berkala hayati
BERKALA PENELITIAN HAYATI Journal of Biological Researches is a peer-reviewed, open access journal, published by Indonesia Biological Society, East Java, Indonesia. It publishes original research, applied, and educational articles in all areas of biology.
Authors are encouraged to submit complete unpublished and original works, which are not under review in any other journals. The scopes of the journal include, but not limited to, the following topic areas: botany, zoology, ecology, microbiology, physiology, nano biology, coastal biology, hydrobiology, neurobiology, genetics, developmental biology, biochemistry and molecular biology, biophysics and life science.
The journal is published in both printed and online versions. The online version is free access and downloads.
Supervisors: Prof. Sutiman Bambang Sumitro, SU.D.Sc and Dr. Bambang Irawan
Phone: +6231 5936501/+6231 5936502
Address: Biology Department, Science and Technology Faculty, Universitas Airlangga Kampus C, Jl. Mulyorejo, Surabaya Indonesia 60115
Authors are encouraged to submit complete unpublished and original works, which are not under review in any other journals. The scopes of the journal include, but not limited to, the following topic areas: botany, zoology, ecology, microbiology, physiology, nano biology, coastal biology, hydrobiology, neurobiology, genetics, developmental biology, biochemistry and molecular biology, biophysics and life science.
The journal is published in both printed and online versions. The online version is free access and downloads.
Supervisors: Prof. Sutiman Bambang Sumitro, SU.D.Sc and Dr. Bambang Irawan
Phone: +6231 5936501/+6231 5936502
Address: Biology Department, Science and Technology Faculty, Universitas Airlangga Kampus C, Jl. Mulyorejo, Surabaya Indonesia 60115
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Journal by berkala hayati
determined directly by the presence, length and shape as well as
size gonopore genital papilla. We tried to determine of the gender
17 individual of T. gratilla based on morphological approach.
Injection of KCl and cleavage of the whole individual is also
carried out to observe the color of the gonads as a reference for
determining the sex. We found 6 samples of female and 11 male
samples based on gonad color. The results of morphological
measurements showed that all parameters used have not been able to determine the sex of T. gratilla, either singly or in combination parameters. The number of samples need to be added till at least 30 individual each sex. This is consistent with logistic regression 3, where the P-value is less than the P-value logistic regression 1 and 2, which enables different results if the sample size is enlarged.
Keywords: Gender, sea urchin, Tripneustes gratilla, morphological
Keywords: Bama beach profi le, substrate, seagrass, coral lifeform, Echinodermata
concentration of IAA+BAP toward growth and development of the leaf culture of Aglaonema sp. var. Siam Pearl, Aglaonema sp.
var. Lady Valentine, and Aglaonema sp. var. Lipstik. The explants were taken from the leaf. The explants were cultured in solid MS
medium with addition various concentration of IAA 0,5 mg/l, 2 mg/l, 3 mg/l, 5 mg/l, and 8 mg/l and BAP 5mg/l. Observation had been conducted for 16 weeks to know the response the development of explants leaves such as the periphery of explants coloured of brown, leaves explants of arch shaped, the colour of explants to change for pale, and to form callus. The data were include of the number of explants which able to form callus, time of callus formation, the colour and texture callus, and stage of development explants were analyzed descriptively. The result of 16 weeks observation showed that the addition of IAA and BAP on the leaves explants to give the different effects. Aglaonema sp. var. Lipstik can form callus by treatment of 5 mg/l IAA:5mg/l BAP, and 8 mg/l IAA:5 mg BAP. The colour of callus are clear, the shape of globular, with friable textures.
Keywords: Aglaonema sp., 6-bensilaminopurine, callus induction, 3-indole-acetic acid
CaCO3 crystal, multicellular and uniseriate trichomes in the upper and lower surface. While its stem has variation in its ray initial layer depend on its trunk circumference.
Keywords: Maesopsis eminii, anatomi, alien and invasive plant, Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park
Keywords: Infi ltration rate, physical of soil, chemistry of soil, Botanic garden; Mahoni (Swietenia macrophylla), Jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba) and trembesi (Samanea saman)
exposed by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mycobacterium tuberculosis was used as infection agent that had an abilitiy to be imunogenic and to lead immune system responsses decreased. Polysaccharides krestin was used as immunopotentiator which had a role to activate macrophage and stimulate B cell in order to produce antibody. This research involved 30 adult female mice of Mus musculus strain Balb/C in the age of 8–10 weeks and in the weight between of 30–40 g. Mice were divided into six groups, as follows: group K as a control, was added only aquades; group K+ as positive control, was added only PSK; group K- as negative control, was exposed by M. tuberculosis only; group P1 was added PSK before being exposed by M. tuberculosis; group P2 was added PSK after being exposed by M. tuberculosis; group P3 was added PSK before and after being exposed by M. tuberculosis. Polysaccharides krestin was added by gavage with single dose of 500 μg and M. tuberculosis was exposed intraperitoneally with concentration of 5x108 bactery
per ml. The bioactivity of PSK was observed by formation antibody using indirect ELISA test. The results of research were the average of OD value of K group was 0,590 ± 0,042, K+ group was 0.641 ± 0.025, K- group was 1.044 ± 0.054, P1 group was 1.032 ± 0.125, P2 group was 1.127 ± 0.042, P3 group was 1.230 ± 0.097. The conclusion of this research showed that the adding of PSK increased mice formation antibody. The time of adding before and after being exposed M. tuberculosis was the most potential to raise antibody production on mice.
Keywords: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, polysaccharide krestin (PSK), mice, antibody, indirect ELISA
hyperpigmentation. In the last few years, a huge number of natural herbal extracts have been tested as inhibitors of melanin synthesis and some of these effects are related to the antioxidant properties. The objectives of this study were to determine of curcumin properties as antioxidant activity and melanin inhibitors. In this study, our data indicated that antioxidant assay with DPPH showed IC50 was 16,05 μg/ml. In the absence of α-MSH (α-Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone), melanin content assay in cell B16-F1 indicated that the highest activity of curcumin to reduce melanin content of 45,67% at 25 μg/ml. Meanwhile, in the presence of α-MSH at the same concentration indicated that the highest activity was 53,87%. Based on the data, curcumin has potential properties as antioxidant activity and melanin inhibitor.
Keywords: Curcumin, Antioxidant, Melanin inhibitor, Cell B16-F1, α-MSH
ground cover plants as refugia area are expected to be an alternative habitat for pollinators insect in plants: Cyperus rotundus L., Bidens pilosa L., Commelina difussa L., Capsicum frutescens L., and Ageratum conyzoides L .. Observations made by "visual control". This reseacch aims to know the composition of pollinators insect visit of ground cover plants and analyze their patterns. Analysis of the data structure of insect communities in the spring and the fruit season obtained from INP and diversity (Shannon-Winner Index). Parameters are compared to diversity and abundance with ANOVA test, composition using Morisita Index. The results show that the abundance of insect pollinators of spring higher at 7 families (31%) with H '= 1.698 instead of the fruit season is 6 families (25%) with H' = 1.600. Abundance and diversity of pollinators insect in the spring and fruit season with a signifi cance of P < 0.05. Morisita similarity index of 82%. Analysis of environmental factors of temperature, humidity, and light intensity on the abundance of insect pollinators found positive correlation with R-square 87.5%.
Keywords: Composition, pollinators insect, visual control, diversity
Keywords: density, klekap, traditional pond, growth, milkfi sh, tiger shrimp"
Keywords: characterization, alkaloids, fenetic, Annona Spp.
in two different heights location was carried out by making of plots. First location was established at 700 m a.s.l., while second site was located at 800 m a.s.l., with 0.14 ha each plot. The result showed 10 trees species of 7 families and 29 saplings species of 14 families was found in the fi rst plot, whereas 12 trees species of 10 families and 48 saplings species of 28 families was located in the second plot. Three invasive species which threatened ecosystem in this study region were Maesopsis eminii, Calliandra calothyrsus and Austroeupatorium inulifolium.
Keywords: Invasive Alien Species, Maesopsis emenii, Calliandra calothyrsus, Austroeupatorium inulifolium, Gunung Gede Pangrango
National Park
Keywords: T. gratilla, temperature, salinity, pH, DO, wave, current velocity, Cenderawasih Bay
Keywords: Bird species diversity, Kali Lamong, Land use, Species abundance, Similarity index
Keywords: self assembly, magnetism, biological molecules
Papers by berkala hayati
Roxb.) has been investigated. Incubation of the 2E-6E-farnesol in cultivated endophytic yeast CA1C-4 in PDB at room temperature
(25–32o C) under shaking condition at 120 rpm for eight days, produce a biotransformed product. Chemical structure elucidation
based on 1H- and 13C-NMR analysis and comparison with published data showed that the biotransformed product is 2E,6E-3,7,11-trimethyl-2,6,10-dodecatrien-1-carboxilic acid.
Key words: Biotransformation, Curcuma aeruginosa, 2E,6E-farnesol, endophytic yeast, 2E,6E-3,7,11-trimethyl-2,6,10-dodecatrien-1-carboxilic acid.
determined directly by the presence, length and shape as well as
size gonopore genital papilla. We tried to determine of the gender
17 individual of T. gratilla based on morphological approach.
Injection of KCl and cleavage of the whole individual is also
carried out to observe the color of the gonads as a reference for
determining the sex. We found 6 samples of female and 11 male
samples based on gonad color. The results of morphological
measurements showed that all parameters used have not been able to determine the sex of T. gratilla, either singly or in combination parameters. The number of samples need to be added till at least 30 individual each sex. This is consistent with logistic regression 3, where the P-value is less than the P-value logistic regression 1 and 2, which enables different results if the sample size is enlarged.
Keywords: Gender, sea urchin, Tripneustes gratilla, morphological
Keywords: Bama beach profi le, substrate, seagrass, coral lifeform, Echinodermata
concentration of IAA+BAP toward growth and development of the leaf culture of Aglaonema sp. var. Siam Pearl, Aglaonema sp.
var. Lady Valentine, and Aglaonema sp. var. Lipstik. The explants were taken from the leaf. The explants were cultured in solid MS
medium with addition various concentration of IAA 0,5 mg/l, 2 mg/l, 3 mg/l, 5 mg/l, and 8 mg/l and BAP 5mg/l. Observation had been conducted for 16 weeks to know the response the development of explants leaves such as the periphery of explants coloured of brown, leaves explants of arch shaped, the colour of explants to change for pale, and to form callus. The data were include of the number of explants which able to form callus, time of callus formation, the colour and texture callus, and stage of development explants were analyzed descriptively. The result of 16 weeks observation showed that the addition of IAA and BAP on the leaves explants to give the different effects. Aglaonema sp. var. Lipstik can form callus by treatment of 5 mg/l IAA:5mg/l BAP, and 8 mg/l IAA:5 mg BAP. The colour of callus are clear, the shape of globular, with friable textures.
Keywords: Aglaonema sp., 6-bensilaminopurine, callus induction, 3-indole-acetic acid
CaCO3 crystal, multicellular and uniseriate trichomes in the upper and lower surface. While its stem has variation in its ray initial layer depend on its trunk circumference.
Keywords: Maesopsis eminii, anatomi, alien and invasive plant, Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park
Keywords: Infi ltration rate, physical of soil, chemistry of soil, Botanic garden; Mahoni (Swietenia macrophylla), Jabon (Anthocephalus cadamba) and trembesi (Samanea saman)
exposed by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Mycobacterium tuberculosis was used as infection agent that had an abilitiy to be imunogenic and to lead immune system responsses decreased. Polysaccharides krestin was used as immunopotentiator which had a role to activate macrophage and stimulate B cell in order to produce antibody. This research involved 30 adult female mice of Mus musculus strain Balb/C in the age of 8–10 weeks and in the weight between of 30–40 g. Mice were divided into six groups, as follows: group K as a control, was added only aquades; group K+ as positive control, was added only PSK; group K- as negative control, was exposed by M. tuberculosis only; group P1 was added PSK before being exposed by M. tuberculosis; group P2 was added PSK after being exposed by M. tuberculosis; group P3 was added PSK before and after being exposed by M. tuberculosis. Polysaccharides krestin was added by gavage with single dose of 500 μg and M. tuberculosis was exposed intraperitoneally with concentration of 5x108 bactery
per ml. The bioactivity of PSK was observed by formation antibody using indirect ELISA test. The results of research were the average of OD value of K group was 0,590 ± 0,042, K+ group was 0.641 ± 0.025, K- group was 1.044 ± 0.054, P1 group was 1.032 ± 0.125, P2 group was 1.127 ± 0.042, P3 group was 1.230 ± 0.097. The conclusion of this research showed that the adding of PSK increased mice formation antibody. The time of adding before and after being exposed M. tuberculosis was the most potential to raise antibody production on mice.
Keywords: Mycobacterium tuberculosis, polysaccharide krestin (PSK), mice, antibody, indirect ELISA
hyperpigmentation. In the last few years, a huge number of natural herbal extracts have been tested as inhibitors of melanin synthesis and some of these effects are related to the antioxidant properties. The objectives of this study were to determine of curcumin properties as antioxidant activity and melanin inhibitors. In this study, our data indicated that antioxidant assay with DPPH showed IC50 was 16,05 μg/ml. In the absence of α-MSH (α-Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone), melanin content assay in cell B16-F1 indicated that the highest activity of curcumin to reduce melanin content of 45,67% at 25 μg/ml. Meanwhile, in the presence of α-MSH at the same concentration indicated that the highest activity was 53,87%. Based on the data, curcumin has potential properties as antioxidant activity and melanin inhibitor.
Keywords: Curcumin, Antioxidant, Melanin inhibitor, Cell B16-F1, α-MSH
ground cover plants as refugia area are expected to be an alternative habitat for pollinators insect in plants: Cyperus rotundus L., Bidens pilosa L., Commelina difussa L., Capsicum frutescens L., and Ageratum conyzoides L .. Observations made by "visual control". This reseacch aims to know the composition of pollinators insect visit of ground cover plants and analyze their patterns. Analysis of the data structure of insect communities in the spring and the fruit season obtained from INP and diversity (Shannon-Winner Index). Parameters are compared to diversity and abundance with ANOVA test, composition using Morisita Index. The results show that the abundance of insect pollinators of spring higher at 7 families (31%) with H '= 1.698 instead of the fruit season is 6 families (25%) with H' = 1.600. Abundance and diversity of pollinators insect in the spring and fruit season with a signifi cance of P < 0.05. Morisita similarity index of 82%. Analysis of environmental factors of temperature, humidity, and light intensity on the abundance of insect pollinators found positive correlation with R-square 87.5%.
Keywords: Composition, pollinators insect, visual control, diversity
Keywords: density, klekap, traditional pond, growth, milkfi sh, tiger shrimp"
Keywords: characterization, alkaloids, fenetic, Annona Spp.
in two different heights location was carried out by making of plots. First location was established at 700 m a.s.l., while second site was located at 800 m a.s.l., with 0.14 ha each plot. The result showed 10 trees species of 7 families and 29 saplings species of 14 families was found in the fi rst plot, whereas 12 trees species of 10 families and 48 saplings species of 28 families was located in the second plot. Three invasive species which threatened ecosystem in this study region were Maesopsis eminii, Calliandra calothyrsus and Austroeupatorium inulifolium.
Keywords: Invasive Alien Species, Maesopsis emenii, Calliandra calothyrsus, Austroeupatorium inulifolium, Gunung Gede Pangrango
National Park
Keywords: T. gratilla, temperature, salinity, pH, DO, wave, current velocity, Cenderawasih Bay
Keywords: Bird species diversity, Kali Lamong, Land use, Species abundance, Similarity index
Keywords: self assembly, magnetism, biological molecules
Roxb.) has been investigated. Incubation of the 2E-6E-farnesol in cultivated endophytic yeast CA1C-4 in PDB at room temperature
(25–32o C) under shaking condition at 120 rpm for eight days, produce a biotransformed product. Chemical structure elucidation
based on 1H- and 13C-NMR analysis and comparison with published data showed that the biotransformed product is 2E,6E-3,7,11-trimethyl-2,6,10-dodecatrien-1-carboxilic acid.
Key words: Biotransformation, Curcuma aeruginosa, 2E,6E-farnesol, endophytic yeast, 2E,6E-3,7,11-trimethyl-2,6,10-dodecatrien-1-carboxilic acid.