University of California, Berkeley
Public Policy
Abstract Objectives We provide a critical review of empirical research on the deterrent effect of capital punishment that makes use of state and, in some instances, county-level, panel data. Methods We present the underlying behavioral... more
Recent innovations in the criminal justice system have linked intensive crimi nal justice system surveillance with substance abuse treatment. The goal of this justice-treatment partnership is to improve outcomes for drug-involved offend... more
BACKGROUND: Although a number of studies have tested ecologic models that postulate relationships among social networks, the built environment, and active living, few neighborhood-based studies have considered the role of crime and... more
Analyzing political conservatism as motivated social cognition integrates theories of personality (authoritarianism, dogmatism-intolerance of ambiguity), epistemic and existential needs (for closure, regulatory focus, terror management),... more
We conducted semistructured intervie\vs with 38 participants in White racist Internet chat rooms, examining the extent to which people would, in this unique environment, advocate interracial violence in response to purported economic and... more
This research examines whether spontaneous, unintentional discriminatory behavior can be moderated by an implicit (nonconscious) motivation to control prejudice. We operationalize implicit motivation to control prejudice (IMCP) in terms... more
Nach beinahe dreißig Jahren Forschung über Automatismus und Aktivierung kann gesagt werden, dass ein Großteil des mentalen, menschlichen Lebens unbewusst und ohne Absicht geschieht. Laut der Kognitiven Psychologie werden durch die... more
- by Jack Glaser
This research draws on ideas about emotion-related appraisal tendencies to generate and test novel propositions about intergroup emotions. First, emotion elicited by outgroup category activation can be transferred to an unrelated stimulus... more
Policy attitudes relating to group-based inequities are in many cases founded on tenuous legitimizing beliefs which are contradicted by empirical evidence. Policy issues, and their attendant legitimizing beliefs, are considered, including... more
MRI working memory children adolescent executive functions longitudinal a b s t r a c t Prenatal alcohol exposure can cause a wide range of deficits in executive function that persist throughout life, but little is known about how changes... more
Racial profiling-the use of race, ethnicity, or national origin by law enforcement officials to make judgments of criminal suspicion-is assessed in terms of its effect on targeted populations and on law enforcement efficiency. A... more