? ?
Journal created:
on 6 July 2004 (#3714586)
on 14 November 2007
Reader's Digest - BDSM style
Posting Access:
All Members



Welcome to the first BDSM related Digest.

Your Moderator is privatedesire/spiritluv. Her Co-Mod is currently rotschreck (who incidentally helped spark the idea for the community in the first place.)

If you would like to be a co-mod please contact me here.

This is a closed community and you must be at least 18 years to join.

The rules are fairly simple. To join you must go here and ask to be a member. We require that your birthday be included on your info page.

You MUST have a year on your birthday listed in your user info. If your journal contains more than one person using it then you still must have at least one birthday with year listed on your user info.

New members we require that members make all posts friends only. If you do not know how to do this go here.

It's a newish community. There has never been any drama, and I intend on keeping it that way.

Now onto the fun stuff!

Due to life situations we will not always be able to provide you with all scheduled events, but we do try! :)


