Plugin Tag: edd
EDD Favorites
(4 total ratings)Favorite/Unfavorite downloads in Easy Digital Downloads with just 1 click.
EDD Multilingual
(1 total ratings)Easy Digital Downloads Multilingual is the glue plugin, which is providing seamless integration between Easy Digital Downloads and WPML.
Easy Digital Downloads – Empty Cart
(2 total ratings)Easily add content to the empty cart display in Easy Digital Downloads.
Free Downloads EDD
(1 total ratings)Allow users to instantly download your free products without going through the checkout.
Easy Digital Downloads Product Slider
(2 total ratings)This plugin will add a responsive product slider to your Easy Digital Downloads site.
EDD Purchase Rewards
(4 total ratings)Increase sales and build customer loyalty by rewarding customers
Easy Digital Downloads – Continue Shopping
(2 total ratings)Adds a Continue Shopping link to the Easy Digital Downloads checkout cart.
IDPay for Easy Digital Downloads (EDD)
(1 total ratings)After installing and enabling this plugin, your customers can pay through IDPay gateway.
Bulk Edit Easy Digital Downloads – Fast Bulk Creator
(8 total ratings)Modern Bulk Editor for EDD products and downloads, create and edit hundreds of users in a spreadsheet inside wp-admin. Quick edits.
reCAPTCHA for Easy Digital Downloads
(4 total ratings)Add reCAPTCHA anti-spam checking to Easy Digital Downloads registration and login forms
GoUrl Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) – Bitcoin Altcoin Payment Gateway
(4 total ratings)Provides Bitcoin/Altcoin Payment Gateway for Easy Digital Downloads (EDD) 2.4 or higher. Accept Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Dash, etc o …
EDD Advanced Discounts
(1 total ratings)This is an addon for Easy Digital Downloads plugin that allows –
Easy EDD For Elementor – EDD Addon for Elementor. Make EDD more usable with Elementor.
(0 total ratings)Easy EDD integration for Elementor helps to exhibit your store items with all the important data and blazes that can stand out.
EDD Disable Purchase Receipt
(0 total ratings)Disables the standard purchase receipt sent to the customer
EDD License Key Template
(3 total ratings)Adds a meta box to define a template for an Easy Digital Downloads Software License key
Easy Digital Downloads – Disable Admin Notices
(0 total ratings)A simple add-on plugin for Easy Digital Downloads that disables the admin sale notices
EDD Changelog
(4 total ratings)Add a new metabox to the download where you can input the changelog. The changelog will be appended to the download page and the purchase history.