Atta Ur Rehman
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Papers by Atta Ur Rehman
applied by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and how these strategies are still in vogue in the
modern world of education, as it is clear that innovation always takes place in every field of
life in this world of technology. The young generation is technology-obsessed and must be
engaged in teaching-learning effectively and innovatively. This generation cannot easily be
engaged and satisfied unless a variety is incorporated into the teaching-learning process. All teachers in general must fulfill this demanding task and religion (Islamic studies) teachers in
particular. Suppose the pedagogical strategies (particularly Direct Instruction and Discussion)
applied by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and those in vogue nowadays in education are
combined. In that case, it will be easy for teachers to cope with any problem in the teachinglearning process. Consequently, modern students will be engaged in an effective, interesting,
and interactive way as Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) guides Muslims from all walks of life. He
was the most outstanding teacher and a model of excellence for teachers
institutions were introduced by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in his time and founded an
outstanding setup for the Muslims to promote education comprehensively. This is a truth
that Islam came as a great promotor of education and knowledge. It took every possible
step to ensure the education of its followers. The Prophet (PBUH) focused on the
education of his people. He would educate them wherever he got a chance. He would
not spare any chance to do so. Mosques, Halqahs(study circles), Suffa (residential
institution), dispatching teachers, touring officer, elementary schools (Maktabs), royal palaces, bookshops, literary saloons, travelling scholars, libraries, Madrasas and
hospitals have frequently been utilized for the education of people in the Muslim world.
The Quran, seerah books and books of hadiths will be consulted for information so that
Muslims may focus on the schooling and education of their young generation in an
effective way.
student by adopting outstanding qualities. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is a role model for
all mankind. He has also given direct and indirect instructions on how to become a good
student. He used to motivate his companions to acquire knowledge and appreciate those
who tried to gain it. The cream of the community was encouraged to enthusiastically
become students and dedicate themselves to the acquisition of knowledge. Even a special
group of people was assigned the task of educating themselves and others. Pen was highly
valued and specialization in various fields of knowledge was also promoted. Even efforts
were made to prepare his people for life and transform them into future global leaders by
inculcating excellent qualities among them. Then the world saw the impact of the Prophet’s
teachings and an indelible mark was left on the history of mankind Therefore, Muslims
having those qualities surpassed other nations, progressed tremendously and Islam
reached far-flung areas of the world.
teaching as a profession in the field of education leading to progress in all
fields of life. The cream of a nation must enthusiastically adopt this profession
if that nation aspires to develop by leaps and bounds. This profession can be
adopted by the cream if it is made lucrative by awarding great respect to it,
outstanding monetary / French benefits and state patronage as it was done by
Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم (and his successors particularly the Rightly Guided
caliphs in the early stage of the Muslim state. Therefore, Muslims surpassed
other nations, progressed tremendously and Islam reached far flung areas of
the world. So, the way to social, economic and political advancement in all
walks of life is paved by the investment and development in education
particularly in teachers by motivating the cream of a nation to prefer the sacred
profession of teaching
because the scope of both of them was not understood. Both of them work on
completely different bases. The purpose of religion is to affirm and protect noble
humanity. It presents an example of the perfect human being while science works on
Remittances Review
June, 2024
Volume: 9, No: 3, pp. 369-376
ISSN: 2059-6588(Print) | ISSN 2059-6596(Online)
370 remittancesreview.com
what is created by God. It is not in the scope of science. The conflict between them is
just imaginary. Religion is not based on reason, philosophy, logic and witness, but
faith in the unseen. Islam has not limited knowledge in any particular area. Rather, all
the sciences have been gathered and the foundation of all future sciences has been laid
in the Holy Qur'an.
Islamic education leading to progress in all fields of life. Every nation must whole heartedly
focus and invest on education if that nation aspires to develop by leaps and bounds. This can
be done if education particularly Islamic education is prioritized by the state having the
commitment to awarding state patronage to it. In modern world, importance and need of
Islamic education in the light of Quran and Hadith cannot be denied. Education is prioritized
by various developed countries in the present world like USA, China, Russia, Finland,
Singapore, England, France and Germany etc. Consequently, these countries have surpassed
other counties economically and politically, progressed in the field of technology
tremendously and are the most progressive and prosperous countries of the world. So, the
way to social, economic and political advancement in all walks of life is paved by the
investment and development in education particularly. In this country of the pure, the nation
needs urgent attention to invest in education if it wants to progress by leaps and bounds.
Continuous Priority needs to be awarded to education by the government especially.
applied by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and how these strategies are still in vogue in the
modern world of education, as it is clear that innovation always takes place in every field of
life in this world of technology. The young generation is technology-obsessed and must be
engaged in teaching-learning effectively and innovatively. This generation cannot easily be
engaged and satisfied unless a variety is incorporated into the teaching-learning process. All teachers in general must fulfill this demanding task and religion (Islamic studies) teachers in
particular. Suppose the pedagogical strategies (particularly Direct Instruction and Discussion)
applied by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and those in vogue nowadays in education are
combined. In that case, it will be easy for teachers to cope with any problem in the teachinglearning process. Consequently, modern students will be engaged in an effective, interesting,
and interactive way as Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) guides Muslims from all walks of life. He
was the most outstanding teacher and a model of excellence for teachers
institutions were introduced by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in his time and founded an
outstanding setup for the Muslims to promote education comprehensively. This is a truth
that Islam came as a great promotor of education and knowledge. It took every possible
step to ensure the education of its followers. The Prophet (PBUH) focused on the
education of his people. He would educate them wherever he got a chance. He would
not spare any chance to do so. Mosques, Halqahs(study circles), Suffa (residential
institution), dispatching teachers, touring officer, elementary schools (Maktabs), royal palaces, bookshops, literary saloons, travelling scholars, libraries, Madrasas and
hospitals have frequently been utilized for the education of people in the Muslim world.
The Quran, seerah books and books of hadiths will be consulted for information so that
Muslims may focus on the schooling and education of their young generation in an
effective way.
student by adopting outstanding qualities. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is a role model for
all mankind. He has also given direct and indirect instructions on how to become a good
student. He used to motivate his companions to acquire knowledge and appreciate those
who tried to gain it. The cream of the community was encouraged to enthusiastically
become students and dedicate themselves to the acquisition of knowledge. Even a special
group of people was assigned the task of educating themselves and others. Pen was highly
valued and specialization in various fields of knowledge was also promoted. Even efforts
were made to prepare his people for life and transform them into future global leaders by
inculcating excellent qualities among them. Then the world saw the impact of the Prophet’s
teachings and an indelible mark was left on the history of mankind Therefore, Muslims
having those qualities surpassed other nations, progressed tremendously and Islam
reached far-flung areas of the world.
teaching as a profession in the field of education leading to progress in all
fields of life. The cream of a nation must enthusiastically adopt this profession
if that nation aspires to develop by leaps and bounds. This profession can be
adopted by the cream if it is made lucrative by awarding great respect to it,
outstanding monetary / French benefits and state patronage as it was done by
Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه وسلم (and his successors particularly the Rightly Guided
caliphs in the early stage of the Muslim state. Therefore, Muslims surpassed
other nations, progressed tremendously and Islam reached far flung areas of
the world. So, the way to social, economic and political advancement in all
walks of life is paved by the investment and development in education
particularly in teachers by motivating the cream of a nation to prefer the sacred
profession of teaching
because the scope of both of them was not understood. Both of them work on
completely different bases. The purpose of religion is to affirm and protect noble
humanity. It presents an example of the perfect human being while science works on
Remittances Review
June, 2024
Volume: 9, No: 3, pp. 369-376
ISSN: 2059-6588(Print) | ISSN 2059-6596(Online)
370 remittancesreview.com
what is created by God. It is not in the scope of science. The conflict between them is
just imaginary. Religion is not based on reason, philosophy, logic and witness, but
faith in the unseen. Islam has not limited knowledge in any particular area. Rather, all
the sciences have been gathered and the foundation of all future sciences has been laid
in the Holy Qur'an.
Islamic education leading to progress in all fields of life. Every nation must whole heartedly
focus and invest on education if that nation aspires to develop by leaps and bounds. This can
be done if education particularly Islamic education is prioritized by the state having the
commitment to awarding state patronage to it. In modern world, importance and need of
Islamic education in the light of Quran and Hadith cannot be denied. Education is prioritized
by various developed countries in the present world like USA, China, Russia, Finland,
Singapore, England, France and Germany etc. Consequently, these countries have surpassed
other counties economically and politically, progressed in the field of technology
tremendously and are the most progressive and prosperous countries of the world. So, the
way to social, economic and political advancement in all walks of life is paved by the
investment and development in education particularly. In this country of the pure, the nation
needs urgent attention to invest in education if it wants to progress by leaps and bounds.
Continuous Priority needs to be awarded to education by the government especially.