Papers by Erifoluwa Oluwafemi
This study examines the relationship between household assets and demographics as well as adolesc... more This study examines the relationship between household assets and demographics as well as adolescents’ time allocation to school attendance and helping in household chores. We found that overtime, patrimonial society has positively influenced girls in Nigeria by spending more time on school works. The study found that commitment to educational achievement of adolescents is household assets sensitive. The study also revealed that human capital development in Ogun state is improving, most importantly girls’ education but recommend more aggressive building of schools close to the settlements and encouragement for compulsory early school enrollment because the time allocation to studies becomes lower as the adolescents’ age increases.

African Journal of Sustainable Development, 2017
The study examines the effect of inclusive growth determinants on agricultural output in Nigeria ... more The study examines the effect of inclusive growth determinants on agricultural output in Nigeria employing macroeconomic variables which include agricultural GDP, per capita income, unemployment and poverty rates. Government expenditure on education, labour force and government expenditure on health were used as control variables. The properties of the time series data (spanning 1981 to 2013)were tested using the Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) unit root test and Johansen co-integration tests. Also the error correction model (ECM) technique of analysis was applied to the model. The ECM results reveal that agricultural output (AGDP) increases as unemployment and poverty rates fall and when per capita income rises. This suggests that agriculture as a sector is a viable means of achieving the much desired inclusive growth. Serious attention should be paid to growing the agricultural sector by all stakeholders (government, private initiatives, research institutions and even individuals). ...

This study examined the effect of share of household economic resources on expenditure pattern an... more This study examined the effect of share of household economic resources on expenditure pattern and children's welfare among farming households in Ogun state. The study was based on data collected in a cross section survey involving 250 farming households selected by multistage sampling technique from the study area. The data included demographic characteristics, income, assets, and expenditure patterns of the households as well as anthropometric statistics children below 12 years old. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, test of of means, multiple regression analysis using Ordinary Least Square, Tobit and Logit techniques and factor analysis. The results revealed that an average household in the sample is made up of 5 persons, 48.9% of which were females. The households composed of 11.4% under age 5 children, 31.5% school age children, 9.8% adolescents, 45.2% economically active adults and 2.1% aged. The average age of the husband and his wives in the sample were...

Canadian Social Science, 2019
African heads of state have made several commitments to make the functioning of the agriculture s... more African heads of state have made several commitments to make the functioning of the agriculture sector sustainable. The two most prominent of these commitments are the Maputo and Malabo declarations. The Maputo declaration stated that country should allocate at least 10 percent of the total fiscal expenditure so as to attain 6 percent agricultural growth. This study investigates the effects of public agriculture spending on agricultural output. This was conducted through the effective quality channels of public agriculture spending such as credit budget channel, research budget channel, fertilizer consumption channel and energy budget channel in sub-Saharan Africa. The study was essential has very limited studies have examined the effects of agriculture public spending to feeding sub-Saharan Africa. The paper adopted the system generalized method of moment to control for endogeneity, simultaneity, and reverse causality. The findings show that public spending enhances agriculture per...

ABSTRACTThis study was conducted to investigate the types of activities promoted by cooperative g... more ABSTRACTThis study was conducted to investigate the types of activities promoted by cooperative groups and the determinants of participation intensity of members in cooperative activities in southwestern Nigeria. A multistage sampling approach was used to select 326 cooperators (45 groups). Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics, difference of means test, and Tobit regression. Cooperative groups engaged in farm and off-farm activities such as arable crop production, fish farming, agricultural products processing, and produce marketing, among others. Farm input procurements and access to market information (74 percent), cooperative credits and thrift(53 percent), social networking (37 percent), multipurpose commercial activities (21.6 percent), and political influence (17 percent) were given as reasons for interest and participation in groups= activities. Income realized by cooperators was significantly and consistently higher than income of non-cooperators who eng...

Journal of Gambling Issues, 2019
With the increasing rate of youth unemployment in the country, Nigeria’s youths have invested the... more With the increasing rate of youth unemployment in the country, Nigeria’s youths have invested their time, money, and intrinsic efforts in several gambling avenues, such as Baba Ijebu, Naira Bet, Western Lotto Bet, and others. These commitments provide them with financial resources to meet daily expenses, augment low incomes arising from unemployment, and help mitigate the rising crime rate that results from the high unemployment rate. The overall unemployment rate for the population is 70%, and youth unemployment accounts for about 58%. This study examined the participation of youths in gambling in Lagos State and the effects of youth gambling on household welfare and spending. A two-stage survey design was used: a qualitative component comprising targeted focus group discussions and probit modelling to estimate the importance of the identified challenges. The results showed that Nigeria’s unemployed youths have an intense interest in gambling to sustain their income sources and to ...

Journal of Environmental Extension, 2001
It has been said that the greatest threat to sustaining agricultural productivity in Nigerian far... more It has been said that the greatest threat to sustaining agricultural productivity in Nigerian farming communities is the decline in soil productivity. As a result of this a number of programmes and policies aimed at increasing the interest of Nigerian farmers in long term soil conservation practices have been mounted in the past three decades by Nigerian governments. Evidence has however shown that most farmers have continued to shun both the indigenous and non-indigenous long-term conservation practices in favour of shorter term conservation practices. The study reported in this paper was an attempt to identify, describe and analyse the current soil management practices among food crop farmers in Ogun state, Nigeria, (with some emphasis on the indigenous practices) vs-a-vis the societal goal of long term sustainability of the soil. The study utilized a sample of 394 farmers randomly selected from the four agricultural zones in Ogun state. The results showed that fertilizer use (a non-indigenous method) was most prevalent practice it the area. This was closely followed by minimum tillage (indigenous), bush fallow (indigenous) and zero tillage (indigenous). Furthermore, a number of indigenous methods such as shifting cultivation, ridging across the slope, and manure/plant residue management which help the long term sustenance of the soil have become very unpopular among the farmers. Also, long-term soil conservation practices which are not indigenous to the area such as crop rotation, ally cropping are presently very unpopular among the farmers. [JEXT Vol.2(1) 2001: 102-116]

Nigeria is a country richly endowed with abundant natural, human and material resources, but has ... more Nigeria is a country richly endowed with abundant natural, human and material resources, but has not been able to harness these sufficiently and efficiently enough to meet the food need of the poor in the nation. Food security problem in the country is manifested by the fact that calories and protein supplied or consumed by the household members fall short of standard requirements. In Nigeria, the situation in the past 20 years has been that of growing calorific supply deficit coupled with declining real per capita income, the result is a serious threat of deepening food insecurity, particularly among the low income groups. International Conference on Nutrition, ICN (1992) reported that low income rural and semi-urban adult dwellers in Nigeria consume less than 60 and 40 percents of their energy and protein needs. This study set out to address the following questions: what is the relative extent of food insecurity among low income urban and rural households in Abeokuta, Nigeria; wha...

The Journal of Gambling Business and Economics
With the increasing rate of youth unemployment in the country, Nigeria’s youths have invested the... more With the increasing rate of youth unemployment in the country, Nigeria’s youths have invested their commitments (time, money and intrinsic efforts) to several gambling avenues such as Baba Ijebu, Naira Bet, Westen Lotto Bet, etc. to source for finance to meet up their daily expenses and reduce the crime rate that would have engaged in as a result of high rate of unemployment. The aggregate unemployment rate is 70%, while youth unemployment accounts for about 58%. With the huge rate of youth unemployment in the country, the study intends to examine the participation level of youths in gambling in Lagos State. It further inspects the effects of youth gambling on household welfare and spending. Methods used by the paper include: a two-stage survey design, a qualitative component that comprises of the targeted focus group discussions and probit modelling to estimate how important the identified challenges are. The paper found that Nigeria’s unemployed youths have utmost interest in gamb...

Logistics & Sustainable Transport
The study investigated the effects of road transport infrastructure on agricultural sector develo... more The study investigated the effects of road transport infrastructure on agricultural sector development in Nigeria from 1985 to 2014, using secondary annual time series data on agricultural development (proxy by gross domestic product in the Agric sector) road transport infrastructure (proxy by length of paved road per square kilometer of area) export and capital, all obtained from the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) [3], and National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) [16], statistical bulletins. The data were analyzed using Granger Causality test and Ordinary Least Square estimation techniques. The study concluded that a positive and statistically significant relationship exists between road transport infrastructures (LRT) also evidence was found of a unidirectional causality from agricultural sector development to transport infrastructure. The study, therefore, recommends that adequate and timely maintenance of existing roads should be carried out as well as enacting appropriate regulations...

Archives of Business Research
This study examines relationship between human capital development, infrastructural development a... more This study examines relationship between human capital development, infrastructural development and industrial sector in Nigeria for the period 1991 through 2014. The objective of the study is to identify some critical economic and social factors that influence industrial sector productivity in Nigeria. To ascertain the relationship between our variables of studies, secondary source of data was employed and extracted from World Development Indicators. Using an Ordinary Least square (OLS) estimation technique, the study established that human capital development has positive and significant effect on industrial sector productivity while infrastructural development has positive but insignificant effect on industrial sector productivity in Nigeria. Thus, the study recommends effective negotiation of debt relief from Paris club and other foreign debt to enable the government have excess funds to invest on pro-poor intervention project, transparency in governance and implementation of fiscal budget with post evaluation.

Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, Nov 25, 2011
This paper investigates the impact of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and stock market developmen... more This paper investigates the impact of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and stock market development on growth in Nigeria, for the period 1980-2009. The paper is imperative for policy makers to determine the trend of foreign direct investment and stock market development as well as the exert relationship that exists among foreign direct investment, stock market development and economic growth in Nigeria. The paper employs econometric techniques such as Unit Root test, Cointegration and Error Correction Mechanism. The results show that both foreign direct investment, its lagged and lagged stock market development have small, and a statistically significant effect on economic growth. The results seem to support the argument that extractive FDI and stock market development were growth enhancing. But the trends results show that both FDI and stock market development have cyclical movement. Finally, the results show that lagged exchange rate has positive effect on growth. These findings suggest that exchange rate appreciation enhance growth in Nigeria and there is need for more investment in these markets.

Journal of Economics, Management and Trade, Feb 26, 2019
This study examined the impact of agriculture sector growth on unemployment level as well as the ... more This study examined the impact of agriculture sector growth on unemployment level as well as the direction of causality between agricultural sector output and unemployment level in Nigeria. Secondary annual time series data between 1981 and 2016 were used for the study. Data on unemployment rate, agriculture sector output, public expenditure and industrial output were obtained from the Central Bank of Nigeria's statistical Bulletin while data on FDI and population growth were obtained from the World Bank World Development Indicators. The data were analyzed using ADF (Augmented Dickey Fuller Test) unit root test, Autoregressive distributed lag Bounds test of cointegration, Autoregressive distributed lag error correction model estimation and Granger causality. The results of ADF unit root test revealed variables were at different orders of integration, the ARDL bounds test revealed cointegration between variables, and the Autoregressive distributed lag error correction model estimation revealed that change in agriculture output in the current period is negative and significant for current unemployment level in Nigeria, while the change in one period lagged agriculture output was positive and significant for current unemployment level in Nigeria. Also the error correction term indicated that about 74.10 percent of the disequilibrium in the system in the previous year would be corrected in the current Original Research Article

Journal of Economics, Management and Trade, 2019
This study examined the impact of agriculture sector growth on unemployment level as well as the ... more This study examined the impact of agriculture sector growth on unemployment level as well as the direction of causality between agricultural sector output and unemployment level in Nigeria. Secondary annual time series data between 1981 and 2016 were used for the study. Data on unemployment rate, agriculture sector output, public expenditure and industrial output were obtained from the Central Bank of Nigeria's statistical Bulletin while data on FDI and population growth were obtained from the World Bank World Development Indicators. The data were analyzed using ADF (Augmented Dickey Fuller Test) unit root test, Autoregressive distributed lag Bounds test of cointegration, Autoregressive distributed lag error correction model estimation and Granger causality. The results of ADF unit root test revealed variables were at different orders of integration, the ARDL bounds test revealed cointegration between variables, and the Autoregressive distributed lag error correction model estimation revealed that change in agriculture output in the current period is negative and significant for current unemployment level in Nigeria, while the change in one period lagged agriculture output was positive and significant for current unemployment level in Nigeria. Also the error correction term indicated that about 74.10 percent of the disequilibrium in the system in the previous year would be corrected in the current Original Research Article Enilolobo et al.; JEMT, 22(5): 1-13, 2019; Article no.JEMT.46948 2 year. Granger causality test results revealed bi-directional causality between agriculture output and unemployment level in Nigeria. The study recommends that the Nigeria government should using strategic policies targeted at boosting agriculture output such as increasing access to land for peasant rural farmers, investments in agricultural research, and so on, seek to boost agriculture output in order to reduce unemployment in Nigeria. Further, the Nigeria government should ensure that agriculture sector development policies are consistent with the objective of reducing unemployment in Nigeria.
Papers by Erifoluwa Oluwafemi