Relive the highlights from WordCamp Asia 2025! Explore the photos, memorable moments, and key takeaways in our event recap.

Сустракайце WordPress

Платформа для публікацыі з адкрытым зыходным кодам, якую выбіраюць мільёны вэб-сайтаў па ўсім свеце – ад стваральнікаў і малога бізнесу да буйных прадпрыемстваў.

Illustration of various blocks, Paragraph and Cover.


Create any website with flexible design tools and the power of blocks. Start with a blank canvas or choose a theme. Customize every detail—no code needed.

Illustration of an Image block with a block toolbar.


See how your site will look in real time, even as you add, edit, and rearrange content—with intuitive editing and integrated features to manage it all.

Паспрабуйце рэдактар ​​блокаў

Screenshot of the Twenty Twenty-Five theme.


Make your site do whatever you need it to. Add a store, analytics, newsletter, social media integration; you’re in control with an extensive library of plugins.

Даведайцеся, што новага

Enhance your site-building with WordPress 6.7, featuring the new Twenty Twenty-Five theme. This release brings a ‘Zoom Out’ mode for high-level editing, enhanced media support, new design tools, and improved developer APIs.

A black and white photograph of excited, applauding attendees in the audience at a WordPress event.

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