Love for Ludwig
? ?
Boris Tishchenko and Beethoven's "Lamento" 
08:57pm 04/10/2010
  L. Beethoven - B. Tishchenko - Lamento for harp and string orchestra
Л. Бетховен - Б. Тищенко - Lamento для арфы и струнного оркестра
L. Beethoven - Symphony No. 7 
10:36pm 17/09/2010
  L. Beethoven - Symphony No. 7
09:52pm 14/07/2008
    19th of February, 1823. 

My name is Marlena van Beethoven. I was born in Prague, Czechozlovakia, on the eight of May, in the year eighteen thirteen. My mother and father are Catherine and the late Gaspard van Beethoven. I don't remember my father at all, I was only two years old when he died. He left my mother to care for myself and my older brother, Karl. His passing upset my mother so, she decided she could not handle him on her own, so she sent him to live with my uncle in Austria. He was a tender nine years old at the time. He writes often. My uncle is often travelling and is a rather difficult person in general, but my brother manages to survive as best he can. My uncle is the famous composer, Ludwig van Beethoven.

This is a little ongoing project that I've been thinking about doing for years, now. It's a story that's been in my head since I discovered music and Beethoven. To Beethoven experts, forgive any discrepancies or inconsistancies in the chronology and/or facts in this story. Keep in mind this is completely fictional, only a few things are based on (I can only trust the publishers) correct facts I have gained from books, the internet and other sources. Also, in the first paragraph there is a reference/tribute to one of my dear friends who is also a livejournal user. You know who you are and you'll be able to pick out what it is. Enjoy!! :D
10:52pm 04/11/2006
mood: contemplative
Hello there, Beethoven lovers,
I am a big fan of Beethoven's music and by the way, there's a great little book by J.W.N. Sullivan called Beethoven: His Spiritual Development and what a book! It was published around 1927 and it talks about Beethoven in his last years when he composed some of his most sublime music like the last quartets and then there's the late piano sonatas of which the last is "way out there" which wouldn't mean that Beethoven had "lost it" as it were, but that he had entered a higher state of consciousness, and then there's his 'Missa Solemnis' and then the Ninth, but what one might find interesting is that the very first piece of music that I heard was Beethoven's Fifth and also of some interest, possibly, is that I was somewhere's about 5 years of age but to this day, nearly 50 years later, I can still be enthralled by this symphony and I have heard that one of the better recordings done in the late 70's or 80's, [I can't pinpoint it exactly] is the one done by Carlos Klieber[?, if that's the right spelling]. The first time I heard it was from a record of my father's which was done by NBC Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Arturo Toscaninni. I may not have much more to post even though there's so much about this man and his work.
intro :) 
10:06am 01/04/2006
  Hey, thought I'd stop in and say hi even though nobody's posted in awhile...

I'm a pianist and a second-year theory major at Michigan but my interest really lies in composition. I write very "old school" type stuff...I sometimes think of myself as a "reactionary" to the whole atonal movement that many composers can't seem to shake off. Anyways, I'm pretty much obsessed with Beethoven's piano concerti and piano works...I've been told that the C major piano concerto I'm working on writing (2 mvts. done so far) sounds like Beethoven 4 (which I now want to play lol). I guess that's a testament to my obsession, lol...the concerto also reeks of the Waldstein (which I was working on the first mvt. of at the time...I'll be picking it up again so I can learn mvt. 3) but that's why I enjoy it so much :) So basically, Beethoven is awesome. :)
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03:52pm 16/12/2005
mood: excited
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What killed Ludwig van Beethoven? 
11:49am 07/12/2005

Analysis of strands from this lock of
Beethoven's hair found that he suffered
from chronic lead poisoning.

I thought you all would be interested in this story I heard on NPR yesterday. Click here for the story and to listen to the radio broadcast. :)

Posted to appassionata_ and beethoven_love
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Another new member 
01:53pm 03/12/2005
  Hey all, I also just joined a few days ago. Glad to hear there are other young Beethoven fans out here! I'm 25, and got into him when I was 17 if I recall correctly. My favorite piece (I think I also posted this to your thread from way back on this topic) is the Op. 59 No. 3 quartet, and if I had to pick a movement it would be the second. I'm a classical guitarist who on a good day can play piano (I can sing in the choir but you DON'T want to hear me soloing ANYTHING vocal). Good to meet you all!!!  
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05:47pm 30/11/2005
mood: happy
Hi everybody,
just wanted to intrduce myself ^^
I'm so glad I found some other lovers of classical music ..and a Beethoven Community as well *woot* :-)
I get to hear very often that it isn't common to listen to classical music (especially Beethoven) at my age.
Well form an opinion yourself...I'm 18 ..
My favourite compositions of him would be too many to mention but I'll start with:
-9th symphony
-7th symphony
-5th symphony
-Moonlight Serenade (don't know if it's translated correctly)
-Presto agiato
...well that's it for the moment

Happy to be here ^^
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news article 
11:20am 18/11/2005

Skull fragments believed Beethoven's surface in Calif.

interview with author of new beethoven biography 
11:04am 27/10/2005
  I heard this on NPR yesterday. I think you all would like it:

Posted to appassionata_ and beethoven_love
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a friend of mine made this for me 
08:15pm 15/08/2005
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02:01pm 04/07/2005
mood: calm
I just thought I'd let everyone know that BBC has free mp3s of Beethoven's Symphonies 6-9 for a limited time. (6 is only available until midnight tonight).

Enjoy! :D
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Perfect Pitch 
02:38pm 01/07/2005
  Hi Guys!
I hope it's okay that i'm posting this hear, but since this is a music community, I thought some of you might be interested!
Hope it's okay that I'm promoting an LJ community here. If it's not, I'll delete it.
Do you wish you had perfect pitch? DO you know someone who does? Do you want to know more about it? Do you ever question what it's like for people who have perfect pitch, people who can pull notes out of thin air? Well, if any of these things apply to you, or you are just feeling like joining, hop on over to
and see what the fun's all about!
Hope to see you there!
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Opus 113 
01:51pm 15/06/2005
  Does anyone have on CD the complete incidental music to The Ruins of Athens? I only have it on vinyl, and I really love the "Chorus of Dervishes". The only CD copy I can find on is part of a box set of "complete orchestral works".

I'm not asking for an illegally ripped mp3 song, but, uh.... okay, that's actually what I *am* asking for....
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new beethoven movie?! 
02:28pm 14/06/2005  
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hooray! a beethoven LJ community! 
12:56pm 12/06/2005
  I remember when I was much younger years ago watching at my grandparent's house a special videotaped from PBS in the 80's called "Immortal Beethoven," and I think the name of the host was Peter Ustinov (?). I would really love to find this again, but cannot find it anywhere. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? :)

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09:17pm 11/05/2005
mood: thoughtful
So I was just listening to and analyzing Beethoven's 7th Symphony while looking along with my part (flute) and was thinking about how ridiculously far ahead of his time he was. For example, the offstage trumpet stuff in his Leonore Overtures. Anyways, there's this flute solo in the first movement with crazy grace notes and I was thinking about how instruments of that time period played that kind of stuff. I suppose we play things faster now, but it's still interesting.

There's not many people on here yet, but I was going to post this in one of my own LiveJournal entries and then just figured I'd post it here. :D
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07:12pm 07/05/2005
mood: creative
Well, what's your favorite Beethoven piece? (as far as you know them, of course)
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09:56pm 05/05/2005
  First post.

Now start discussing the awesomeness that is Beethoven. :D
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