? ?
28 August 2012 @ 11:14 am
Indian Summer Hiatus

Hello dear and talented members,
I'm really sorry for this late post. Unfortunatley I won't have regular internet access the next few weeks and not at all for some time. But I hope I'll be able to post a new challenge as soon as possible. So instead of a summer vacation, we'll have an indian summer pause.

Have a wonderful autumn everyone and see you soon!
20 August 2012 @ 09:40 am
Challenge n°12 - Results

Thanks again everyone and congratulations!

A banner can be downloaded here.

results under hereCollapse )
14 August 2012 @ 08:54 pm
Challenge n°12 - Voting

Thanks so much to the membera who participated! I hope you enjoyed the challenge:)
Vote for THREE favourite icons and TWO for best colouring.
Please, vote fairly: don't vote for yourself, don't ask other people to vote for you, don't vote strategically and try to evaluate an icon's quality objectively regardless of the subject or the maker.
The numbers are above the icons.
Thank you for your help in the voting.
Good luck to all the participants!

votingCollapse )
12 August 2012 @ 05:17 pm

a | b | c
10 August 2012 @ 02:38 am

1(x) / 2(x) / 3(x).
09 August 2012 @ 11:44 pm

Equilibrium (x)
Across the Universe (x)
Mad Men (x)

09 August 2012 @ 08:28 pm
Challenge 12 ♣ Reminder

Please don't forget our ongoing challenge!
I hope you're not afraid because of the theme, it is really not difficult.

Let just the colours inspire you:)
Please enter your icons before Monday August 13th, midnight CET

please click here
07 August 2012 @ 05:54 am

palette1 / palette2 / palette3
04 August 2012 @ 04:36 pm

Challenge n°12
Colour Palettes
This technical theme is inspired by a challenge posted by vapor and she most kindly allowed me to use it for our community. Thanks a lot!

The colour palettes below have been created from random winning icons from our past challenges. The rules are simple: please choose a palette and make an icon including the chromatic pattern. You don’t have to use exactly all the colours but your icon should generally match the palette.

You can use a different palette for each of your icons, but please always add the corresponding palette when you post your entries.

Please use the 10 palettes below:

♣ to take part in the challenges, you need to ask for posting access here. The participants enter their icons directly in a post of their own.
♣ please enter your icons before Monday August 13th, midnight CET.
♣ you can enter up to THREE icons. All effects are allowed, except animation.
♣ the themes of this community are costume productions, fantasy worlds and/or vintage (up to 1969) subjects. In short, if it doesn’t look contemporary or everyday-like, then you’re good. If you aren’t sure whether your picture is allowed or not, please read this post.
♣ if you want to watch the community only, please click here