Garret G. Fagan.
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      Roman HistoryRoman AmphitheaterHistory of Crime and PunishmentRoman entertainments
Con esta obra Alfonso Mañas se propone introducir al gran público en el fascinante mundo de los gladiadores. El autor, apasionado estudioso de la gladiatura desde hace años, no busca atrapar la atención de los lectores repitiendo las... more
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      Ancient HistoryAnthropologyHIstory of SportGreek and Roman studies
In this article we review the epistemological and pedagogical debate on Kinesiology and Physical Education that has been going on in the universities of the US from 1990 to the present. We have compiled the opinions of a wide sample of... more
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      HIstory of SportSocial History of Sports
In the representations of retiarii, the net appears very rarely, especially in the later times of gladiatura (third, fourth, and fifth centuries).Traditionally, this scarce presence has been explained by the argument that most artists... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCombat SportsImperial Rome
In this article, we study the evolution of competitive sport and sporting recreations in medieval Córdoba, from the Umayyad Muslims (756–1236) to the Christians (since 1236). In this diachronic study, firstly we compare the competitive... more
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      Muslims in EuropeMuslim-Christian RelationHIstory of Sport